The cells were stably transfected with pcDNA6T/TR and pcDNA4/TO expressing FLAG-tagged ZNF395 (also called PBF). Four culture sets were grown in the presence of 1microg/ml doxycyclin for 24 h to induce the expression of ZNF395 (the samples called PBF1, PBF2, PBF3, PBF4) while the control sets were grown without doxycyclin (PBF5, PBF6, PBF7, PBF8).
Growth protocol
Cell cultures were grown as described in Jordanovsy et al., 2013
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Total RNA was prepared using the Rneasy Mini Kit, Qiagen, Germany
Label protocol
Labeling, hybridization and scanning was carried out according to the manufacturer's protocol
Hybridization protocol
Labeling, hybridization and scanning was carried out according to the manufacturer's protocol
Scan protocol
Labeling, hybridization and scanning was carried out according to the manufacturer's protocol
Gene expression data from doxycycline-treated sample 3
Data processing
Data were processed using Affymetrix Power Tools, version 1.12.0, and the Robust Multiarray Average (RMA, Irizarry et al., 2003) algorithm
The hypoxia-inducible transcription factor ZNF395 is controlled by I-kappaB kinase and activates genes involved in the innate immune response and cancer