CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-GATED ION CHANNEL 2 modulates auxin homeostasis and signaling. | CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-GATED ION CHANNEL 2 modulates auxin homeostasis and signaling. Chakraborty S, Toyota M, Moeder W, Chin K, Fortuna A, Champigny M, Vanneste S, Gilroy S, Beeckman T, Nambara E, Yoshioka K., Free PMC Article | 02/26/2022 |
CNGC-mediated calcium entry thus provides a critical link between the pattern-recognition receptor complex and calcium-dependent immunity programs in the PAMP-triggered immunity signalling pathway in plants | A calmodulin-gated calcium channel links pathogen patterns to plant immunity. Tian W, Hou C, Ren Z, Wang C, Zhao F, Dahlbeck D, Hu S, Zhang L, Niu Q, Li L, Staskawicz BJ, Luan S. | 11/30/2019 |
These results suggest that the stage-dependent differences in heat stress response of Arabidopsis regulated by CNGC2 might rely on regulatory mechanisms of APX1-and MBF1c-dependent pathways and H2O2 homeostasis. | Differences between seedlings and flowers in anti-ROS based heat responses of Arabidopsis plants deficient in cyclic nucleotide gated channel 2. Katano K, Kataoka R, Fujii M, Suzuki N. | 07/14/2018 |
CNGC2 is the key factor mediating Ca2+ influx into the leaf cells. | CNGC2 Is a Ca2+ Influx Channel That Prevents Accumulation of Apoplastic Ca2+ in the Leaf. Wang Y, Kang Y, Ma C, Miao R, Wu C, Long Y, Ge T, Wu Z, Hou X, Zhang J, Qi Z., Free PMC Article | 10/7/2017 |
results indicate that S gene function of DND1 is conserved in tomato and potato. We discuss the possibilities of using RNAi silencing or loss-of-function mutations of DND1 orthologs, as well as additional S gene orthologs from Arabidopsis, to breed for resistance to pathogens in crop plants. | Down-regulation of Arabidopsis DND1 orthologs in potato and tomato leads to broad-spectrum resistance to late blight and powdery mildew. Sun K, Wolters AM, Loonen AE, Huibers RP, van der Vlugt R, Goverse A, Jacobsen E, Visser RG, Bai Y., Free PMC Article | 12/17/2016 |
Arabidopsis thaliana cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2 (AtCNGC2) is involved in jasmonic acid (JA)-induced apoplastic Ca(2+) influx in Arabidopsis epidermal cells. | AtCNGC2 is involved in jasmonic acid-induced calcium mobilization. Lu M, Zhang Y, Tang S, Pan J, Yu Y, Han J, Li Y, Du X, Nan Z, Sun Q. | 10/29/2016 |
This indicates that AtCNGC2 and AtCNGC4 have a unique role controlling flowering timing and this function is independent from its role in pathogen defense. | Crossroads of stress responses, development and flowering regulation--the multiple roles of Cyclic Nucleotide Gated Ion Channel 2. Fortuna A, Lee J, Ung H, Chin K, Moeder W, Yoshioka K., Free PMC Article | 12/19/2015 |
AtCNGC2 and AtCNGC4 are likely part of the same channel complex. | The Arabidopsis cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels AtCNGC2 and AtCNGC4 work in the same signaling pathway to regulate pathogen defense and floral transition. Chin K, DeFalco TA, Moeder W, Yoshioka K., Free PMC Article | 05/10/2014 |
Disruption of Arabidopsis CNGC2 impairs plant growth and heat sensing. | Plasma membrane cyclic nucleotide gated calcium channels control land plant thermal sensing and acquired thermotolerance. Finka A, Cuendet AF, Maathuis FJ, Saidi Y, Goloubinoff P., Free PMC Article | 02/16/2013 |
Study expand the discussion of CNGC2 mediated Ca(2+) uptake and other related signaling components involved in the plant senescence signaling cascade. | Cyclic nucleotide gated channel and Ca²⁺-mediated signal transduction during plant senescence signaling. Ma W, Berkowitz GA., Free PMC Article | 10/8/2011 |
in a signaling cascade, the cGMP-activated channel CNGC2 is involved in AtPep- and PepR1-dependent inward Ca2+ conductance and resulting cytosolic Ca2+ elevation | Ca2+ signaling by plant Arabidopsis thaliana Pep peptides depends on AtPepR1, a receptor with guanylyl cyclase activity, and cGMP-activated Ca2+ channels. Qi Z, Verma R, Gehring C, Yamaguchi Y, Zhao Y, Ryan CA, Berkowitz GA., Free PMC Article | 02/5/2011 |
The CNGC2 loss-of-function mutant displays early senescence phenotypes and has a lower endogenous NO level in leaves compared to the wild-type . | Leaf senescence signaling: the Ca2+-conducting Arabidopsis cyclic nucleotide gated channel2 acts through nitric oxide to repress senescence programming. Ma W, Smigel A, Walker RK, Moeder W, Yoshioka K, Berkowitz GA., Free PMC Article | 01/8/2011 |
sporophytic, but not gametophytic, defects are the main cause of the observed reduction in seed yield in cngc2 plants, and suggest that correct cyclic nucleotide and calcium signaling are important for cell elongation and pollen tube guidance. | A cyclic nucleotide-gated channel is necessary for optimum fertility in high-calcium environments. Chaiwongsar S, Strohm AK, Roe JR, Godiwalla RY, Chan CWM. | 01/21/2010 |
The findings indicate that the broad-spectrum resistance of dnd1 mutants occurs due to activation or sensitization of multiple defense pathways, yet none of the investigated pathways are required for the reduced-HR phenotype. | Signaling pathways that regulate the enhanced disease resistance of Arabidopsis "defense, no death" mutants. Genger RK, Jurkowski GI, McDowell JM, Lu H, Jung HW, Greenberg JT, Bent AF., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |
Transcriptional responses to growth in high environmental calcium concentrations were characterized and compared between wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis plants containing a knockout mutation in the gene encoding a cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGC2). | Transcriptional changes in response to growth of Arabidopsis in high external calcium. Chan CW, Wohlbach DJ, Rodesch MJ, Sussman MR. | 01/21/2010 |
Arabidopsis thaliana CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE GATED CHANNEL2 (CNGC2/DND1) conducts Ca(2+) into cells and provide a model linking this Ca(2+) current to downstream nitric oxide production. | Death don't have no mercy and neither does calcium: Arabidopsis CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE GATED CHANNEL2 and innate immunity. Ali R, Ma W, Lemtiri-Chlieh F, Tsaltas D, Leng Q, von Bodman S, Berkowitz GA., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |