ProfileGDS4543 / 10341666
TitlePulmonary vascular microendothelial cell response to mutations in type 2 receptor for the bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway, BMPR2
OrganismMus musculus

control Bmpr2-Delx4 mutation Bmpr2-R899X mutation GSM693825 GSM693826 GSM693827 GSM693828 GSM693829 GSM693830 56% 56% 48% 53% 66% 61% sort by genotype/variation Gene Expression Profile
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GSM693825Control 18.0675756
GSM693826Control 28.1112256
GSM693827Bmpr2-Delx4 17.6037948
GSM693828Bmpr2-Delx4 27.8769353
GSM693829Bmpr2-R899X 18.8159866
GSM693830Bmpr2-R899X 28.4397861