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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 3767423
    tRNA-Leu [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (18557900..18557979) 51777.TRNA-LEU-1
    ID: 3767422
    tRNA-Leu [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (18552999..18553078) 51777.TRNA-LEU-2
    ID: 841433
    D-aminoacid aminotransferase-like PLP-dependent enzymes superfamily protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (18557984..18560391, complement)AT1G50110, F2J10.4, F2J10_4
    ID: 841432
    D-aminoacid aminotransferase-like PLP-dependent enzymes superfamily protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (18554564..18556826, complement)AT1G50090, AtBCAT7, F2J10.5, F2J10_5, branched-chain amino acid transaminase 7
    ID: 841431
    ribonuclease [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (18554001..18554276, complement)AT1G50080, F2J10.18, F2J10_18
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