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    JARID2-AS1 JARID2 antisense RNA 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 100506681, updated on 10-Dec-2024


    Official Symbol
    JARID2-AS1provided by HGNC
    Official Full Name
    JARID2 antisense RNA 1provided by HGNC
    Primary source
    See related
    Ensembl:ENSG00000235488 AllianceGenome:HGNC:40314
    Gene type
    RefSeq status
    Homo sapiens
    Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo
    Biased expression in testis (RPKM 3.5) and bone marrow (RPKM 0.7) See more
    Try the new Gene table
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    Genomic context

    See JARID2-AS1 in Genome Data Viewer
    Exon count:
    Annotation release Status Assembly Chr Location
    RS_2024_08 current GRCh38.p14 (GCF_000001405.40) 6 NC_000006.12 (15247815..15248696, complement)
    RS_2024_08 current T2T-CHM13v2.0 (GCF_009914755.1) 6 NC_060930.1 (15121011..15121892, complement)
    RS_2024_09 previous assembly GRCh37.p13 (GCF_000001405.25) 6 NC_000006.11 (15248046..15248927, complement)

    Chromosome 6 - NC_000006.12Genomic Context describing neighboring genes Neighboring gene uncharacterized LOC105374946 Neighboring gene MPRA-validated peak5677 silencer Neighboring gene MPRA-validated peak5678 silencer Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15203770-15204322 Neighboring gene NANOG-H3K27ac-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15207084-15207636 Neighboring gene ReSE screen-validated silencer GRCh37_chr6:15212336-15212500 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15239058-15239558 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15239559-15240059 Neighboring gene NANOG-H3K27ac-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15244415-15244928 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 16946 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 16947 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24064 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24065 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 16948 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 16949 Neighboring gene nonconserved acetylation island sequence 83 enhancer Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15251871-15252646 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24066 Neighboring gene JARID2 divergent transcript Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15264949-15265458 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24067 Neighboring gene H3K27ac-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15267598-15268156 Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG-H3K27ac-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15268157-15268714 Neighboring gene OCT4-NANOG-H3K27ac hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15268715-15269273 Neighboring gene NANOG-H3K27ac hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15269274-15269831 Neighboring gene jumonji and AT-rich interaction domain containing 2 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15280804-15281784 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24069 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24068 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr6:15291865-15292366 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24070 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24071 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 16950 Neighboring gene Sharpr-MPRA regulatory region 4383 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24072 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24073 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 24074 Neighboring gene RNA, U6 small nuclear 522, pseudogene Neighboring gene RNA, U6 small nuclear 645, pseudogene

    Genomic regions, transcripts, and products

    NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq)

    NEW Try the new Transcript table

    RefSeqs maintained independently of Annotated Genomes

    These reference sequences exist independently of genome builds. Explain

    These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in this section to the one reported in Genomic regions, transcripts, and products above.


    1. NR_120502.1 RNA Sequence

      Status: VALIDATED

      Source sequence(s)
      AI218808, BC033996, HY051522

    RefSeqs of Annotated Genomes: GCF_000001405.40-RS_2024_08

    The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a specific genome build. Explain

    Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly


    1. NC_000006.12 Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly

      15247815..15248696 complement
      GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

    Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0


    1. NC_060930.1 Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0

      15121011..15121892 complement
      GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)