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    DDX53 DEAD-box helicase 53 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 168400, updated on 4-Jan-2025


    Official Symbol
    DDX53provided by HGNC
    Official Full Name
    DEAD-box helicase 53provided by HGNC
    Primary source
    See related
    Ensembl:ENSG00000184735 MIM:301079; AllianceGenome:HGNC:20083
    Gene type
    protein coding
    RefSeq status
    Homo sapiens
    Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo
    Also known as
    CAGE; CT26
    This intronless gene encodes a protein which contains several domains found in members of the DEAD-box helicase protein family. Other members of this protein family participate in ATP-dependent RNA unwinding. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2011]
    Try the new Gene table
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    Genomic context

    See DDX53 in Genome Data Viewer
    Exon count:
    Annotation release Status Assembly Chr Location
    RS_2024_08 current GRCh38.p14 (GCF_000001405.40) X NC_000023.11 (22999960..23003589)
    RS_2024_08 current T2T-CHM13v2.0 (GCF_009914755.1) X NC_060947.1 (22583485..22587114)
    RS_2024_09 previous assembly GRCh37.p13 (GCF_000001405.25) X NC_000023.10 (23018077..23021706)

    Chromosome X - NC_000023.11Genomic Context describing neighboring genes Neighboring gene PTCHD1 antisense RNA (head to head) Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG hESC enhancer GRCh37_chrX:22463802-22464451 Neighboring gene methyltransferase like 15 pseudogene 3 Neighboring gene P300/CBP strongly-dependent group 1 enhancer GRCh37_chrX:22544316-22545515 Neighboring gene ReSE screen-validated silencer GRCh37_chrX:22552803-22552990 Neighboring gene RNA, U6 small nuclear 266, pseudogene Neighboring gene CDK7 strongly-dependent group 2 enhancer GRCh37_chrX:22968225-22969424 Neighboring gene ReSE screen-validated silencer GRCh37_chrX:23111444-23111682 Neighboring gene ReSE screen-validated silencer GRCh37_chrX:23155798-23156034 Neighboring gene FAM3C pseudogene Neighboring gene PDCL2 pseudogene 1

    Genomic regions, transcripts, and products


    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    What's a GeneRIF?


    EBI GWAS Catalog

    Genome-wide association study to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the development of erectile dysfunction in African-American men after radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
    EBI GWAS Catalog

    HIV-1 interactions

    Replication interactions

    Interaction Pubs
    Knockdown of DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 53 (DDX53) by siRNA inhibits HIV-1 replication in HeLa-derived TZM-bl cells PubMed

    Go to the HIV-1, Human Interaction Database


    Products Interactant Other Gene Complex Source Pubs Description

    General gene information

    Gene Ontology Provided by GOA

    Function Evidence Code Pubs
    enables ATP binding IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables ATP hydrolysis activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables ATP-dependent H2AZ histone chaperone activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables ATP-dependent H3-H4 histone complex chaperone activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables DNA clamp loader activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables RNA helicase activity IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    enables chromatin extrusion motor activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables cohesin loader activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables mRNA binding IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    enables protein binding IPI
    Inferred from Physical Interaction
    more info
    Process Evidence Code Pubs
    involved_in chromatin looping IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    involved_in chromatin remodeling IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    Component Evidence Code Pubs
    located_in cytosol IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    located_in intracellular membrane-bounded organelle IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    located_in nucleolus IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    located_in nucleoplasm IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info

    General protein information

    Preferred Names
    DEAD box protein 53
    DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 53
    DEAD-box protein CAGE
    cancer-associated gene protein
    cancer/testis antigen 26
    probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX53

    NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq)

    NEW Try the new Transcript table

    RefSeqs maintained independently of Annotated Genomes

    These reference sequences exist independently of genome builds. Explain

    These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in this section to the one reported in Genomic regions, transcripts, and products above.


    1. NG_021439.1 RefSeqGene

      GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

    mRNA and Protein(s)

    1. NM_182699.4NP_874358.2  DEAD box protein 53

      Status: REVIEWED

      Source sequence(s)
      AC117517, AY039237, BC067878
      Consensus CDS
      Q0D2N2, Q6NVV4, Q86TM3
      ENSP00000368667.2, ENST00000327968.7
      Conserved Domains (4) summary
      DEXDc; DEAD-like helicases superfamily
      HELICc; Helicase superfamily c-terminal domain; associated with DEXDc-, DEAD-, and DEAH-box proteins, yeast initiation factor 4A, Ski2p, and Hepatitis C virus NS3 helicases; this domain is found in a wide variety of helicases and helicase related proteins; may ...
      KH-I; K homology RNA-binding domain, type I. KH binds single-stranded RNA or DNA. It is found in a wide variety of proteins including ribosomal proteins, transcription factors and post-transcriptional modifiers of mRNA. There are two different KH domains that ...
      DEADc; DEAD-box helicases. A diverse family of proteins involved in ATP-dependent RNA unwinding, needed in a variety of cellular processes including splicing, ribosome biogenesis and RNA degradation. The name derives from the sequence of the Walker B motif ...

    RefSeqs of Annotated Genomes: GCF_000001405.40-RS_2024_08

    The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a specific genome build. Explain

    Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly


    1. NC_000023.11 Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly

      GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

    Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0


    1. NC_060947.1 Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0

      GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)