Download data for GSE96931
Information about GEO data organization is provided in the GEO overview. GEO FTP site structure and available formats are described in README.txt. Additional download options are described at Download GEO data.
Submitter-supplied data?
Series SOFT file
- GSE96931_family.soft.gz 3.1 Kb
Series MINiML file
- GSE96931_family.xml.tgz 3.4 Kb
Series Matrix file
Series supplementary data archive (contains CSV files)
- GSE96931_RAW.tar 13.5 Mb
Series supplementary data
- GSE96931_DEseq_LA001-LA002-LA003-LA004_DEG_list.csv.gz 927.6 Kb
- GSE96931_DEseq_LA001-LA002-LA005-LA006_DEG_list.csv.gz 943.7 Kb
- GSE96931_DEseq_LD001-LD002-LD009_LD005-LD006-LD010_DEG_list.xlsx 4.4 Mb
- GSE96931_DEseq_LD001-LD002-LD009_LD007-LD008-LD011_DEG_list.csv.gz 1.1 Mb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_1_PDA-lncRNAs.xlsx 338.3 Kb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_2_molecular_subtyping.xlsx 59.3 Kb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_3_DE_list_Non_coding_clusters.xlsx 9.5 Mb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_4_LCM_raw-counts.xlsx 252.4 Kb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_5_FAM83H-AS1.xlsx 421.5 Kb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_6_TCGA_Network.xlsx 11.1 Mb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_7_LINC00673.xlsx 1.1 Mb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_8_SOX9.xlsx 26.3 Kb
- GSE96931_Sup_table_9_m_m.xlsx 11.0 Kb
NCBI-generated data?BETA
Series RNA-seq raw counts matrix
Raw count matrices may be suitable for input into differential expression analysis tools.
- GSE96931_raw_counts_GRCh38.p13_NCBI.tsv.gz 2022-12-15 685.0 Kb
Series RNA-seq normalized counts matrix
Normalized count matrices may be suitable for analyzing and visualizing gene expression abundance.
- GSE96931_norm_counts_FPKM_GRCh38.p13_NCBI.tsv.gz 2022-12-15 1.1 Mb
- GSE96931_norm_counts_TPM_GRCh38.p13_NCBI.tsv.gz 2022-12-15 1.1 Mb
Human gene annotation table
Gene annotation information is intended to be used in conjunction with raw and normalized count matrices.
The Homo sapiens Annotation Release 109.20190905 was used for gene annotation.
- Human.GRCh38.p13.annot.tsv.gz 2022-11-08 4.2 Mb