ProfileGDS1568 / 20252
TitleFibroblast response to serum: time course
OrganismHomo sapiens

untreated serum 0 h 0.25 h 0.5 h 1 h 1.5 h 2 h 3 h 4 h 6 h 8 h 10 h 12 h 16 h 20 h 24 h 36 h GSM90183 GSM90184 GSM90185 GSM90187 GSM90171 GSM90177 GSM90179 GSM90175 GSM90174 GSM90176 GSM90178 GSM90172 GSM90180 GSM90181 GSM90173 GSM90186 GSM90170 GSM90182 8% 7% 25% 28% 55% 13% 15% 34% 59% 57% 40% sort by agent sort by time Gene Expression Profile
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GSM90183Serum response of fibroblasts 0 hr.
GSM90184Serum response of fibroblasts 0 hr. (B)-0.6228
GSM90185Serum response of fibroblasts 0 hr. (C)-0.887
GSM90187Serum response of fibroblasts 15 min.-0.42225
GSM90171Serum response of fibroblasts 30 min.
GSM90177Serum response of fibroblasts 1 hr.-0.38528
GSM90179Serum response of fibroblasts 1 1/2 hr.0.02755
GSM90175Serum response of fibroblasts 2 hr.
GSM90174Serum response of fibroblasts 3 hr.-0.5413
GSM90176Serum response of fibroblasts 4 hr.-0.60115
GSM90178Serum response of fibroblasts 6 hr.-0.20934
GSM90172Serum response of fibroblasts 8 hr.0.07359
GSM90180Serum response of fibroblasts 10 hr.
GSM90181Serum response of fibroblasts 12 hr.
GSM90173Serum response of fibroblasts 16 hr.
GSM90186Serum response of fibroblasts 20 hr.0.06957
GSM90170Serum response of fibroblasts 24 hr.
GSM90182Serum response of fibroblasts 36 hr.-0.10440