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Release Notes For GenBank Release 89

GBREL.TXT          Genetic Sequence Data Bank
                         15 June 1995

               NCBI-GenBank Flat File Release 89.0

                Distribution CD-ROM Release Notes

  425211 loci, 318624568 bases, from 425211 reported sequences

  This document describes the data written on GenBank flat file
distribution CD-ROMs. If you have any questions or comments about the
data bank, the CD-ROM, or this document, please contact NCBI via email at
[email protected] or:

   National Center for Biotechnology Information
   National Library of Medicine, 38A, 8N805
   8600 Rockville Pike
   Bethesda, MD  20894
   Phone:  (301) 496-2475
   Fax:    (301) 480-9241


1.1 Release 89.0

  The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National
Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) is responsible
for producing and distributing the GenBank Sequence Data Bank.  NCBI handles
all GenBank direct submission data and authors are advised to use the address
below.  Submitters are encouraged to use the free Authorin software package
for sending sequence data or the newly developed World Wide Web submission
form.  See Section 1.5 below for details.


The address for direct submissions to GenBank is:

       GenBank Submissions
       National Center for Biotechnology Information
       Bldg 38A, Rm. 8N-803
       8600 Rockville Pike
       Bethesda, MD 20894

       E-MAIL:  [email protected]

Updates and changes to existing GenBank records:

       E-MAIL:  [email protected]

URL for the new GenBank submission tool - BankIt - on the World Wide Web:


(see Section 1.5 for additional information about BankIt.)


  Release 89.0 is a release of sequence data by NCBI in the GenBank flat file
format.  It contains a large number of entries produced at the NLM, derived
from scanning the biomedical literature. 

  GenBank contains sequences submitted directly to the database by authors
as well as entries created at NLM derived from scanning the biomedical
literature. Over 325,000 articles per year from 3400 journals are scanned
for sequence data. They are supplemented by journals in plant and veterinary
sciences through a collaboration with the National Agricultural Library.
GenBank is a component of a tri-partite, international collaboration of
sequence databases in the U.S., Europe, and Japan.  The collaborating
databases in Europe are the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
at Hinxton Hall, UK, and the DNA Database of Japan (DDBJ) in Mishima, Japan.
Sequence data is also incorporated from the Genome Sequence Data Base (GSDB),
Santa Fe, NM.  Patent sequences are incorporated through arrangements with
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and via the collaborating international
databases from other international patent offices.  The database is converted
to various output formats including the Flat File and Abstract Syntax
Notation 1 (ASN.1) versions.  The ASN.1 form of the data is included on
the Entrez: Sequences CD-ROM and is also available, as is the flat file,
by anonymous FTP to 'ncbi.nlm.nih.gov'.

1.2 Cutoff Date

  This full release, 89.0, incorporates data available to the databases as
of May 28, 1995.  For more recent data, users are advised to download
the update files by anonymous FTP to 'ncbi.nlm.nih.gov' or to search the
updates via the e-mail server.  For instructions, send a mail message with the
word 'help' in it to:  [email protected]

1.3 Important Changes in Release 89.0

  Due to the growth in the size of the EST division, GenBank CdRom releases
are now distributed on three CdRoms.

1.4 Upcoming Changes

  The size of the gbest.seq GenBank flatfile will most likely exceed the
capacity of a single CdRom by Release 90.0, so it will be split into two


These files will be placed on two of the three GenBank CdRoms that comprise
a release.

  Currently, accession numbers used by the nucleotide sequence databases 
consist of one prefix letter followed by 5 digits.  EST projects and 
projects to add patent data have accelerated the need to extend the 
accession number space.  It is projected that the databases will run out
of accession numbers within 8 to 10 months.

* A new form of accession number will be created, defined as an
  8-character alphanumeric string, beginning with two upper case
  letters and followed only by digits (e.g., SR004562).  Leading and
  trailing zeros are significant.  The letter 'O' will not be used.

* Existing 6-character accession numbers will remain as they are, and will 
  never be transformed to an 8-character form.
* New accession numbers will not be used before February 1, 1996.
  DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank agree to avoid using new accession numbers as long
  as possible after that.

1.5 Request for Direct Submission of Sequence Data

  A successful GenBank requires that the data enter the database as soon
as possible after publication, that the annotations be as complete as
possible, and that the sequence and annotation data be accurate. All
three of these requirements are best met if authors of sequence data
submit their data directly to GenBank in a usable form. It is especially
important that these submissions be in computer-readable form.

  GenBank must rely on direct author submission of data to ensure that
it achieves its goals of complete, accurate, and timely data. To
assist researchers in entering their own sequence data, GenBank has
developed AUTHORIN, an easy-to-use program that enables authors to
enter a sequence, annotate it, and submit it to GenBank or any of the
other data banks.  NCBI distributes versions of authorin for IBM
PC-compatibles and the Macintosh. Contact NCBI by phone at 301-496-2475
or by electronic mail:  [email protected]

  GenBank users may now also use the World Wide Web (WWW) for submitting
sequences to GenBank.  A new submission tool - BankIt - provides a simple
forms approach for submitting your sequence and descriptive information to
GenBank.  Your submission will be submitted directly to GenBank and
immediately forwarded for inclusion in the EMBL and DDBJ databases.

  BankIt may be used with Netscape clients for Unix, Macs, and PCs, the
Mosaic client for Unix, and the MacWeb client for Macs. You can access BankIt
through the GenBank home page:


   If you have any questions on using BankIt, please contact the GenBank
support staff at '[email protected]' or at (301) 496-2475.

  For those who are unable to use either AUTHORIN or BankIt, GenBank has a
printed data submission form. This form is standardized among
EMBL, DDBJ, GenBank, PIR, MIPS, and JIPID. GenBank also provides a
corresponding computer-readable data submission form that can be used
for electronic mail and floppy disk submissions. The GenBank Data
Submission Form (located in the file GBDAT.FRM) can be used to submit
your sequence and annotations. Electronic mail submissions should go
to: [email protected].  Direct mail should go to:

   GenBank Submissions
   National Center for Biotechnology Information
   Bldg. 38A, Rm 8N-803
   8600 Rockville Pike
   Bethesda, MD 20894

1.6 Organization of This Document

  The second section describes the contents of the CD-ROM files. The third
section illustrates the formats of the CD-ROM files.  The fourth section
describes other versions of the data, the fifth section identifies known prob-
lems, and the sixth contains administrative details and ordering information.


2.1 CD-ROM Format

  The GenBank CD-ROM distribution files are available on ISO-9660
compatible CD-ROM. The data are written as ASCII files with variable
length records. Each record corresponds to one line in the data bank;
a carriage return/line feed pair terminate each line.

The data on the CD-ROMs have both uppercase and lowercase characters.

2.2 Files

  The GenBank flat file release consists of twenty-three files on the
CD-ROM. The list that follows describes each of the files included in the
distribution. Their sizes and base pair content are also summarized.

2.2.1 File Descriptions

 1. gbrel.txt 	- Release notes (this document).
 2. gbsdr.txt 	- Short directory of the data bank.
 3. gbacc.idx 	- Index of the entries according to accession number.
 4. gbkey.idx 	- Index of the entries according to keyword phrase.
 5. gbaut.idx 	- Index of the entries according to author.
 6. gbjou.idx 	- Index of the entries according to journal citation.
 7. gbgen.idx 	- Index of the entries according to gene names.
 8. gbdat.frm 	- Forms for submitting sequences or corrections to GenBank.
 9. gbpri.seq 	- Primate sequence entries.
10. gbrod.seq 	- Rodent sequence entries.
11. gbmam.seq 	- Other mammalian sequence entries.
12. gbvrt.seq 	- Other vertebrate sequence entries.
13. gbinv.seq 	- Invertebrate sequence entries.
14. gbpln.seq 	- Plant sequence entries (including fungi and algae).
15. gbbct.seq 	- Bacterial sequence entries.
16. gbrna.seq 	- Structural RNA sequence entries.
17. gbvrl.seq 	- Viral sequence entries.
18. gbphg.seq 	- Phage sequence entries.
19. gbsyn.seq 	- Synthetic and chimeric sequence entries.
20. gbuna.seq 	- Unannotated sequence entries.
21. gbest.seq 	- EST (expressed sequence tag) sequence entries.
22. gbpat.seq 	- patent sequence entries.
23. gbsts.seq   - STS (sequence tagged site) sequence entries.

2.2.5 File Sizes

  The following table indicates the approximate sizes of the individual files
in this release.  Since minor changes to some of the files may occur after the
release notes are written, these sizes should not be used to determine file
integrity.  They are provided as an aid to planning only.

File Size       File Name

 96140517       gbbct.seq
    23592       gbdat.frm
586924880       gbest.seq
 76752419       gbinv.seq
 24321222       gbmam.seq
 22077331       gbpat.seq
  4435212       gbphg.seq
106655318       gbpln.seq
120524884       gbpri.seq
    79315       gbrel.txt
  9690048       gbrna.seq
 87456261       gbrod.seq
 34485724       gbsts.seq
  8160201       gbsyn.seq
   914313       gbuna.seq
 81740218       gbvrl.seq
 30596050       gbvrt.seq

2.2.6 Per-Division Statistics 

  The following table provides a per-division breakdown of the number of
sequence entries and the total number of bases of DNA/RNA in each sequence
data file:

Division     Entries         Bases

BCT            20393      37225732
EST           225244      76266140
INV            15608      32518751
MAM             7372       7861182
PAT            18201       6258819
PHG             1062       1550432
PLN            22678      42854893
PRI            35577      38624958
RNA             4926       2571438
ROD            25434      28674832
STS            13576       4133415
SYN             2006       3501071
UNA              361        332249
VRL            23384      26424092
VRT             9389       9826564

2.2.7 Selected Per-Organism Statistics 

  The following table provides the number of entries and bases of DNA/RNA for
the twenty most sequenced organisms in Release 89.0 (chloroplast and mitochon-
drial sequences not included):

Entries      Bases   Species

216150    97650502   Homo sapiens
7057      16263800   Saccharomyces cerevisiae
17187     15798172   Mus musculus
12477     15689963   Caenorhabditis elegans
6320       9219949   Rattus norvegicus
18479      8785506   Arabidopsis thaliana
5332       8150204   Drosophila melanogaster
3230       7015876   Escherichia coli
12051      4656122   Oryza sativa
8468       3557776   Human immunodeficiency virus type 1
2710       3459225   Gallus gallus
2330       2551786   Bos taurus
719        1979337   Bacillus subtilis
1391       1977379   Xenopus laevis
1268       1747112   Oryctolagus cuniculus
1892       1569529   Zea mays
1801       1305893   Plasmodium falciparum
518        1117241   Schizosaccharomyces pombe
78         1112023   Mycobacterium leprae
914        1075203   Sus scrofa

2.2.8 Growth of GenBank

  The following table lists the number of bases and the number of sequence
records in each release of GenBank, beginning with Release 3 in 1982.
Over the period 1982 to the present, the number of bases in GenBank
has doubled approximately every 21 months.

Release    Date     Base Pairs   Entries

    3    Dec 82         680338       606
   14    Nov 83        2274029      2427
   20    May 84        3002088      3665
   24    Sep 84        3323270      4135
   25    Oct 84        3368765      4175
   26    Nov 84        3689752      4393
   32    May 85        4211931      4954
   36    Sep 85        5204420      5700
   40    Feb 86        5925429      6642
   42    May 86        6765476      7416
   44    Aug 86        8442357      8823
   46    Nov 86        9615371      9978
   48    Feb 87       10961380     10913
   50    May 87       13048473     12534
   52    Aug 87       14855145     14020
   53    Sep 87       15514776     14584
   54    Dec 87       16752872     15465
   55    Mar 88       19156002     17047
   56    Jun 88       20795279     18226
   57    Sep 88       22019698     19044
   57.1  Oct 88       23800000     20579
   58    Dec 88       24690876     21248
   59    Mar 89       26382491     22479
   60    Jun 89       31808784     26317
   61    Sep 89       34762585     28791
   62    Dec 89       37183950     31229
   63    Mar 90       40127752     33377
   64    Jun 90       42495893     35100
   65    Sep 90       49179285     39533
   66    Dec 90       51306092     41057
   67    Mar 91       55169276     43903
   68    Jun 91       65868799     51418
   69    Sep 91       71947426     55627
   70    Dec 91       77337678     58952
   71    Mar 92       83894652     65100
   72    Jun 92       92160761     71280
   73    Sep 92      101008486     78608
   74    Dec 92      120242234     97084
   75    Feb 93      126212259    106684
   76    Apr 93      129968355    111911
   77    Jun 93      138904393    120134
   78    Aug 93      147215633    131328
   79    Oct 93      157152442    143492
   80    Dec 93      163802597    150744
   81    Feb 94      173261500    162946
   82    Apr 94      180589455    169896
   83    Jun 94      191393939    182753
   84    Aug 94      201815802    196703
   85    Oct 94      217102462    215273
   86    Dec 94      230485928    237775
   87    Feb 95      248499214    269478
   88    Apr 95      286094556    352414
   89    Jun 95      318624568    425211


  The flat file examples included in this section, while not always from the
current release, are usually quite recent.  Any differences compared to the
actual data files are the result of updates to the entries involved.

3.1 File Header Information

  Each of the twenty-three files on the distribution CD-ROM begins with the
same header, except for the first line, which contains the file name,
and the sixth line, which contains the title of the file. The first
line of the file contains the file name in character positions 1 to 9
and the full data bank name (Genetic Sequence Data Bank) starting in
column 20. The brief names of the files in this release are listed in
section 2.2.

  The second line contains the date of the current release in the form
`day month year', beginning in position 26. The fourth line contains
the current GenBank release number. The release number appears in
positions 41 to 45 and consists of two numbers separated by a decimal
point. The number to the left of the decimal is the major release
number. The digit to the right of the decimal indicates the version of
the major release; it is zero for the first version. The sixth line
contains a title for the file. The eighth line lists the number of
entries (loci), number of bases (or base pairs), and number of reports
of sequences (equal to number of entries in this case). These numbers are
right-justified at fixed positions. The number of entries appears in
positions 1 to 7, the number of bases in positions 15 to 23, and the
number of reports in positions 37 to 40. (There are more reports of
sequences than entries since reported sequences that overlap or
duplicate each other are combined into single entries.) The third,
fifth, seventh, and ninth lines are blank.

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
GBACC.IDX          Genetic Sequence Data Bank
                         15 December 1993

                 GenBank Flat File Release 80.0

                      Accession Number Index

  150744 loci, 163802597 bases, from 150744 reported sequences
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 1. Sample File Header

3.2 Directory Files

3.2.1 Short Directory File

  The short directory file contains brief descriptions of all of the
sequence entries contained in this release. These descriptions are in
fifteen groups, one group for each of the fifteen sequence entry
data files. The first record at the beginning of a group of entries
contains the name of the group in uppercase characters, beginning in
position 21. The organism groups are PRIMATE, RODENT, OTHER MAMMAL,
SEQUENCE TAGGED SITE.  The second record is blank.

  Each record in the short directory contains the sequence entry name
(LOCUS) in the first 12 positions, followed by a brief definition of
the sequence beginning in column 13. The definition is truncated (at
the end of a word) to leave room at the right margin for at least one
space, the sequence length, and the letters `bp'. The length of the
sequence is printed right-justified to column 77, followed by the
letters `bp' in columns 78 and 79. The next-to-last record for a group
has `ZZZZZZZZZZ' in its first ten positions (where the entry name
would normally appear). The last record is a blank line. An example of
the short directory file format, showing the descriptions of the last
entries in the Other Vertebrate sequence data file and the first
entries of the Invertebrate sequence data file, is reproduced below:

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
ZEFWNT1G3   B.rerio wnt-1 gene (exon 3) for wnt-1 protein.                266bp
ZEFWNT1G4   B.rerio wnt-1 gene (exon 4) for wnt-1 protein.                647bp
ZEFZF54     Zebrafish homeotic gene ZF-54.                                246bp
ZEFZFEN     Zebrafish engrailed-like homeobox sequence.                   327bp

AAHAV33A    Acanthocheilonema viteae pepsin-inhibitor-like-protein       1048bp
ACAAC01     Acanthamoeba castelani gene encoding actin I.                1571bp
ACAACTPH    Acanthamoeba castellanii actophorin mRNA, complete cds.       671bp
ACAMHCA     A.castellanii non-muscle myosin heavy chain gene, partial    5894bp
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
Example 2. Short Directory File

3.3 Index Files

There are five files containing indices to the entries in this release:

 Accession number index file
 Keyword phrase index file
 Author name index file
 Journal citation index file
 Gene name index file

  The index keys (accession numbers, keywords, authors, journals, and
gene symbols.) of an index are sorted alphabetically. (The index keys
for the keyword phrases and author names appear in uppercase
characters even though they appear in mixed case in the sequence
entries.) Under each index key, the names of the sequence entries
containing that index key are listed alphabetically. Each sequence
name is also followed by its data file division and primary accession
number. The following codes are used to designate the data file

 1. PRI - primate sequences
 2. ROD - rodent sequences
 3. MAM - other mammalian sequences
 4. VRT - other vertebrate sequences
 5. INV - invertebrate sequences
 6. PLN - plant, fungal, and algal sequences
 7. BCT - bacterial sequences
 8. RNA - structural RNA sequences
 9. VRL - viral sequences
10. PHG - bacteriophage sequences
11. SYN - synthetic sequences
12. UNA - unannotated sequences
13. EST - EST sequences
14. PAT - patent sequences
15. STS - STS sequences

  The index key begins in column 1 of a record. An 11-character field
for the sequence entry name starts in position 14 of a record,
followed by a 3-character field for the data file division, starting
at position 25 and ending at position 27, and a 6-character field for
the primary accession number, starting at position 29 and ending at
position 34. All entries in the fields are left-justified.

  Beginning at positions 36 and 58, the three fields repeat, so three
sets of sequence information can appear in one record. If there are
more than three entry names, the next records are used; the index key
is not repeated. For the accession number files, the entry names begin
in the same record as the index key, since the key is always less than
12 characters. In the other index files, the entry names begin on the
record following the index key record.

3.3.1 Accession Number Index File

  Accession numbers consist of a single letter followed by five digits.
They provide an unchanging designation for the data with which they
are associated, and we encourage you to cite accession numbers
whenever you refer to data from the data bank. The primary accession
number is the first accession number of an entry. It is unique to that
entry. Citation of that number will enable other investigators to
locate the data no matter what entry name changes or other data bank
reorganizations may occur. The accession numbers, however, carry no
intrinsic information about the data.

  In addition to the primary accession number, some entries have
secondary accession numbers. Secondary accession numbers arise for a
number of reasons. For example, a single accession number may
initially be assigned to the sequence in an article. If it is later
discovered that the sequence must be entered into the data bank as
multiple entries, each entry would receive a new primary accession
number; the previous accession number would appear as the secondary
accession number in each entry.

  The following excerpt from the accession number index file illustrates
the format of the index:

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
J00316       HUMTBB11P  PRI J00316
J00317       HUMTBB46P  PRI J00317
J00318       HUMUG1     PRI J00318
J00319       HUMUG1PA   PRI J00319
J00320       HUMVIPMR1  PRI L00154 HUMVIPMR2  PRI L00155 HUMVIPMR3  PRI L00156
             HUMVIPMR4  PRI L00157 HUMVIPMR5  PRI L00158
J00321       BABA1AT    PRI J00321
J00322       CHPRSA     PRI J00322
J00323       AGMRSASPC  PRI J00323
J00324       BABATIII   PRI J00324
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 4. Accession Number Index File

  If the same accession number is found in more than one entry (a result
of the infrequent occasions when a single entry is split into two or
more separate entries), then the additional entries and groups in
which the number appears are also given.

3.3.2 Keyword Phrase Index File

  Keyword phrases consist of names for gene products and other
characteristics of sequence entries. There are approximately 18,000
keyword phrases. An excerpt from the keyword phrase index file is
shown below:

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
             ECOHELIV   BCT J04726 ECOUVRD    BCT X00738 FPLTRAX    BCT M38047
             HS2ULL     VRL D10470 HSECOMGEN  VRL M86664 PT4DDA     PHG M93048
             SYNPMMB190 SYN M37846 YSPRHP3    PLN X64583
             ECOPTRAI5  BCT X57430
             ECOUVRD2   BCT D00069 HEAMUTB1A  BCT M99049
             ECOP15BG   BCT X62121
             ECOPIN     BCT K00676 ECOPIN1    BCT X01805 PMUGINMOM  PHG V01463
             STABINR3   BCT X16298 STAINVSA   BCT M36694
             MSGDNAJHSP BCT M95576
             ECOLIG     BCT M24278 ECOLIGA    BCT M30255 PT4G30     PHG X00039
             PT6LIG55   PHG M38465 TTHDNALGS  BCT M74792 TTHDNALIG  BCT M36417
             VACCDNLIG  VRL X16512 VACRHF     VRL D11079 YSCCDC9    PLN X03246
             YSPCDC17   PLN X05107 ZMOLIG     BCT Z11910
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 5. Keyword Phrase Index File

3.3.3 Author Name Index File

The author name index file lists all of the author names that appear
in the citations. An excerpt from the author name index file is shown

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
             RATLCAG1   ROD M18349 RATLCAG2   ROD M18348 RATLCAG3   ROD M18347
             RATLCAI    ROD M25820 RATLCAII   ROD M25821 RATLCAIII  ROD M25822
             RATLCAIV   ROD M25823 RATLCAR    ROD Y00065
             DRO16883C  INV X62939 DRO1688ED  INV X62938 DRO1688EP  INV X62937
             DROPER     INV M11969 DROPES     INV X03636 MUSPER     ROD M12039
             MUSURFPER  ROD X02966
             MUSHOMA    ROD X03033 MUSNEORP8R ROD X54812 MUSP7H2    ROD X54811
             MUSRPT     ROD M69041 MUSSOFI    ROD X63350 MUSTRP15   ROD X59513
             MUSTYRP2   ROD X63349
             RATTRH     ROD M12138
             DROFPS85D  INV X52844 MUSIGKAC3  ROD K00885 MUSIL4RA   ROD M27959
             MUSIL4RB   ROD M27960 RABGLOBCON MAM L05833 RABGLOBHSB MAM L05835
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 6. Author Name Index File

3.3.4 Journal Citation Index File

  The journal citation index file lists all of the citations that appear
in the references. All citations are truncated to 80 characters. An
excerpt from the citation index file is shown below:

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
             HUMIGHVX   PRI M35415
             RANCRYG2A  VRT K02264 RANCRYG4A  VRT K02266 RANCRYG5A  VRT M22529
             RANCRYG6A  VRT M22530 RANCRYR    VRT X00659
             ECOTRXA1   BCT M54881
             BOVTRNB2A  MAM M36431 HUMTRNB    PRI M36429 HUMTRNB1   PRI M36430
             PFAHGPRT   INV M54896
             LAMCG      PHG J02459
ACTA BIOCHIM. BIOPHYS. SIN. 23, 246-253 (1992)
             HUMPLASINS PRI M98056
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 7. Journal Citation Index File

3.3.5 Gene Name Index

  The /gene qualifiers of many GenBank entries contain values other than
official gene symbols, such as the product or the standard name of the gene.
Hence, NCBI has chosen to build an index (gbgen.idx) more like a keyword index
for this field, using both the GenBank /gene qualifier and the 'Gene.locus'
fields from the NCBI internal database as keys. An excerpt from the gene name
index file is shown below:

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
             DROSUSG    INV M57889
             DROS2ZSTG  INV X56798
             DROS2ZSTM  INV X56799
             CHKSRVCNTK VRT M57290
             ARFSURCG   BCT X63435
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 8. Gene Name Index File

3.4 GenBank Data Submission Form and Error/Suggestion Report Form

  The recommended method for submitting sequence data to GenBank is through
the Authorin program.  Copies for the Macintosh or PC are available free of
charge. For further information, contact NCBI at (301) 496-2475 or at
the following e-mail address:

           [email protected]

By using Authorin you will be assisting the database in making your
data available as quickly and as efficiently as possible.  

  If it is not possible to use Authorin, there is a data submission
form in this distribution (GBDAT.FRM) which can be filled out with
a text editor and returned to the database, preferably by e-mail.

  Direct submission e-mail address:  [email protected]

  The second form in the GBDAT.FRM is the GenBank Error/Suggestion Report
Form. It is separated from the Data Submission Form by a form-feed
character (<CTRL>L, ASCII octal value 014, ASCII decimal value 12). We
encourage all users to report any errors to the data bank staff
using this form. Like the GenBank Data Submission Form, it may be
printed and filled in by hand and sent by mail to the address given
at the beginning of the form. It may also be filled out using a text
editor and sent to GenBank by electronic mail at:  [email protected]

3.5 Sequence Entry Files

  The distribution CD-ROM contains fifteen sequence entry data files, one
for each division of GenBank.

3.5.1 File Organization

  Each of these files has the same format and consists of two parts:
header information (described in section 3.1) and sequence entries for
that division (described in the following sections).

3.5.2  Entry Organization

  In the second portion of a sequence entry file (containing the
sequence entries for that division), each record (line) consists of
two parts. The first part is found in positions 1 to 10 and may

1. A keyword, beginning in column 1 of the record (e.g., REFERENCE is
a keyword).

2. A subkeyword beginning in column 3, with columns 1 and 2 blank
(e.g., AUTHORS is a subkeyword of REFERENCE).

3. Blank characters, indicating that this record is a continuation of
the information under the keyword or subkeyword above it.

4. A code, beginning in column 5, indicating the nature of an entry
(feature key) in the FEATURES table; these codes are described in
Section below.

5. A number, ending in column 9 of the record. This number occurs in
the portion of the entry describing the actual nucleotide sequence and
designates the numbering of sequence positions.

6. Two slashes (//) in positions 1 and 2, marking the end of an entry.

  The second part of each sequence entry record contains the information
appropriate to its keyword, in positions 13 to 80 for keywords and
positions 11 to 80 for the sequence.

  The following is a brief description of each entry field. Detailed
information about each field may be found in Sections 3.5.4 to 3.5.13.

LOCUS	- A short mnemonic name for the entry, chosen to suggest the
sequence's definition. Mandatory keyword/exactly one record.

DEFINITION	- A concise description of the sequence. Mandatory
keyword/one or more records.

ACCESSION	- The primary accession number is a unique, unchanging
code assigned to each entry. (Please use this code when citing
information from GenBank.) Mandatory keyword/one or more records.

KEYWORDS	- Short phrases describing gene products and other
information about an entry. Mandatory keyword in all annotated
entries/one or more records.

SEGMENT	- Information on the order in which this entry appears in a
series of discontinuous sequences from the same molecule. Optional
keyword (only in segmented entries)/exactly one record.

SOURCE	- Common name of the organism or the name most frequently used
in the literature. Mandatory keyword in all annotated entries/one or
more records/includes one subkeyword.

   ORGANISM	- Formal scientific name of the organism (first line)
and taxonomic classification levels (second and subsequent lines).
Mandatory subkeyword in all annotated entries/two or more records.

REFERENCE	- Citations for all articles containing data reported
in this entry. Includes four subkeywords and may repeat. Mandatory
keyword/one or more records.

   AUTHORS	- Lists the authors of the citation. Mandatory
subkeyword/one or more records.

   TITLE	- Full title of citation. Optional subkeyword (present
in all but unpublished citations)/one or more records.

   JOURNAL	- Lists the journal name, volume, year, and page
numbers of the citation. Mandatory subkeyword/one or more records.

   MEDLINE	- Provides the Medline unique identifier for a
citation. Optional subkeyword/one record.

   REMARK	- Specifies the relevance of a citation to an
entry. Optional subkeyword/one or more records.

COMMENT	- Cross-references to other sequence entries, comparisons to
other collections, notes of changes in LOCUS names, and other remarks.
Optional keyword/one or more records/may include blank records.

FEATURES	- Table containing information on portions of the
sequence that code for proteins and RNA molecules and information on
experimentally determined sites of biological significance. Optional
keyword/one or more records.

BASE COUNT	- Summary of the number of occurrences of each base
code in the sequence. Mandatory keyword/exactly one record.

ORIGIN	- Specification of how the first base of the reported sequence
is operationally located within the genome. Where possible, this
includes its location within a larger genetic map. Mandatory
keyword/exactly one record.

	- The ORIGIN line is followed by sequence data (multiple records).

// 	- Entry termination symbol. Mandatory at the end of an
entry/exactly one record.

3.5.3 Sample Sequence Data File

  An example of a complete sequence entry file follows. (This example
has only two entries.) Note that in this example, as throughout the
data bank, numbers in square brackets indicate items in the REFERENCE
list. For example, in ACARR58S, [1] refers to the paper by Mackay, et

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
GBSMP.SEQ          Genetic Sequence Data Bank
                         15 December 1992

                 GenBank Flat File Release 74.0

                     Structural RNA Sequences

      2 loci,       236 bases, from     2 reported sequences

LOCUS       AAURRA        118 bp ss-rRNA            RNA       16-JUN-1986
DEFINITION  A.auricula-judae (mushroom) 5S ribosomal RNA.
KEYWORDS    5S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      A.auricula-judae (mushroom) ribosomal RNA.
  ORGANISM  Auricularia auricula-judae
            Eukaryota; Fungi; Eumycota; Basidiomycotina; Phragmobasidiomycetes;
            Heterobasidiomycetidae; Auriculariales; Auriculariaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 118)
  AUTHORS   Huysmans,E., Dams,E., Vandenberghe,A. and De Wachter,R.
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequences of the 5S rRNAs of four mushrooms and
            their use in studying the phylogenetic position of basidiomycetes
            among the eukaryotes
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 2871-2880 (1983)
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            1..118
                     /note="5S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT       27 a     34 c     34 g     23 t
ORIGIN      5' end of mature rRNA.
        1 atccacggcc ataggactct gaaagcactg catcccgtcc gatctgcaaa gttaaccaga
       61 gtaccgccca gttagtacca cggtggggga ccacgcggga atcctgggtg ctgtggtt
LOCUS       ABCRRAA       118 bp ss-rRNA            RNA       15-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Acetobacter sp. (strain MB 58) 5S ribosomal RNA, complete sequence.
KEYWORDS    5S ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      Acetobacter sp. (strain MB 58) rRNA.
  ORGANISM  Acetobacter sp.
            Prokaryotae; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Aerobic rods and cocci;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 118)
  AUTHORS   Bulygina,E.S., Galchenko,V.F., Govorukhina,N.I., Netrusov,A.I.,
            Nikitin,D.I., Trotsenko,Y.A. and Chumakov,K.M.
  TITLE     Taxonomic studies of methylotrophic bacteria by 5S ribosomal RNA
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Microbiol. 136, 441-446 (1990)
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            1..118
                     /note="5S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT       27 a     40 c     32 g     17 t      2 others
        1 gatctggtgg ccatggcggg agcaaatcag ccgatcccat cccgaactcg gccgtcaaat
       61 gccccagcgc ccatgatact ctgcctcaag gcacggaaaa gtcggtcgcc gccagayy
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 9. Sample Sequence Data File

3.5.4 LOCUS Format

  The pieces of information contained in the LOCUS record are always
found in fixed positions. The locus name (or entry name), which is
always ten characters or less, begins in position 13. The locus name
is designed to help group entries with similar sequences: the first
three characters usually designate the organism; the fourth and fifth
characters can be used to show other group designations, such as gene
product; for segmented entries the last character is one of a series
of sequential integers.

  The number of bases or base pairs in the sequence ends in position 29.
The letters `bp' are in positions 31 to 32. Positions 34 to 36 give
the number of strands of the sequence. Positions 37 to 40 give the
topology of molecule sequenced. If the sequence is of a special type,
a notation (such as `circular') is included in positions 43 to 52.

  GenBank sequence entries are divided among fifteen taxonomic
divisions. Each entry's division is identified by a three-letter code
in positions 53 to 55. See Section 3.3 for the division codes.

  Positions 63 to 73 of the record contain the date the entry was
entered or underwent any substantial revisions, such as the addition
of newly published data, in the form dd-MMM-yyyy.

The detailed format for the LOCUS record is as follows:

Positions   	Contents

1-12	LOCUS
13-22	Locus name
23-29	Length of sequence, right-justified
31-32	bp
34-36	Blank, ss- (single-stranded), ds- (double-stranded), or
	 ms- (mixed-stranded)
37-40	Blank, DNA, RNA, tRNA (transfer RNA), rRNA (ribosomal RNA), 
	mRNA (messenger RNA), or uRNA (small nuclear RNA)
43-52	Blank (implies linear) or circular
53-55	The division code (see Section 3.3)
63-73	Date, in the form dd-MMM-yyyy (e.g., 15-MAR-1991)

3.5.5 DEFINITION Format

  The DEFINITION record gives a brief description of the sequence,
proceeding from general to specific. It starts with the common name of
the source organism, then gives the criteria by which this sequence is
distinguished from the remainder of the source genome, such as the
gene name and what it codes for, or the protein name and mRNA, or some
description of the sequence's function (if the sequence is
non-coding). If the sequence has a coding region, the description may
be followed by a completeness qualifier, such as cds (complete coding
sequence). There is no limit on the number of lines that may be part
of the DEFINITION.  The last line must end with a period. DEFINITION Format for NLM Entries

  The DEFINITION line for entries derived from journal-scanning at the NLM is
an automatically generated descriptive summary that accompanies each DNA and
protein sequence. It contains information derived from fields in a database 
that summarize the most important attributes of the sequence.  The DEFINITION
lines are designed to supplement the accession number and the sequence itself
as a means of uniquely and completely specifying DNA and protein sequences. The
following are examples of NLM DEFINITION lines:

NADP-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase [swine, mRNA, 1 gene, 1585 nt]

94 kda fiber cell beaded-filament structural protein [rats, lens, mRNA
Partial, 1 gene, 1873 nt]

inhibin alpha {promoter and exons} [mice, Genomic, 1 gene, 1102 nt, segment
1 of 2]

cefEF, cefG=acetyl coenzyme A:deacetylcephalosporin C o-acetyltransferase
[Acremonium chrysogenum, Genomic, 2 genes, 2639 nt]

myogenic factor 3, qmf3=helix-loop-helix protein [Japanese quails,
embryo, Peptide Partial, 246 aa]

  The first part of the definition line contains information describing
the genes and proteins represented by the molecular sequences.  This can
be gene locus names, protein names and descriptions that replace or augment
actual names.  Gene and gene product are linked by "=".  Any special
identifying terms are presented within brackets, such as: {promoter},
{N-terminal}, {EC}, {alternatively spliced}, or {3' region}.

  The second part of the definition line is delimited by square brackets, '[]',
and provides details about the molecule type and length.  The biological
source, i.e., genus and species or common name as cited by the author.
Developmental stage, tissue type and strain are included if available.
The molecule types include: Genomic, mRNA, Peptide. and Other Genomic
Material. Genomic molecules are assumed to be partial sequence unless
"Complete" is specified, whereas mRNA and peptide molecules are assumed
to be complete unless "Partial" is noted.

3.5.6 ACCESSION Format

  This field contains a series of six-character identifiers (accession
numbers: first character a letter, the remainder digits). The primary
(first) accession number occupies positions 13 to 18; subsequent
accession numbers occupy positions 20 to 25, 27 to 32, 34 to 39, 41 to
46, 48 to 53, 55 to 60, 62 to 67, and 69 to 74. No punctuation occurs
between accession numbers or after the final accession number;
accession numbers are separated only by one space.

3.5.7 KEYWORDS Format

  The KEYWORDS field does not appear in unannotated entries, but is
required in all annotated entries. Keywords are separated by
semicolons; a keyword may be a single word or a phrase consisting of
several words. Each line in the keywords field ends in a semicolon;
the last line ends with a period. If no keywords are included in the
entry, the KEYWORDS record contains only a period.

3.5.8 SEGMENT Format

  The SEGMENT keyword is used when two (or more) entries of known
relative orientation are separated by a short (<10 kb) stretch of DNA.
It is limited to one line of the form `n of m', where `n' is the
segment number of the current entry and `m' is the total number of

3.5.9 SOURCE Format

  The SOURCE field consists of two parts. The first part is found after
the SOURCE keyword and contains free-format information including an
abbreviated form of the organism name followed by a molecule type;
multiple lines are allowed, but the last line must end with a period.
The second part consists of information found after the ORGANISM
subkeyword. The formal scientific name for the source organism (genus
and species, where appropriate) is found on the same line as ORGANISM.
The records following the ORGANISM line list the taxonomic
classification levels, separated by semicolons and ending with a

3.5.10 REFERENCE Format

  The REFERENCE field consists of five parts: the keyword REFERENCE, and
the subkeywords AUTHORS, TITLE (optional), JOURNAL, MEDLINE (optional),
and REMARK (optional).

  The REFERENCE line contains the number of the particular reference and
(in parentheses) the range of bases in the sequence entry reported in
this citation. Additional prose notes may also be found within the
parentheses. The numbering of the references does not reflect
publication dates or priorities.

  The AUTHORS line lists the authors in the order in which they appear
in the cited article. Last names are separated from initials by a
comma (no space); there is no comma before the final `and'. The list
of authors ends with a period.  The TITLE line is an optional field,
although it appears in the majority of entries. It does not appear in
unpublished sequence data entries that have been deposited directly
into the GenBank data bank, the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Data Library,
or the DNA Data Bank of Japan. The TITLE field does not end with a

  The JOURNAL line gives the appropriate literature citation for the
sequence in the entry. The word `Unpublished' will appear after the
JOURNAL subkeyword if the data did not appear in the scientific
literature, but was directly deposited into the data bank. For
published sequences the JOURNAL line gives the Thesis, Journal, or
Book citation, including the year of publication, the specific
citation, or In press.

  The MEDLINE line provides the National Library of Medicine's Medline
unique identifier for a citation (if known). Medline UIs are 8 digit

  The REMARK line is a textual comment that specifies the relevance
of the citation to the entry.

3.5.11 FEATURES Format

  GenBank releases use a new feature table format designed jointly by
GenBank, the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Data Library, and the DNA Data
Bank of Japan. This format is now used by all three data banks.

  The feature table contains information about genes and gene products,
as well as regions of biological significance reported in the
sequence. The feature table contains information on regions of the
sequence that code for proteins and RNA molecules. It also enumerates
differences between different reports of the same sequence, and
provides cross-references to other data collections, as described in
more detail below.

  The first line of the feature table is a header that includes the
keyword `FEATURES' and the column header `Location/Qualifier.' Each
feature consists of a descriptor line containing a feature key and a
location (see sections below for details). If the location does not
fit on this line, a continuation line may follow. If further
information about the feature is required, one or more lines
containing feature qualifiers may follow the descriptor line.

  The feature key begins in column 6 and may be no more than 15
characters in length. The location begins in column 22. Feature
qualifiers begin on subsequent lines at column 22. Location,
qualifier, and continuation lines may extend from column 22 to 80.

  Feature tables are optional. However, a feature table must include one
header line and at least one feature descriptor line.

  The sections below provide a brief introduction to the new feature
table format. For a thorough description of the new feature table
format, see the document `The DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank Feature Table:
Definition.' If you would like a copy of this publication, contact
GenBank at the address shown on the front page of these Release Notes. Feature Key Names

  The first column of the feature descriptor line contains the feature
key. It starts at column 6 and can continue to column 20. The list of
valid feature keys is shown below.

allele		Related strain contains alternative gene form
attenuator	Sequence related to transcription termination
C_region	Span of the C immunological feature
CAAT_signal	`CAAT box' in eukaryotic promoters
CDS		Sequence coding for amino acids in protein (includes
		stop codon)
cellular	Region of cellular DNA
conflict	Independent determinations differ
D-loop      	Displacement loop
D_region	Span of the D immunological feature
enhancer	Cis-acting enhancer of promoter function
exon		Region that codes for part of spliced mRNA
GC_signal	`GC box' in eukaryotic promoters
iDNA		Intervening DNA eliminated by recombination
insertion_seq	Insertion sequence (IS), a small transposon
intron		Transcribed region excised by mRNA splicing
J_region	Span of the J immunological feature
LTR		Long terminal repeat
mat_peptide	Mature peptide coding region (does not include stop codon)
misc_binding	Miscellaneous binding site
misc_difference	Miscellaneous difference feature
misc_feature	Region of biological significance that cannot be described
		by any other feature
misc_recomb	Miscellaneous recombination feature
misc_RNA	Miscellaneous transcript feature not defined by other RNA keys
misc_signal	Miscellaneous signal
misc_structure	Miscellaneous DNA or RNA structure
modified_base	The indicated base is a modified nucleotide
mRNA		Messenger RNA
mutation 	A mutation alters the sequence here
N_region	Span of the N immunological feature
old_sequence	Presented sequence revises a previous version
polyA_signal	Signal for cleavage & polyadenylation
polyA_site	Site at which polyadenine is added to mRNA
precursor_RNA	Any RNA species that is not yet the mature RNA product
prim_transcript	Primary (unprocessed) transcript
primer		Primer binding region used with PCR
primer_bind	Non-covalent primer binding site
promoter	A region involved in transcription initiation
protein_bind	Non-covalent protein binding site on DNA or RNA
provirus	Proviral sequence
RBS		Ribosome binding site
rep_origin	Replication origin for duplex DNA
repeat_region	Sequence containing repeated subsequences
repeat_unit	One repeated unit of a repeat_region
rRNA		Ribosomal RNA
S_region	Span of the S immunological feature
satellite	Satellite repeated sequence
scRNA		Small cytoplasmic RNA
sig_peptide	Signal peptide coding region
snRNA		Small nuclear RNA
stem_loop	Hair-pin loop structure in DNA or RNA
STS		Sequence Tagged Site; operationally unique sequence that
		identifies the combination of primer spans used in a PCR assay
TATA_signal	`TATA box' in eukaryotic promoters
terminator	Sequence causing transcription termination
transit_peptide	Transit peptide coding region
transposon	Transposable element (TN)
tRNA 		Transfer RNA
unsure		Authors are unsure about the sequence in this region
V_region	Span of the V immunological feature
variation 	A related population contains stable mutation
virion		Virion (encapsidated) viral sequence
- (hyphen)	Placeholder
-10_signal	`Pribnow box' in prokaryotic promoters
-35_signal	`-35 box' in prokaryotic promoters
3'clip		3'-most region of a precursor transcript removed in processing
3'UTR		3' untranslated region (trailer)
5'clip		5'-most region of a precursor transcript removed in processing
5'UTR		5' untranslated region (leader) Feature Location

  The second column of the feature descriptor line designates the
location of the feature in the sequence. The location descriptor
begins at position 22. Several conventions are used to indicate
sequence location.

  Base numbers in location descriptors refer to numbering in the entry,
which is not necessarily the same as the numbering scheme used in the
published report. The first base in the presented sequence is numbered
base 1. Sequences are presented in the 5 to 3 direction.

Location descriptors can be one of the following:

1. A single base;

2. A contiguous span of bases;

3. A site between two bases;

4. A single base chosen from a range of bases;

5. A single base chosen from among two or more specified bases;

6. A joining of sequence spans;

7. A reference to an entry other than the one to which the feature
belongs (i.e., a remote entry), followed by a location descriptor
referring to the remote sequence;

8. A literal sequence (a string of bases enclosed in quotation marks).

  A site between two residues, such as an endonuclease cleavage site, is
indicated by listing the two bases separated by a carat (e.g., 23^24).

  A single residue chosen from a range of residues is indicated by the
number of the first and last bases in the range separated by a single
period (e.g., 23.79). The symbols < and > indicate that the end point
of the range is beyond the specified base number.

  A contiguous span of bases is indicated by the number of the first and
last bases in the range separated by two periods (e.g., 23..79). The
symbols < and > indicate that the end point of the range is beyond the
specified base number. Starting and ending positions can be indicated
by base number or by one of the operators described below.

  Operators are prefixes that specify what must be done to the indicated
sequence to locate the feature. The following are the operators
available, along with their most common format and a description.

complement (location): The feature is complementary to the location
indicated. Complementary strands are read 5 to 3.

join (location, location, .. location): The indicated elements should
be placed end to end to form one contiguous sequence.

order (location, location, .. location): The elements are found in the
specified order in the 5 to 3 direction, but nothing is implied about
the rationality of joining them.

group (location, location, .. location): The elements are related and
should be grouped together, but no order is implied.

one-of (location, location, .. location): The element can be any one,
but only one, of the items listed.

replace (location, location): The first location indicated should be
replaced by the sequence from the second location; used for
insertions, deletions, and variants.  Feature Qualifiers

  Qualifiers provide additional information about features. They take
the form of a slash (/) followed by a qualifier name and, if
applicable, an equal sign (=) and a qualifier value. Feature
qualifiers begin at column 22.

Qualifiers convey many types of information. Their values can,
therefore, take several forms:

1. Free text;
2. Controlled vocabulary or enumerated values;
3. Citations or reference numbers;
4. Sequences;
5. Feature labels.

  Text qualifier values must be enclosed in double quotation marks. The
text can consist of any printable characters (ASCII values 32-126
decimal). If the text string includes double quotation marks, each set
must be `escaped' by placing a double quotation mark in front of it
(e.g., /note="This is an example of ""escaped"" quotation marks").

  Some qualifiers require values selected from a limited set of choices.
For example, the `/direction' qualifier has only three values `left,'
`right,' or `both.' These are called controlled vocabulary qualifier
values. Controlled qualifier values are not case sensitive; they can
be entered in any combination of upper- and lowercase without changing
their meaning.

  Citation or published reference numbers for the entry should be
enclosed in square brackets ([]) to distinguish them from other

  A literal sequence of bases (e.g., "atgcatt") should be enclosed in
quotation marks. Literal sequences are distinguished from free text by
context. Qualifiers that take free text as their values do not take
literal sequences, and vice versa.

  The `/label=' qualifier takes a feature label as its qualifier.
Although feature labels are optional, they allow unambiguous
references to the feature. The feature label identifies a feature
within an entry; when combined with the accession number and the name
of the data bank from which it came, it is a unique tag for that
feature. Feature labels must be unique within an entry, but can be the
same as a feature label in another entry. Feature labels are not case
sensitive; they can be entered in any combination of upper-and
lowercase without changing their meaning.

The following is a list of valid feature qualifiers.

/anticodon	Location of the anticodon of tRNA and the amino acid
for which it codes

/bound_moiety	Moiety bound

/citation	Reference to a citation providing the claim of or
evidence for a feature

/codon		Specifies a codon that is different from any found in the
reference genetic code

/codon_start	Indicates the first base of the first complete codon
in a CDS (as 1 or 2 or 3)

/cons_splice	Identifies intron splice sites that do not conform to
the 5'-GT... AG-3' splice site consensus

/direction	Direction of DNA replication

/EC_number	Enzyme Commission number for the enzyme product of the

/evidence	Value indicating the nature of supporting evidence

/frequency	Frequency of the occurrence of a feature

/function	Function attributed to a sequence

/gene		Symbol of the gene corresponding to a sequence region (usable
with all features)

/label		A label used to permanently identify a feature

/map		Map position of the feature in free-format text

/mod_base	Abbreviation for a modified nucleotide base

/note		Any comment or additional information

/number		A number indicating the order of genetic elements
(e.g., exons or introns) in the 5 to 3 direction

/organism	Name of organism if different from that contained in
the entry's ORGANISM field

/partial	Differentiates between complete regions and partial ones

/phenotype	Phenotype conferred by the feature

/product	Name of a product encoded by the sequence

/pseudo		Indicates that this feature is a non-functional
version of the element named by the feature key

/rpt_family	Type of repeated sequence; Alu or Kpn, for example

/rpt_type	Organization of repeated sequence

/rpt_unit	Identity of repeat unit that constitutes a repeat_region

/standard_name	Accepted standard name for this feature

/transl_except	Translational exception: single codon, the translation
of which does not conform to the reference genetic code

/translation	Amino acid translation of coding region (automatically

/type		Name of a strain if different from that in the SOURCE field

/usedin		Indicates that feature is used in a compound feature
in another entry Cross-Reference Information

  One type of information in the feature table lists cross-references to
the annual compilation of transfer RNA sequences in Nucleic Acids
Research, which has kindly been sent to us on CD-ROM by Dr. Sprinzl.
Each tRNA entry of the feature table contains a /note= qualifier that
includes a reference such as `(NAR: 1234)' to identify code 1234 in
the NAR compilation. When such a cross-reference appears in an entry
that contains a gene coding for a transfer RNA molecule, it refers to
the code in the tRNA gene compilation. Similar cross-references in
entries containing mature transfer RNA sequences refer to the
companion compilation of tRNA sequences published by D.H. Gauss and M.
Sprinzl in Nucleic Acids Research. Feature Table Examples

  In the first example a number of key names, feature locations, and
qualifiers are illustrated, taken from different sequences. The first
table entry is a coding region consisting of a simple span of bases
and including a /gene qualifier. In the second table entry, an NAR
cross-reference is given (see the previous section for a discussion of
these cross-references). The third and fourth table entries use the
symbols `<`and `>' to indicate that the beginning or end of the
feature is beyond the range of the presented sequence. In the fifth
table entry, the symbol `^' indicates that the feature is between
bases. In the sixth table entry, the replace operator is shown.

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
     CDS             5..1261
                     /product="alpha-1-antitrypsin precursor"
     tRNA            1..87
                     /note="Leu-tRNA-CAA (NAR: 1057)"
     mRNA            1..>66
                     /note="alpha-1-acid glycoprotein mRNA"
     transposon      <1..267
                     /note="insertion element IS5"
     misc_recomb     105^106
                     /note="B.subtilis DNA end/IS5 DNA start"
     conflict        replace(258..258,"t")
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 10. Feature Table Entries

The next example shows the representation for a CDS that spans more
than one entry.

1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79
LOCUS       HUMPGAMM1    3688 bp ds-DNA             PRI       15-OCT-1990
DEFINITION  Human phosphoglycerate mutase (muscle specific isozyme) (PGAM-M)
            gene, 5' end.
ACCESSION   M55673 M25818 M27095
KEYWORDS    phosphoglycerate mutase.
SEGMENT     1 of 2
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CAAT_signal     1751..1755
     TATA_signal     1791..1799
     exon            1820..2274
     intron          2275..2377
     exon            2378..2558
LOCUS       HUMPGAMM2     677 bp ds-DNA             PRI       15-OCT-1990
DEFINITION  Human phosphoglycerate mutase (muscle specific isozyme) (PGAM-M),
            exon 3.
ACCESSION   M55674 M25818 M27096
KEYWORDS    phosphoglycerate mutase.
SEGMENT     2 of 2
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     exon            255..457
     intron          order(M55673:2559..>3688,<1..254)
     mRNA            join(M55673:1820..2274,M55673:2378..2558,255..457)
     CDS             join(M55673:1861..2274,M55673:2378..2558,255..421)
                     /note="muscle-specific isozyme"
                     /product="phosphoglycerate mutase"
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70       79

Example 11. Joining Sequences

3.5.12 ORIGIN Format

  The ORIGIN record may be left blank, may appear as `Unreported.' or
may give a local pointer to the sequence start, usually involving an
experimentally determined restriction cleavage site or the genetic
locus (if available). The ORIGIN record ends in a period if it
contains data, but does not include the period if the record is left
empty (in contrast to the KEYWORDS field which contains a period
rather than being left blank).

3.5.13 SEQUENCE Format

  The nucleotide sequence for an entry is found in the records following
the ORIGIN record. The sequence is reported in the 5 to 3 direction.
There are sixty bases per record, listed in groups of ten bases
followed by a blank, starting at position 11 of each record. The
number of the first nucleotide in the record is given in columns 4 to
9 (right justified) of the record.


  NCBI is supplying sequence data in the GenBank flat file format to
maintain compatibility with existing software which require that
particular format.  Although we have made every effort to ensure
that these data are presented in the traditional flat file format,
if you encounter any problems in using these data with software which
is based upon the flat file format, please contact us at:

              [email protected]

  The flat file is just one of many possible report formats that can be
generated from the richer representation supported by the ASN.1 form of the
data.  Developers of new software tools should consider using the ASN.1 form
directly to take advantage of those features.  Documentation and a Software
Developer's Toolkit for ASN.1 are available through NCBI.  You may call NCBI
at (301)496-2475, or subscribe to a developers' electronic newsgroup by
sending your name, address, affiliation, and e-mail address to:

              [email protected]

  The Software Developer's Toolkit and PostScript documentation for UNIX,
VMS, Ultrix, AIX, MacOS, DOS, and Microsoft Windows systems is available
in a compressed UNIX tar file by anonymous ftp from 'ncbi.nlm.nih.gov',
in the toolbox/ncbi_tools directory. The file is 'ncbi.tar.Z'.


5.1 Incorrect Gene Symbols in Entries and Index

  The /gene qualifier for many GenBank entries contains values other than the
official gene symbol, such as the product or the standard name of the gene. The
gene symbol index (gbgen.idx) is created from the data in the /gene qualifier
and therefore may contain data other than official gene symbols.


  The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Library
of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, is responsible for the production
and distribution of the NIH GenBank Sequence Database.  NCBI distributes
GenBank sequence data by CD-ROM, anonymous FTP, e-mail servers and other
network services.  For more information, you may contact NCBI at the
e-mail address:  [email protected]  or by phone: 301-496-2475.

6.1 Registered Trademark Notice

  GenBank (R) is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services for the Genetic Sequence Data Bank.

6.2 Citing GenBank

  If you have used GenBank in your research, we would appreciate it if
you would include a reference to GenBank in all publications related
to that research.

  When citing data in GenBank, it is appropriate to give the sequence
name, primary accession number, and the publication in which the
sequence first appeared. If the data are unpublished, we urge you to
contact the group which submitted the data to GenBank to see if there
is a recent publication or if they have determined any revisions or
extensions of the data.

  It is also appropriate to list a reference for GenBank itself. The
following publication, which describes the GenBank data bank, should
be cited:

	Benson, D., Boguski, M., Lipman, D.J., and Ostell, J. GenBank.
	Nucl. Acids Res. 22(17):3441-3444 (1994)

  The following statement is an example of how you may cite GenBank
data. It cites the sequence, its primary accession number, the group
who determined the sequence, and GenBank. The numbers in brackets
refer to one of the GenBank citations above and the REFERENCE in the
GenBank sequence entry.

`We scanned the GenBank (1) data bank for sequence similarities and
found one sequence (2), GenBank accession number J01016, which showed
significant similarity...'

(1) Benson, D. et al. Nucl. Acids Res. 22(17):3441-3444 (1994)
(2) Nellen, W. and Gallwitz, D. J. Mol. Biol. 159, 1-18 (1982)

6.4 GenBank Distribution Formats and Media

  GenBank data are available on industry-standard ISO-9660 CD-ROM.
The standard flat file format is included.  

  This documentation accompanies the three CD-ROM set entitled 'GenBank (Flat
File Format)'.  Each release is cumulative, incorporating all previous GenBank
data. No retrieval software is provided.

6.5 Other CD-ROM Titles

  NCBI offers two other CD-ROM titles.  'Entrez' contains all
information appearing in GenBank Release 89.0, formatted to operate
with an included retrieval program, Entrez, for Macintosh and
PC-compatible computers running Microsoft Windows (3.1 or later).  The
other CD-ROM contains sequences and MEDLINE citations in a standard
data description language format, ASN.1; this title will be
discontinued in June 1995 since the same data files are available on
the 'Entrez' CD-ROM. These titles are in ISO 9660 format and are
described in greater detail below.

  The CD-ROMs are available by subscription through the Government
Printing Office (GPO).  U.S. prices are $102 for an annual subscription
to Entrez and $66 for the GenBank Flat File. Orders are no longer being
accepted for the ASN.1 title.  An annual subscription will consist of
six releases per year. Orders may be submitted using the order form
below for annual subscriptions.


  Entrez is a three CD-ROM set containing molecular sequence and related
bibliographic data with retrieval software. Sequence data is integrated from a
variety of sources, including GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, dbEST, GSDB, PIR and
SWISS-PROT. The bibliographic component consists of a sequence-related subset
of MEDLINE. The DNA sequence, protein sequence and bibliographic data are
linked to provide easy traversal among the three components. The retrieval
system allows for traditional keyword searching and uses pre-computed
statistical measures of relatedness to allow queries that will find all
articles or sequences similar to an article or sequence of interest.

  The Entrez disks contain retrieval software for the Macintosh and for
PC-compatible systems running Microsoft Windows (3.1 or later).  A minimum
of 2 Mbytes of memory is necessary. Documentation consists of a 30-page user's
guide for installation and operating instructions. (Source code for an X11
version of the software for VMS and Unix platforms is available via anonymous
FTP from 'ncbi.nlm.nih.gov' in the 'entrez' directory.  Executables for several
platforms are available on an unsupported basis.)

 Due to the rapid growth of GenBank and other sequence databases, it is 
anticipated that Entrez will continue to expand to four (and more)
disks, making alternative means of access more convenient and
economical.  In addition to the CD-ROM, there are two other versions of
Entrez that may be accessed via the Internet: 1) Network Entrez, with a 
"look and feel" identical to the CD-ROM version; and 2) Web Entrez, a
version of Entrez that has been adapted for use via the World Wide Web. 
For more information on these alternatives, please send an e-mail
message to the address [email protected] or call the NCBI Service
Desk at (301)496-2475.

NCBI-Sequences (ASN.1) (to be discontinued June 1995)

This title provides the integrated sequence dataset used on the Entrez CD-ROMs
in the ISO ASN.1 standard data description format. DNA and protein sequence data
is incorporated, non-redundantly, from GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, GSDB, Swiss-Prot
and PIR, and is linked to journal citations appearing in MEDLINE. The MEDLINE
subset currently consists of approximately 50,000 citations. Files are
provided which contain the inter-document/sequence linkage information and
indices to the byte offsets of the beginning of sequence and bibliographic
records. No retrieval software is provided. PLEASE NOTE: This title is being
discontinued effective June, 1995.  New subscribers are advised to order
Entrez instead, since the data on both CD-ROM titles are identical.

Ordering Information

  GPO handles all subscriptions and subscription-related questions. Telephone
orders can be placed at (202) 783-3238.  Due to high volume of telephone
ordering, GPO encourages ordering by fax or mail.  Quantity discounts of 25% are
available for orders of 100 or more CD-ROMs delivered to a single address.


       Superintendent of Documents CD-ROM Subscription Order Form

 Order processing code:                           To fax your orders:
 # 5403                                                 (202)512-2233

|_| YES, enter my order as follows:

  ___ subscriptions to ENTREZ: Sequences on CD-ROM (ENT)

  ___ subscriptions to NCBI-GenBank (Flat File) on CD-ROM (NCBIF)

The total cost of my order is         For privacy protection, check the box
$__________. Price includes postage   below:
and handling and is subject to        |_| Do not make my name available to
change.                                   other mailers.

___________________________________   Please choose method of payment:
(Company or personal name)
                                      ___ Check Payable to the
___________________________________         Superintendent of Documents
(Additional address/attention line)   ___ GPO Deposit Account
                                              |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| - |_|
___________________________________   ___ VISA or MasterCard Account
(Street address)
(City, State, ZIP code)               |_|_|_|_| (Credit card expiration date)

(Daytime phone including area code)   _________________________________________
                                      (Authorizing signature)            6/93

___________________________________   Mail To:  Superintendent of Documents
(Purchase Order No. for pre-approved            P.O. Box 371954
"Fill and Bill" customers only)                 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

To open a fill and bill acct.,your
billing office must complete Fill and
Bill Application Form #3695.  To
obtain a fill and bill application
form call (202)512-2268.

     One Year Subscription Prices (six issues) Including Delivery
   Location                                Entrez:          NCBI
                                          Sequences        GenBank

United States...............................$102.00.........$66.00

Zone 1 (South America)......................$127.24.........$83.08
Zone 2 (Europe).............................$137.44.........$88.06
Zone 3 (Middle East and Africa).............$146.44.........$92.56
Zone 4 (Asia, the Pacific, Australia).......$147.16.........$93.10

     U.S. delivery via first class mail. Foreign delivery via air mail.

6.6 Request for Corrections and Comments

  We welcome your suggestions for improvements to GenBank. We are
especially interested to learn of errors or inconsistencies in the
data. Please use the GenBank Error/Suggestion Report Form, which is
part of this distribution of GenBank (located in the file GBDAT.FRM),
to send your suggestions and corrections by electronic mail to:
[email protected] or to the address on the error/suggestion form.
Please be certain to indicate the GenBank release number (e.g.,
Release 89.0) and the primary accession number of the entry to which
your comments apply; it is helpful if you also give the entry name and
the current contents of any data field for which you are recommending
a change.

6.7  Acknowledgments

  NCBI acknowledges the contributions of the National Library of
Medicine's Library Operations Division in creating new sequence
entries for GenBank.  The following people are involved in the
addition of new sequence data from the literature and direct
author submissions:

NLM Library Operations Sequence Indexers

        Sally Davidson
	Michael Fetchko
        Phil Henrich
	Fu-Sen Hu
	Min-Chi Huang
	Maureen Madden
	Lillian Riddick
	Nancy Sorden
        David Towne

ComputerCraft Support Contract at NCBI - Quality Assurance and Keyboarding

        Scott Dawson
        Irene Fang
        Junga Kim
        Simos Marmaras
	Shirley Meyers
	Monika Momiyama
        Chris Skalka
        Jenny Wang

Management Systems Designers Contract Support - Data Flow

	Francis Ouellette

6.8 Disclaimer

  The United States Government makes no representations or warranties
regarding the content or accuracy of the information.  The United States
Government also makes no representations or warranties of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose and accept no responsibility for
any consequences of the receipt or use of the information.

  For additional information about NCBI distributions, please contact
NCBI by e-mail at [email protected], by phone at (301) 496-2475,
or by mail at:

  National Library of Medicine
  Bldg. 38A Rm. 8N-809
  8600 Rockville Pike
  Bethesda, MD 20894
  FAX: (301) 480-9241
Support Center