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Sample GSM187283 Query DataSets for GSM187283
Status Public on Aug 15, 2007
Title CF Sputum in vivo replicate1
Sample type RNA
Source name CF Sputum in vivo replicate1
Organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Characteristics Pseudomonas aeruginosa total RNA was isolated directly from CF sputum patient 42
Biomaterial provider Dr. Wallace J. Matthews
Treatment protocol Sputum samples were maintained on ice at all times. Sputum was treated with Sputolysin, proteinase K, DNase I, and pelleted. Cell pellet was washed twice with COLD double distilled water. Cell pellet was then resuspended in TRIzol reagent and sonicated for 10 secs at maximum level three times. All genetic material was then phenol:chloroform extracted and ethanol precipitated, resuspended in DEPC-treated water and processed as per S. Lory protocol.
Growth protocol 1x M9 minimal media supplemented with 20 mM citrate
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol TRIzol treated Pseudomonas aeruginosa total RNA was isolated according to protocol developed by S. Lory, and cleanded up with QIAgen RNeasy with extra oncolumn DNase I treatment
Label Biotin
Label protocol As per Affymetrix protocol for terminal labeling (used EnzoArray)
Hybridization protocol As per Affymetrix protocol
Scan protocol As per Affymetrix protocol
Description Samples processed at Greenwood Biotechnology Facility (Honolulu, HI)
Data processing Signal Values determined using MAS5
Submission date May 03, 2007
Last update date Jun 21, 2007
Contact name Tung Hoang
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 808-956-5035
Organization name University of Hawaii at Manoa
Department Microbiology
Lab LSB 318
Street address 1800 East-West Road
City Honolulu
State/province HI
ZIP/Postal code 96822
Country USA
Platform ID GPL84
Series (1)
GSE7704 In vivo evidence of Pseudomonas aeruignosa nutrient acquisition and pathogenesis in the cystic fibrosis lung

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Signal Intensity
ABS_CALL Presence or Absence

Data table
AFFX-YEL002C_WPB1_at 16.9481 A 0.781017
AFFX-YEL018W_at 20.5021 A 0.64131
AFFX-YEL024W_RIP1_at 44.175 A 0.660442
AFFX-YFL039C_ACT1_at 53.6993 A 0.397994
AFFX-YER148W_SPT15_at 58.9054 A 0.397994
AFFX-YER022W_SRB4_at 1.55813 A 0.910595
AFFX-Athal_GAPDH_at 12.5003 A 0.872394
AFFX-Athal_ubq_at 12.4043 A 0.824011
AFFX-Athal_actin_at 63.8 A 0.438361
AFFX-Bsubtilis_dapB_at 16056.4 P 0.000218889
AFFX-Bsubtilis_lys_at 5020.61 P 0.000321521
AFFX-Bsubtilis_pheB_at 19365.9 P 0.000218889
AFFX-Bsubtilis_thrC_at 26443.6 P 0.000218889
AFFX-Bsubtilis_trpD_at 2617.62 P 0.000959383
Pae_flgK_at 642.473 P 0.00795322
Pae_flgL_at 25.2924 A 0.789211
Pae_orfA_vioA_at 799.76 P 0.0196216
Pae_orfB_at 1045.1 P 0.00073689
Pae_orfC_at 672.227 P 0.0165235
Pae_orfD_at 590.365 A 0.231536

Total number of rows: 5900

Table truncated, full table size 180 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM187283.CEL.gz 1.0 Mb (ftp)(http) CEL
GSM187283.CHP.gz 34.1 Kb (ftp)(http) CHP
Processed data included within Sample table
Processed data provided as supplementary file

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