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Sample GSM1208848 Query DataSets for GSM1208848
Status Public on Dec 31, 2013
Title 6970-6-
Sample type RNA
Source name Whole lung tissue
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics copd status: COPD
slice: 6
lm: 1456.32633534313
Sex: Male
age: 55
pack years: 15
notes: alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency
disease state: COPD
tissue: lung
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Low molecular weight RNA was isolated from tissue cores using the miRNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). The RNA integrity was assessed using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer and RNA purity was assessed using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer. 300 ng of low molecular weight RNA was processed and used as starting material for the microarray studies
Label fluorescent dendrimer with approximately 15 molecules of Oyster®-550 dye
Label protocol 300 ng of LMW RNA were labeled using the FlashTag labeling kit (Genisphere, Inc., Hatfield, PA). MicroRNA were first poly-A tailed and then directly ligated to a fluorescent dendrimer (a branched DNA structure carrying approximately 15 molecules of Oyster®-550 dye (DeNovo Biolabels GmBH, Munster, Germany)).
Hybridization protocol 5uL of 10% BSA and 28.5uL of 2X enhanced hybridization buffer (Genisphere, Hatfield, PA) were added to the sample to make the hybridization mix. This was applied to Invitrogen NCode miRNA microarrays containing 1053 miRNAs from 6 species (467 human miRNAs) printed in triplicate. The arrays incubated overnight (18 hours) in a humidified chamber at 52oC and the following morning, serial 15 minute washes were done with 2x SSC/0.2% SDS at 52oC, 2x SSC at room temperature and 0.2X SSC at room temperature.
Scan protocol After drying, the arrays were scanned on a GenePix 4000 scanner (Axon/Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale CA).
Description Low molecular weight RNA was hybridized to Invitrogen NCode microRNA microarrays, containing 1053 microRNAs across 6 species, including 467 human microRNAs. All microRNA spots were printed in triplicate. Blank spots containing no printed sequence served as background. Data was quantile normalized and log transformed. Only miRNA replicates 2 standard deviations above background were considered for further analysis
Data processing Raw data was extracted using GenePix Pro 4.0 (Molecular Devices Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA), quantile normalized and log transformed using the limma package for R ( Only miRNA replicates that were detected at levels two standard deviations above the average background in at least 80% of samples were considered for further analysis. The median of the remaining replicates for each miRNA was then taken to obtain a single expression value for each miRNA.
Submission date Aug 14, 2013
Last update date Dec 31, 2013
Contact name Stephanie A Christenson
Organization name University of California, San Francisco
Department Pulmonary and Critical Care
Street address 513 PARNASSUS AVENUE, HSE1305
City San Francisco
State/province California
ZIP/Postal code 94143
Country USA
Platform ID GPL15892
Series (1)
GSE49881 microRNA expression associated with emphysematous lung destruction

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Quantile normalized, log 2 scaled signal intensity (human miRNAs)

Data table
1: D-05 1002 11.07775037
1: D-07 1038 7.09632929
1: D-09 1078 6.480391726
1: D-11 1115 7.188836073
1: D-13 1171 8.006933795
1: D-15 1247 10.29257088
1: D-17 1310 11.29181342
1: D-19 1362 9.404006153
1: D-21 1393 9.091214976
1: D-23 1455 7.373735202
1: H-01 1487 8.387837835
1: H-03 1759 7.024605909
1: H-07 1775 6.874059203
1: H-11 1817 7.065730266
1: H-17 1891 8.888996865
1: H-21 1940 7.466042463
1: H-23 1959 7.332111162
1: L-01 1988 7.441284272
1: L-03 2059 7.441284272
1: L-15 2221 6.670184124

Total number of rows: 397

Table truncated, full table size 10 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1208848_H7.csv.gz 143.2 Kb (ftp)(http) CSV
GSM1208848_H7.xls.gz 287.1 Kb (ftp)(http) XLS
Processed data included within Sample table

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