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The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a
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This section includes genomic Reference
Sequences (RefSeqs) from all assemblies on which this gene is annotated, such as
RefSeqs for chromosomes and scaffolds (contigs) from both reference and alternate
assemblies. Model RNAs and proteins are also reported here.
Reference bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b Primary Assembly
NC_052550.1 Reference bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b Primary Assembly
- Range
3593594..3630640 complement
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_046902552.1 → XP_046758508.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- A0A8V1ACZ2, A0A8V1ANQ9
XM_046902553.1 → XP_046758509.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- A0A8V1ACZ2, A0A8V1ANQ9
- Related
- ENSGALP00010043884.1, ENSGALT00010071193.1
XM_040650585.2 → XP_040506519.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X1
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- A0A8V1ACZ2, A0A8V1AK80
- Related
- ENSGALP00010043883.1, ENSGALT00010071192.1
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 470
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040650590.2 → XP_040506524.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- A0A8V1ACZ2, A0A8V1ANQ9
- Related
- ENSGALP00010043885.1, ENSGALT00010071194.1
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:6 → 405
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040650592.2 → XP_040506526.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X4
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 389
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040650593.2 → XP_040506527.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X5
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 389
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040650588.2 → XP_040506522.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X2
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 389
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
Alternate bGalGal1.pat.whiteleghornlayer.GRCg7w
NC_052591.1 Alternate bGalGal1.pat.whiteleghornlayer.GRCg7w
- Range
3319305..3359297 complement
- Download
- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_046930205.1 → XP_046786161.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_046930206.1 → XP_046786162.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_040687054.2 → XP_040542988.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X1
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 470
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040687059.2 → XP_040542993.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:6 → 405
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040687058.2 → XP_040542992.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:6 → 405
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040687057.2 → XP_040542991.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:6 → 405
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040687060.2 → XP_040542994.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X4
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 389
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040687061.2 → XP_040542995.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X5
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 389
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XM_040687056.2 → XP_040542990.1 protein spinster homolog 3 isoform X2
- Conserved Domains (1) summary
- cd17328
Location:51 → 389
- MFS_spinster_like; Protein spinster and spinster homologs of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of transporters
XR_006936631.1 RNA Sequence