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Sample GSM48589 Query DataSets for GSM48589
Status Public on Apr 21, 2005
Title R-5-cDNA-1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name cy3 Liver3
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name cy5 Pool
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Each laboratory was provided with aliquots of two different RNA samples that were prepared in one of the Consortium laboratories - a sample prepared from mouse livers (Liver RNA), and a sample prepared from equal amounts of RNA isolated from five mouse tissues (liver, kidney, lung, brain and spleen: Pooled RNA).
Submission date Apr 20, 2005
Last update date May 27, 2005
Contact name Kenneth Lyon Phillips
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 919 425 3075
Organization name Paradigm Array Labs
Street address
City Research Triangle Park
State/province NC
ZIP/Postal code 27709
Country USA
Platform ID GPL1975
Series (1)
GSE2458 Cross-platform comparability of microarray data

Data table header descriptions
cy3_signal the cy3 channel signal
cy3_background the cy3 channel background signal
cy5_signal the cy5 channel signal
cy5_background the cy5 channel background signal
cy3_signal_bc the cy3 signal bc
cy5_signal_bc the cy5 signal bc
signal_ratio the signal ratio
VALUE the log signal ratio
signal_ratio_bc signal ratio bc
log_signal_ratio_bc log signal ratio bc

Data table
ID_REF cy3_signal cy3_background cy5_signal cy5_background cy3_signal_bc cy5_signal_bc signal_ratio VALUE signal_ratio_bc log_signal_ratio_bc
1 10003.493164 2456.71875 14953.217773 4292.09375 7546.774414 10661.124023 1.4947996193 0.5799521014 1.4126729432 0.4984274969
2 9334.676758 3380.46875 11245.106445 3741.25 5954.208008 7503.856445 1.2046594367 0.2686253469 1.2602610515 0.3337226057
3 7335.37207 3150.875 8890.888672 4527.65625 4184.49707 4363.232422 1.2120569464 0.277457483 1.0427136999 0.0603430884
4 8849.860352 3185.9375 11413.285156 5465.96875 5663.922852 5947.316406 1.2896570909 0.366987516 1.0500348542 0.0704372166
5 8821.980469 3424.0625 10562.014648 4115.625 5397.917969 6446.389648 1.1972384982 0.2597105758 1.194236312 0.2560883412
6 7696.772949 2564.15625 9270.30957 3845.71875 5132.616699 5424.59082 1.2044410861 0.2683638274 1.056886017 0.0798197934
7 9460.603516 3660.4375 13337.458984 4164.3125 5800.166016 9173.146484 1.4097894454 0.4954797096 1.5815317111 0.6613224835
8 13950.860352 2811.71875 32457.251953 5046.53125 11139.141602 27410.720703 2.3265412408 1.2181867608 2.4607570029 1.2991022002
9 7846.560547 3995.375 9570.463867 4737.28125 3851.185547 4833.182617 1.2197017801 0.2865284487 1.2549856552 0.3276708739
10 9380.265625 4016.96875 14166.280273 3891.46875 5363.296875 10274.811523 1.5102216546 0.5947603089 1.9157640836 0.9379199116
11 10171.265625 3704.34375 13742.357422 4024.8125 6466.921875 9717.544922 1.3510961102 0.4341303044 1.5026538297 0.5875126901
12 30219.105469 3098.9375 38949.832031 3419.78125 27120.167969 35530.050781 1.2889141299 0.3661561516 1.3100970031 0.3896736368
13 8111.966309 2426.96875 9764.37207 3228.375 5684.997559 6535.99707 1.203699781 0.2674756094 1.1496921506 0.2012476071
14 10659.212891 2699.625 19404.416016 3387.96875 7959.587891 16016.447266 1.8204361067 0.8642841063 2.0122206684 1.0087885257
15 7016.874512 4098.9375 7689.164063 2784.4375 2917.937012 4904.726563 1.0958103996 0.1319982005 1.68088843 0.749223968
16 8021.173828 3490.75 8428.265625 3366.21875 4530.423828 5062.046875 1.0507521475 0.071422405 1.1173451022 0.1600748441
17 7977.082031 3554.71875 7767.454102 3485.09375 4422.363281 4282.360352 0.9737212269 -0.038419302 0.968342056 -0.046411341
18 8502.173828 2797.40625 8427.275391 2553.46875 5704.767578 5873.806641 0.9911906721 -0.012765484 1.0296311919 0.0421276647
19 8820.917969 3076.78125 11677.768555 5911.8125 5744.136719 5765.956055 1.3238722541 0.4047639173 1.0037985405 0.0054697536
20 9286.932617 5109.28125 14170.511719 4816.4375 4177.651367 9354.074219 1.5258549085 0.6096177848 2.2390748766 1.162902774

Total number of rows: 13824

Table truncated, full table size 1682 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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