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The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a
specific genome build. Explain
This section includes genomic Reference
Sequences (RefSeqs) from all assemblies on which this gene is annotated, such as
RefSeqs for chromosomes and scaffolds (contigs) from both reference and alternate
assemblies. Model RNAs and proteins are also reported here.
Reference bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b Primary Assembly
NC_052537.1 Reference bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b Primary Assembly
- Range
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_040702995.2 → XP_040558929.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X5
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Related
- ENSGALP00010026590.1, ENSGALT00010044651.1
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:707 → 1091
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1109 → 1143
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:472 → 562
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_015288973.4 → XP_015144459.2 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X1
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Related
- ENSGALP00010026582.1, ENSGALT00010044642.1
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:748 → 1132
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1150 → 1184
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:512 → 602
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_015288974.4 → XP_015144460.2 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X2
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:747 → 1131
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1149 → 1183
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:512 → 602
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_015288975.4 → XP_015144461.2 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Related
- ENSGALP00010026571.1, ENSGALT00010044627.1
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:746 → 1130
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1148 → 1182
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:510 → 600
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040702992.2 → XP_040558926.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X4
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:745 → 1129
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1147 → 1181
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:510 → 600
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040702993.2 → XP_040558927.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X9
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:716 → 1100
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1118 → 1152
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:480 → 570
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_046943357.1 → XP_046799313.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X8
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_046943355.1 → XP_046799311.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X8
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_046943356.1 → XP_046799312.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X8
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_015288977.4 → XP_015144463.2 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X6
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- A0A8V0Z6L3, A0A8V0Z7J6
- Related
- ENSGALP00010026577.1, ENSGALT00010044637.1
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:705 → 1089
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1107 → 1141
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:469 → 559
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040702996.2 → XP_040558930.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X7
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:704 → 1088
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1106 → 1140
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:469 → 559
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040702994.2 → XP_040558928.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X10
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Related
- ENSGALP00010026575.1, ENSGALT00010044633.1
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:710 → 1094
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1112 → 1146
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:474 → 564
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040702997.1 → XP_040558931.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X8
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:636 → 1020
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1038 → 1072
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:400 → 490
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
Alternate bGalGal1.pat.whiteleghornlayer.GRCg7w
NC_052578.1 Alternate bGalGal1.pat.whiteleghornlayer.GRCg7w
- Range
- Download
- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_040675019.2 → XP_040530953.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X11
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:708 → 1092
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1110 → 1144
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:472 → 562
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040675020.2 → XP_040530954.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X5
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:707 → 1091
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1109 → 1143
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:472 → 562
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040675015.2 → XP_040530949.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X1
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:748 → 1132
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1150 → 1184
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:512 → 602
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040675016.2 → XP_040530950.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X2
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:747 → 1131
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1149 → 1183
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:512 → 602
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040675017.2 → XP_040530951.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:746 → 1130
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1148 → 1182
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:510 → 600
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040675018.2 → XP_040530952.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X4
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:745 → 1129
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1147 → 1181
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:510 → 600
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_046920823.1 → XP_046776779.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X8
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_046920822.1 → XP_046776778.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X8
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_040675021.2 → XP_040530955.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X6
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:705 → 1089
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1107 → 1141
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:469 → 559
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040675022.2 → XP_040530956.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X7
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:704 → 1088
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1106 → 1140
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:469 → 559
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family
XM_040675023.2 → XP_040530957.1 RNA-binding protein 20 isoform X8
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (3) summary
- PTZ00121
Location:636 → 1020
- PTZ00121; MAEBL; Provisional
- smart00451
Location:1038 → 1072
- ZnF_U1; U1-like zinc finger
- TIGR01649
Location:400 → 490
- hnRNP-L_PTB; hnRNP-L/PTB/hephaestus splicing factor family