ProfileGDS2913 / 1399066_at
TitleDiethylstilbestrol effect on pituitary glands of males of various inbred strains
OrganismRattus norvegicus

ACI Copenhagen Brown Norway control DES control DES control DES GSM92200 GSM92201 GSM92202 GSM92203 GSM92204 GSM92205 GSM92206 GSM92207 GSM92208 GSM92209 GSM92210 GSM92211 GSM92212 GSM92213 GSM92214 GSM92215 GSM92216 GSM92217 GSM92218 GSM92219 GSM92220 82% 84% 84% 91% 91% 91% 92% 84% 82% 84% 90% 90% 90% 90% 81% 85% 83% 89% 88% 89% 88% sort by strain sort by agent Gene Expression Profile
Graph caption help
GSM92200ACI control replicate 1941.182
GSM92201ACI control replicate 21070.984
GSM92202ACI control replicate 31042.184
GSM92203ACI DES-treated replicate 11927.691
GSM92204ACI DES-treated replicate 21830.391
GSM92205ACI DES-treated replicate 31838.891
GSM92206ACI DES-treated replicate 42005.392
GSM92207COP control replicate 1107884
GSM92208COP control replicate 2951.282
GSM92209COP control replicate 31083.984
GSM92210COP DES-treated replicate 11662.390
GSM92211COP DES-treated replicate 21675.290
GSM92212COP DES-treated replicate 31571.390
GSM92213COP DES-treated replicate 41606.790
GSM92214BN control replicate 1880.381
GSM92215BN control replicate 21152.285
GSM92216BN control replicate 31014.483
GSM92217BN DES-treated replicate 11427.589
GSM92218BN DES-treated replicate 21363.188
GSM92219BN DES-treated replicate 31407.389
GSM92220BN DES-treated replicate 4135288