ProfileGDS2913 / 1388330_at
TitleDiethylstilbestrol effect on pituitary glands of males of various inbred strains
OrganismRattus norvegicus

ACI Copenhagen Brown Norway control DES control DES control DES GSM92200 GSM92201 GSM92202 GSM92203 GSM92204 GSM92205 GSM92206 GSM92207 GSM92208 GSM92209 GSM92210 GSM92211 GSM92212 GSM92213 GSM92214 GSM92215 GSM92216 GSM92217 GSM92218 GSM92219 GSM92220 98% 98% 97% 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% 98% 98% 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% 98% 98% 99% 99% 99% 99% sort by strain sort by agent Gene Expression Profile
Graph caption help
GSM92200ACI control replicate 14757.798
GSM92201ACI control replicate 25038.598
GSM92202ACI control replicate 34743.497
GSM92203ACI DES-treated replicate 119893.299
GSM92204ACI DES-treated replicate 221424.599
GSM92205ACI DES-treated replicate 322022.299
GSM92206ACI DES-treated replicate 422148.499
GSM92207COP control replicate 16208.798
GSM92208COP control replicate 26142.398
GSM92209COP control replicate 35311.998
GSM92210COP DES-treated replicate 120632.799
GSM92211COP DES-treated replicate 220919.299
GSM92212COP DES-treated replicate 322567.599
GSM92213COP DES-treated replicate 421789.799
GSM92214BN control replicate 15711.598
GSM92215BN control replicate 25800.798
GSM92216BN control replicate 35624.298
GSM92217BN DES-treated replicate 111676.399
GSM92218BN DES-treated replicate 212188.699
GSM92219BN DES-treated replicate 312830.199
GSM92220BN DES-treated replicate 414116.899