ProfileGDS4534 / 1427005_at
TitleHdhQ111 knock-in model of Huntington's disease: striatum and cerebellum
OrganismMus musculus

Hdh+/+ HdhQ111/111 cerebellum striatum cerebellum striatum GSM229456 GSM229457 GSM229458 GSM229435 GSM229436 GSM229437 GSM229459 GSM229460 GSM229461 GSM229438 GSM229439 GSM229440 68% 70% 68% 97% 96% 96% 70% 70% 70% 96% 95% 96% sort by genotype/variation sort by tissue Gene Expression Profile
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GSM229456Hdh+/Hdh+ cerebellum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 45.867968
GSM229457Hdh+/Hdh+ cerebellum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 56.195770
GSM229458Hdh+/Hdh+ cerebellum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 65.866468
GSM229435Hdh+/Hdh+ striatum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 410.863997
GSM229436Hdh+/Hdh+ striatum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 510.41396
GSM229437Hdh+/Hdh+ striatum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 610.372396
GSM229459HdhQ111/HdhQ111 cerebellum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 46.233770
GSM229460HdhQ111/HdhQ111 cerebellum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 55.913670
GSM229461HdhQ111/HdhQ111 cerebellum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 66.237270
GSM229438HdhQ111/HdhQ111 striatum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 410.609996
GSM229439HdhQ111/HdhQ111 striatum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 510.222395
GSM229440HdhQ111/HdhQ111 striatum at 3~10 weeks biological rep 610.321296