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The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a
specific genome build. Explain
This section includes genomic Reference
Sequences (RefSeqs) from all assemblies on which this gene is annotated, such as
RefSeqs for chromosomes and scaffolds (contigs) from both reference and alternate
assemblies. Model RNAs and proteins are also reported here.
Reference assembly
NC_003070.9 Reference assembly
- Range
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
NM_103019.3 → NP_174562.2 ubiquitin-specific protease 11 [Arabidopsis thaliana]
- UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (4) summary
- smart00695
Location:37 → 135
- DUSP; Domain in ubiquitin-specific proteases
- COG5560
Location:20 → 879
- UBP12; Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase [Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones]
- cd02674
Location:722 → 878
- Peptidase_C19R; A subfamily of peptidase C19. Peptidase C19 contains ubiquitinyl hydrolases. They are intracellular peptidases that remove ubiquitin molecules from polyubiquinated peptides by cleavage of isopeptide bonds. They hydrolyze bonds involving the carboxyl ...
- cl02553
Location:302 → 477
- Peptidase_C19; Peptidase C19 contains ubiquitinyl hydrolases. They are intracellular peptidases that remove ubiquitin molecules from polyubiquinated peptides by cleavage of isopeptide bonds. They hydrolyse bonds involving the carboxyl group of the C-terminal Gly ...