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The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a
specific genome build. Explain
This section includes genomic Reference
Sequences (RefSeqs) from all assemblies on which this gene is annotated, such as
RefSeqs for chromosomes and scaffolds (contigs) from both reference and alternate
assemblies. Model RNAs and proteins are also reported here.
Reference v.1.0 Primary Assembly
NW_003302553.1 Reference v.1.0 Primary Assembly
- Range
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_002883212.2 → XP_002883258.1 protein disulfide-isomerase 5-3
See identical proteins and their annotated locations for XP_002883258.1
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- cd02961
Location:144 → 256
- PDI_a_family; Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDIa) family, redox active TRX domains; composed of eukaryotic proteins involved in oxidative protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by acting as catalysts and folding assistants. Members of this family include PDI ...
- pfam07970
Location:293 → 464
- COPIIcoated_ERV; Endoplasmic reticulum vesicle transporter
- pfam13850
Location:7 → 98
- ERGIC_N; Endoplasmic Reticulum-Golgi Intermediate Compartment (ERGIC)