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Sample GSM567675 Query DataSets for GSM567675
Status Public on Sep 20, 2011
Title Strain p10 isolated from lettuce infection rep. 2
Sample type RNA
Source name Strain p10 isolated from lettuce infection rep. 2
Organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Characteristics strain: PBCLOp10
initial isolate source: burn wound isolate
infection model isolate source: lettuce infection
Treatment protocol RNAprotect QIAGEN, human sample collected with sterile swab which was deepen in RNAprotect
Growth protocol Burn wound - collection from wound and stabilization in RNAprotect (QIAGEN), Murine tumore - 5 mice with tumor per strain infected intravenously with P. aeruginosa, Tumors extracted after 24h homogenized with stabilization of the RNA, Plant - Lettuce leaves infected with P. aeruginosa, infection sites stabilized and RNA extracted after 5 days of incubations, Planktonic LB - early stationary phase - RNAprotect, Biofilm - 24h biofilm on plastic slide and 10% LB - RNAprotect
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol QIAGEN RNAmini, Ambion MicrobEnrich, Ambion MessageAMP
Label biotin
Label protocol Biotin incorporation during amplification
Hybridization protocol Standard affymetrix
Scan protocol Standard affymetrix
Description In vivo P. aeruginosa gene expression from lettuce infection
Data processing Data analysis was performed using the R version 2.6.0 and Bioconductor version 2.1. The quality of all chips was assessed by fitting a linear model to the probe level data using the function “fitPLM” from the “affyPLM” package. Subsequently, the distribution (boxplots) of RLE (Relative Log Expression) and NUSE (Normalised Unscaled Standard Errors) was manually analysed.
Submission date Jul 19, 2010
Last update date Sep 20, 2011
Contact name Piotr Bielecki
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +4953161813050
Organization name Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research
Department Cell Biology
Lab Chronic Pseudomonas Infections
Street address Inhoffenstr 7
City Braunschweig
ZIP/Postal code 38124
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL84
Series (1)
GSE23007 In-Vivo Expression Profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections Reveals Niche-Specific and Strain-Independent Transcriptional Programs

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 normalized signal intensity

Data table
AFFX-Athal_actin_at 3.597854305
AFFX-Athal_GAPDH_at 3.047004017
AFFX-Athal_ubq_at 2.870309323
AFFX-Bsubtilis_dapB_at 3.228786862
AFFX-Bsubtilis_lys_at 3.053776704
AFFX-Bsubtilis_pheB_at 3.28736923
AFFX-Bsubtilis_thrC_at 3.304451998
AFFX-Bsubtilis_trpD_at 3.161127784
AFFX-YEL002C_WPB1_at 3.41360514
AFFX-YEL018W_at 3.422068775
AFFX-YEL024W_RIP1_at 3.029209012
AFFX-YER022W_SRB4_at 3.652193647
AFFX-YER148W_SPT15_at 3.61144123
AFFX-YFL039C_ACT1_at 3.333846744
ig_1046911_1047549_at 2.564796579
ig_1047549_1046911_at 2.970808266
ig_1063544_1064555_at 3.737608109
ig_1064555_1063544_at 4.208711905
ig_1087095_1087843_at 4.392766539
ig_1087843_1087095_at 2.922854155

Total number of rows: 5900

Table truncated, full table size 136 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM567675.CEL.gz 760.0 Kb (ftp)(http) CEL
Processed data included within Sample table

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