ARF4 regulates shoot regeneration through coordination with ARF5 and IAA12. | ARF4 regulates shoot regeneration through coordination with ARF5 and IAA12. Zhang MM, Zhang HK, Zhai JF, Zhang XS, Sang YL, Cheng ZJ. | 06/5/2021 |
Determinants of PB1 Domain Interactions in Auxin Response Factor ARF5 and Repressor IAA17. | Determinants of PB1 Domain Interactions in Auxin Response Factor ARF5 and Repressor IAA17. Kim Y, Park C, Cha S, Han M, Ryu KS, Suh JY. | 01/2/2021 |
Auxin signaling in stem cells is mediated, at least in part, by AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 5/MONOPTEROS (ARF5/MP), which directly represses the transcription of DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION 1 (DRN/ESR1). DRN expressed in stem cells positively regulates CLAVATA3 (CLV3) expression and has important meristematic functions. | A Molecular Framework for Auxin-Controlled Homeostasis of Shoot Stem Cells in Arabidopsis. Luo L, Zeng J, Wu H, Tian Z, Zhao Z. | 03/9/2019 |
Adaxial-expressed MONOPTEROS (MP) and abaxial-enriched auxin together act as positional cues for patterning the WOX domain. MP directly binds to the WOX1 and PRS promoters and activates their expression. | Spatial Auxin Signaling Controls Leaf Flattening in Arabidopsis. Guan C, Wu B, Yu T, Wang Q, Krogan NT, Liu X, Jiao Y., Free PMC Article | 08/4/2018 |
MP plays a critical role in Arabidopsis embryonic root initiation. | Auxin response cell-autonomously controls ground tissue initiation in the early Arabidopsis embryo. Möller BK, Ten Hove CA, Xiang D, Williams N, López LG, Yoshida S, Smit M, Datla R, Weijers D., Free PMC Article | 05/26/2018 |
TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA auxin perception mediates rapid cell wall acidification and growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls. | TIR1/AFB-Aux/IAA auxin perception mediates rapid cell wall acidification and growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Fendrych M, Leung J, Friml J., Free PMC Article | 02/17/2018 |
activating a steroid-inducible variant of the auxin response factor (ARF) MONOPTEROS (MP) is sufficient to restore patterning and PIN gene expression. | The auxin response factor MONOPTEROS controls meristem function and organogenesis in both the shoot and root through the direct regulation of PIN genes. Krogan NT, Marcos D, Weiner AI, Berleth T., Free PMC Article | 01/27/2018 |
These findings reveal a patterning module in plants that determines organ position by orienting transport of the hormone auxin toward cells with high levels of MP-mediated auxin signaling. | Auxin Acts through MONOPTEROS to Regulate Plant Cell Polarity and Pattern Phyllotaxis. Bhatia N, Bozorg B, Larsson A, Ohno C, Jönsson H, Heisler MG., Free PMC Article | 01/27/2018 |
In this study, it is shown that MONOPTEROS (MP) directly activates the Dof5.8 promoter. Phenotypic analysis with the mp dof5.8 double mutants revealed that mutations within Dof5.8 enhanced the phenotype of a weak allele of mp. | MONOPTEROS directly activates the auxin-inducible promoter of the Dof5.8 transcription factor gene in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf provascular cells. Konishi M, Donner TJ, Scarpella E, Yanagisawa S., Free PMC Article | 02/27/2016 |
Analyses of the expression pattern of ARF7 and ARF5 targets suggest that this patterning mechanism controls flanking and central zone specification in Arabidopsis LR primordia. | Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones. Lavenus J, Goh T, Guyomarc'h S, Hill K, Lucas M, Voß U, Kenobi K, Wilson MH, Farcot E, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Fukaki H, Laplaze L, Bennett MJ., Free PMC Article | 02/13/2016 |
A report or the crystal structure of ARF5 domain III/IV and the molecular determinants of ARF-IAA interactions. | Structural basis for oligomerization of auxin transcriptional regulators. Nanao MH, Vinos-Poyo T, Brunoud G, Thévenon E, Mazzoleni M, Mast D, Lainé S, Wang S, Hagen G, Li H, Guilfoyle TJ, Parcy F, Vernoux T, Dumas R. | 10/3/2015 |
It was concluded that the MPDelta genotype can promote de novo shoot formation and can be used to probe corresponding signaling pathways. | Irrepressible MONOPTEROS/ARF5 promotes de novo shoot formation. Ckurshumova W, Smirnova T, Marcos D, Zayed Y, Berleth T. | 06/6/2015 |
The involvement of ARF5 in the transcriptional regulation of the entire Aux/IAA family in Arabidopsis thaliana was studied. | Distinct subclades of Aux/IAA genes are direct targets of ARF5/MP transcriptional regulation. Krogan NT, Yin X, Ckurshumova W, Berleth T. | 06/6/2015 |
IAA17 and ARF5 associate to form homo- or hetero-oligomers using a common scaffold and binding interfaces, but their affinities vary significantly | Structural basis for the auxin-induced transcriptional regulation by Aux/IAA17. Han M, Park Y, Kim I, Kim EH, Yu TK, Rhee S, Suh JY., Free PMC Article | 04/25/2015 |
Characterization of Columbia alleles of mp, shows four new alleles among which one is a low-expression allele of mp and the another the strongest Columbia allele of mp. | Characterization of an allelic series in the MONOPTEROS gene of Arabidopsis. Odat O, Gardiner J, Sawchuk MG, Verna C, Donner TJ, Scarpella E. | 10/25/2014 |
MONOPTEROS directly binds to the STOMAGEN promoter to suppress its expression in mesophyll and inhibit stomatal development. | Auxin inhibits stomatal development through MONOPTEROS repression of a mobile peptide gene STOMAGEN in mesophyll. Zhang JY, He SB, Li L, Yang HQ., Free PMC Article | 10/4/2014 |
Study shows that ARF DNA-binding domains ahomodimerize to generate cooperative DNA binding, which is critical for in vivo ARF5/MP function. Strikingly, DNA-contacting residues are conserved between ARFs, and found that monomers have the same intrinsic specificity; ARF1 and ARF5 homodimers, however, differ in spacing tolerated between binding sites. | Structural basis for DNA binding specificity by the auxin-dependent ARF transcription factors. Boer DR, Freire-Rios A, van den Berg WA, Saaki T, Manfield IW, Kepinski S, López-Vidrieo I, Franco-Zorrilla JM, de Vries SC, Solano R, Weijers D, Coll M. | 04/26/2014 |
MP mutant plant exhibits an adaxial-abaxial asymmetry in its ability to influence organ development. | A dominant mutation reveals asymmetry in MP/ARF5 function along the adaxial-abaxial axis of shoot lateral organs. Krogan NT, Berleth T., Free PMC Article | 03/16/2013 |
A semi-dominant, gain-of-function allele of MONOPTEROS is identified, which results in vein proliferation of leaves and cotyledons. | A novel, semi-dominant allele of MONOPTEROS provides insight into leaf initiation and vein pattern formation. Garrett JJ, Meents MJ, Blackshaw MT, Blackshaw LC, Hou H, Styranko DM, Kohalmi SE, Schultz EA. | 12/22/2012 |
MP with the domains III and IV eliminated can selectively uncouple a single ARF from regulation by Aux/IAA proteins. | Deletion of MP/ARF5 domains III and IV reveals a requirement for Aux/IAA regulation in Arabidopsis leaf vascular patterning. Krogan NT, Ckurshumova W, Marcos D, Caragea AE, Berleth T. | 07/14/2012 |
Here we discuss putative mechanisms by which wide domains of MP expression could activate ATHB8 transcription in single cell files. | Auxin signal transduction in Arabidopsis vein formation. Donner TJ, Sherr I, Scarpella E., Free PMC Article | 03/5/2011 |
TARGET OF MP 5 (TMO5) and TMO7 encode basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors that are expressed in the hypophysis-adjacent embryo cells, and are required and partially sufficient for MONOPTEROS-dependent root initiation | MONOPTEROS controls embryonic root initiation by regulating a mobile transcription factor. Schlereth A, Möller B, Liu W, Kientz M, Flipse J, Rademacher EH, Schmid M, Jürgens G, Weijers D. | 05/31/2010 |
MP binds in vivo to two AuxRE-spanning fragments in the DRN promoter; MP is required for expression of DRN in cotyledon tips. Hence, DRN represents a direct target of MP and functions downstream of MP in cotyledon development | DORNROSCHEN is a direct target of the auxin response factor MONOPTEROS in the Arabidopsis embryo. Cole M, Chandler J, Weijers D, Jacobs B, Comelli P, Werr W. | 01/21/2010 |
MONOPTEROS promotes the focusing of auxin and leaf initiation in part through pathways not affected by auxin efflux inhibitors. | Multiple MONOPTEROS-dependent pathways are involved in leaf initiation. Schuetz M, Berleth T, Mattsson J., Free PMC Article | 01/21/2010 |
auxin-derived positional information through MP carves out meristematic niches by locally overcoming a general differentiation-promoting activity involving AMP1. | AMP1 and MP antagonistically regulate embryo and meristem development in Arabidopsis. Vidaurre DP, Ploense S, Krogan NT, Berleth T. | 01/21/2010 |