FERONIA-mediated TIR1/AFB2 oxidation stimulates auxin signaling in Arabidopsis. | FERONIA-mediated TIR1/AFB2 oxidation stimulates auxin signaling in Arabidopsis. Lu B, Wang S, Feng H, Wang J, Zhang K, Li Y, Wu P, Zhang M, Xia Y, Peng C, Li C. | 06/5/2024 |
TIR signal promotes interactions between lipase-like proteins and ADR1-L1 receptor and ADR1-L1 oligomerization. | TIR signal promotes interactions between lipase-like proteins and ADR1-L1 receptor and ADR1-L1 oligomerization. Wu Z, Tian L, Liu X, Zhang Y, Li X., Free PMC Article | 03/5/2022 |
Genetic analysis of the Arabidopsis TIR1/AFB auxin receptors reveals both overlapping and specialized functions. | Genetic analysis of the Arabidopsis TIR1/AFB auxin receptors reveals both overlapping and specialized functions. Prigge MJ, Platre M, Kadakia N, Zhang Y, Greenham K, Szutu W, Pandey BK, Bhosale RA, Bennett MJ, Busch W, Estelle M., Free PMC Article | 04/13/2021 |
Control of Adventitious Rooting by TIR1/AFB2-Aux/IAA-Dependent Auxin Signaling in Arabidopsis | A Molecular Framework for the Control of Adventitious Rooting by TIR1/AFB2-Aux/IAA-Dependent Auxin Signaling in Arabidopsis. Lakehal A, Chaabouni S, Cavel E, Le Hir R, Ranjan A, Raneshan Z, Novák O, Păcurar DI, Perrone I, Jobert F, Gutierrez L, Bakò L, Bellini C. | 05/9/2020 |
In vitro and in vivo protein-protein interaction assays show that NO enhances ASK1 binding to CUL1 and TIR1/AFB2, required for SCF(TIR1/AFB2) assembly. | Regulation of SCF(TIR1/AFBs) E3 ligase assembly by S-nitrosylation of Arabidopsis SKP1-like1 impacts on auxin signaling. Iglesias MJ, Terrile MC, Correa-Aragunde N, Colman SL, Izquierdo-Álvarez A, Fiol DF, París R, Sánchez-López N, Marina A, Calderón Villalobos LIA, Estelle M, Lamattina L, Martínez-Ruiz A, Casalongué CA., Free PMC Article | 11/10/2018 |
The miR393-TIR1 molecular regulation pathway appears to be a component of the regulatory control over shoot regeneration from in vitro culture. | miR393 inhibits in vitro shoot regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana via repressing TIR1. Wang L, Liu Z, Qiao M, Xiang F. | 07/14/2018 |
TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA auxin perception mediates rapid cell wall acidification and growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls. | TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA auxin perception mediates rapid cell wall acidification and growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Fendrych M, Leung J, Friml J., Free PMC Article | 02/17/2018 |
HSP90 stabilizes auxin receptor TIR1 and ensures plasticity of auxin responses | HSP90 stabilizes auxin receptor TIR1 and ensures plasticity of auxin responses. Watanabe E, Mano S, Hara-Nishimura I, Nishimura M, Yamada K., Free PMC Article | 12/23/2017 |
Auxin signaling through TIR1/AFB2/AFB3 mediates feedback regulation of indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis. | Auxin signaling through SCF(TIR1/AFBs) mediates feedback regulation of IAA biosynthesis. Takato S, Kakei Y, Mitsui M, Ishida Y, Suzuki M, Yamazaki C, Hayashi KI, Ishii T, Nakamura A, Soeno K, Shimada Y. | 07/8/2017 |
We propose oligomerization of TIR1 as a novel regulatory mechanism in the regulation of auxin-mediated plant patterning and development. | Oligomerization of SCFTIR1 Is Essential for Aux/IAA Degradation and Auxin Signaling in Arabidopsis. Dezfulian MH, Jalili E, Roberto DK, Moss BL, Khoo K, Nemhauser JL, Crosby WL., Free PMC Article | 05/27/2017 |
Results suggest the MIRNA393a and MIRNA393b -mediated regulation of TIR1 and AFB2 during embryogenic transition. | miR393 contributes to the embryogenic transition induced in vitro in Arabidopsis via the modification of the tissue sensitivity to auxin treatment. Wójcik AM, Gaj MD., Free PMC Article | 04/15/2017 |
These results demonstrate that HSP90 masks a point mutation in the auxin receptor TIR1 and thereby buffers auxin-responsive phenotypes. | HSP90 Stabilizes Auxin-Responsive Phenotypes by Masking a Mutation in the Auxin Receptor TIR1. Watanabe E, Mano S, Nomoto M, Tada Y, Hara-Nishimura I, Nishimura M, Yamada K. | 04/1/2017 |
This study showed show that increased temperature promotes rapid accumulation of the TIR1 auxin co-receptor, an effect that is dependent on the molecular chaperone HSP90, and that HSP90 and SGT1 integrate temperature and auxin signaling. | HSP90 regulates temperature-dependent seedling growth in Arabidopsis by stabilizing the auxin co-receptor F-box protein TIR1. Wang R, Zhang Y, Kieffer M, Yu H, Kepinski S, Estelle M., Free PMC Article | 06/11/2016 |
Overexpression of a miR393-resistant TIR1 gene (mTIR1) in Arabidopsis clearly enhanced salt stress tolerance. | Overexpression of a miR393-resistant form of transport inhibitor response protein 1 (mTIR1) enhances salt tolerance by increased osmoregulation and Na+ exclusion in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chen Z, Hu L, Han N, Hu J, Yang Y, Xiang T, Zhang X, Wang L. | 05/21/2016 |
miR393 regulation of the TIR1 and AFB2 receptors could be a critical checkpoint between auxin signaling and specfic redox-associated components | MiR393 regulation of auxin signaling and redox-related components during acclimation to salinity in Arabidopsis. Iglesias MJ, Terrile MC, Windels D, Lombardo MC, Bartoli CG, Vazquez F, Estelle M, Casalongué CA., Free PMC Article | 12/19/2015 |
Auxin-binding protein 1 is a negative regulator of the SCF(TIR1/AFB) pathway. | Auxin-binding protein 1 is a negative regulator of the SCF(TIR1/AFB) pathway. Tromas A, Paque S, Stierlé V, Quettier AL, Muller P, Lechner E, Genschik P, Perrot-Rechenmann C. | 04/26/2014 |
Changes in the leucine-rich repeat domain of the TIR1 auxin coreceptor can alter the properties of SCF(TIR1). | Mutations in the TIR1 auxin receptor that increase affinity for auxin/indole-3-acetic acid proteins result in auxin hypersensitivity. Yu H, Moss BL, Jang SS, Prigge M, Klavins E, Nemhauser JL, Estelle M., Free PMC Article | 12/28/2013 |
This effect of elevated auxin levels requires the activity of SKP-Cullin-F-box(TIR1/AFB) (SCF(TIR1/AFB))-dependent pathway. Importantly, also suboptimal auxin levels mediate PIN degradation utilizing the same signalling pathway. | SCF(TIR1/AFB)-auxin signalling regulates PIN vacuolar trafficking and auxin fluxes during root gravitropism. Baster P, Robert S, Kleine-Vehn J, Vanneste S, Kania U, Grunewald W, De Rybel B, Beeckman T, Friml J., Free PMC Article | 03/30/2013 |
Mutations of ASA1 and the TIR1/AFBs auxin receptor genes impair the inhibitory effect of 5 muM MeJA on PIN2 endocytosis and enhance the reduction effect of 50 muM MeJA on the plasma membrane accumulation of PIN2. | Jasmonate modulates endocytosis and plasma membrane accumulation of the Arabidopsis PIN2 protein. Sun J, Chen Q, Qi L, Jiang H, Li S, Xu Y, Liu F, Zhou W, Pan J, Li X, Palme K, Li C. | 03/30/2013 |
Data show that IAA8 is involved in lateral root formation, and that this process is regulated through the interaction with the TIR1 auxin receptor and ARF transcription factors in the nucleus. | IAA8 involved in lateral root formation interacts with the TIR1 auxin receptor and ARF transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Arase F, Nishitani H, Egusa M, Nishimoto N, Sakurai S, Sakamoto N, Kaminaka H., Free PMC Article | 03/9/2013 |
TIR1 auxin receptor family is not involved in auxin-induced H(+)-ATPase phosphorylation. | Auxin activates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase by phosphorylation during hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Takahashi K, Hayashi K, Kinoshita T., Free PMC Article | 10/13/2012 |
miR393 and secondary siRNAs regulate expression of the TIR1 | miR393 and secondary siRNAs regulate expression of the TIR1/AFB2 auxin receptor clade and auxin-related development of Arabidopsis leaves. Si-Ammour A, Windels D, Arn-Bouldoires E, Kutter C, Ailhas J, Meins F Jr, Vazquez F., Free PMC Article | 04/21/2012 |
The interaction between miR393 and its target indicates a fine adjustment to the roles of the miR393-TIR1 module, which is required for auxin responses in plant development. | Regulation of auxin response by miR393-targeted transport inhibitor response protein 1 is involved in normal development in Arabidopsis. Chen ZH, Bao ML, Sun YZ, Yang YJ, Xu XH, Wang JH, Han N, Bian HW, Zhu MY. | 01/7/2012 |
It is reported that salicylic acid (SA)-treated tir1 afb2 mutant shows enhanced transcript level of a pathogenesis related gene, PR1. | Auxin and salicylic acid signalings counteract the regulation of adaptive responses to stress. Iglesias MJ, Terrile MC, Casalongué CA., Free PMC Article | 10/8/2011 |
the TIR1/AFB proteins have distinct biochemical activities, and TIR1 and AFB2 are the dominant auxin receptors in the seedling root | Complex regulation of the TIR1/AFB family of auxin receptors. Parry G, Calderon-Villalobos LI, Prigge M, Peret B, Dharmasiri S, Itoh H, Lechner E, Gray WM, Bennett M, Estelle M., Free PMC Article | 02/22/2010 |