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Sample GSM1062174 Query DataSets for GSM1062174
Status Public on Jul 01, 2013
Title 540_Tumour_Roche
Sample type genomic
Source name Breast Tumour
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics year of diagnosis: 1990
sample type: Surgical
tissue type: FFPE
tissue histology: IDC-NST, grade 3
tumor immunophenotype: ER +ve; PgR +ve; HER2 3+
dna extraction method: Roche
sodium thiocyanate treatment performed: YES
ffpe restore performed: YES
Extracted molecule genomic DNA
Extraction protocol Tumour cores were punched from the FFPE blocks to enrich for tumour epithelial cells. Extraction of genomic DNA from these FFPE cores was performed using two different methods: the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (QIAGEN) and the High Pure DNA Template Preparation Kit (Roche). Both methods were performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions with the following exceptions for both techniques: (i) some tissue samples were pre-treated in 1M sodium thiocyanate overnight at 37oC to remove cross-links and (ii) for all cases an extended tissue digestion step was performed over three nights with supplementary Proteinase K added every 24 hours. Eluted DNA was assessed for purity using the Nanodrop-2000 and double stranded DNA was quantified using the Qubit® fluorometer (Invitrogen) as per manufacturer’s instructions.
Label C-Bio and A-DNP
Label protocol 100ng of DNA was subjected to FFPE DNA Restore. DNA was labelled according to the Infiniium HD FFPE Assay protocol. The genomic DNA samples were denatured using 0.1N NaOH, neutralised using RPM buffer before being whole-genome amplified in an overnight reaction at 37C using the MSM amplification master mix. After incubation the amplified DNA was fragmented with a fragmentation mix (FMS), precipitated with isopropanol and a precipitation mix (PM1) and resuspended in hybridization buffer (RA1).
Hybridization protocol RA1 resuspended DNA was loaded onto BeadChips arrays and incubated overnight at 48C. After hybridisation, BeadChips were washed and subjected to single-base extension and allele-specific staining.
Scan protocol BeadChips were coated with XC4/ethanol , dried for 1 hour and scanned on an iScan System (Illumina) using 'Infinium HD' scan settings.
Description 6123458006_R06C02
Data processing Overall SNP call rates and B allele frequency (BAF) and log R ratio (LRR) values for each SNP were extracted, calculated and exported using GenomeStudio version2010.3 (Illumina). The BAF, LRR and copy number calls were visualized/calculated using the genoCN method (Sun et al. Nucleic Acids Research 2009; 37(16): 5365-5377), implemented in R version 2.15.0.
Submission date Jan 10, 2013
Last update date Jul 01, 2013
Contact name Peter Simpson
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name The University of Queensland
Department UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Street address Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital
City Brisbane
ZIP/Postal code QLD 4029
Country Australia
Platform ID GPL16483
Series (1)
GSE43406 Evaluating the restoration of DNA derived from archival formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues for genomic profiling by SNP-CGH analysis

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Genotype: AA, AB, BB, or NC (no call)
B Allele Freq
Log R Ratio

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Score Theta R B Allele Freq Log R Ratio
rs1000002 AA 0.2486296 0.161146 0.2745588 0 -0.7345257
rs1000003 AA 0.6052305 0.107311 2.385523 0.06025615 0.4736077
rs10000030 AB 0.7005209 0.7525509 0.1747567 0.602725 -1.258968
rs10000037 AB 0.3472638 0.7519528 0.489679 0.6459712 -0.5971668
rs10000041 BB 0.3546978 0.7335891 0.4360392 1 0
rs1000016 AB 0.6573505 0.1682547 0.2206053 0.4056602 -0.4074118
rs10000180 AB 0.649164 0.466456 0.5002036 0.5060874 -0.7210299
rs10000272 AA 0.3143571 0.01554929 0.7481894 0.006214834 -0.9658398
rs1000031 BB 0.1819934 0.5933971 0.2162921 0.7601608 -1.993026
rs10000432 AB 0.2050561 0.7145518 0.2155514 0.6515018 -1.175774
rs10000438 AB 0.4872374 0.5727446 0.1259673 0.4950475 -2.5783
rs1000047 AB 0.4709599 0.6730428 0.2690847 0.6755689 -1.049504
rs10000471 AB 0.9054958 0.4655566 0.3248244 0.4094544 -0.7022285
rs1000068 BB 0.2619629 0.7945465 0.2550349 0.821488 -1.637286
rs10000708 NC 0.04444077 0.1382731 0.9357357 0.09384419 -0.3939839
rs10000852 NC 0.03784568 0.1465939 0.1992152 0.1302604 -2.228627
rs1000087 AB 0.1684404 0.7497227 0.2635469 0.7665014 -1.30317
rs1000094 AB 0.3038377 0.7771214 0.5531254 0.7134037 -0.7935168
rs10000971 AA 0.6728885 0.118194 0.3742955 0.07446577 -0.4184385
rs10000976 NC 0.1498771 0.6418948 0.3047649 0.7009685 -1.289145

Total number of rows: 262497

Table truncated, full table size 15821 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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