This sample was analyzed as part of the Stem Cell Genomics Project ( The biological material was submitted to the Ontario Genomics Innovation Centre ( by Dr. Michael Rudnicki ([email protected]; 501 Smyth Road) for analysis. Stembase Experiment ID: E210 Stembase Experiment ID link: SCGP Sample ID: S279 SCGP Sample ID link: Short description: Fetal myoblasts represent an important source of myogenic stem cells. Analysis of undifferentiated myoblasts and comparison to their cognate differentiated progeny will allow the ascertainment of genes that are important for maintaining myogenic stem cells. Fetal myoblasts (undifferentiated, time 0hr) will be compared to myoblasts cells allowed to differentiate by the removal of the SKBM-2 medium + growth factors and feeding with DMEM + 2.5% Horse serum. Time course : 0 hr, 6 hr, 12 hr, 18 hr, 24 hr, 36 hr, 48 hr, 3 days, 4 days, 7 days. Analysis requested: HGU133A,B Estimated purity: 100% RNA concentration: 1552 ng/µl Num cells for RNA prep: 6 x 10E+6 Sample volume: 27µl
Data processing
Calculated using the MAS5 algorithm where sc=1500, tau=0.015, alpha1=0.04, and alpla2=0.06