ProfileGDS3528 / 1447615_at
TitleKRAP deficiency effect on the liver
OrganismMus musculus

control KRAP null GSM341700 GSM341701 GSM341702 GSM341697 GSM341698 GSM341699 52% 61% 62% 38% 41% 42% sort by genotype/variation Gene Expression Profile
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GSM341700Expression data from liver of the KRAP deficient mice (WT1)25.416652
GSM341701Expression data from liver of the KRAP deficient mice (WT2)39.298561
GSM341702Expression data from liver of the KRAP deficient mice (WT3)38.186762
GSM341697Expression data from liver of the KRAP deficient mice (KO1)12.729138
GSM341698Expression data from liver of the KRAP deficient mice (KO2)13.067741
GSM341699Expression data from liver of the KRAP deficient mice (KO3)14.585342