ProfileGDS4566 / 187336_at
TitleDietary probiotic Lactobacillus effect on N2 wildtype strain: young developmental stage
OrganismCaenorhabditis elegans

E. coli control L. rhamnosus CNCM I-3690 L. rhamnosus CNCM I-4317 GSM1034592 GSM1034593 GSM1034594 GSM1034595 GSM1034596 GSM1034597 GSM1034598 GSM1034599 GSM1034600 80% 74% 79% 75% 77% 79% 78% 82% 77% sort by protocol Gene Expression Profile
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GSM1034592C.elegans fed with E.coli OP50 3 days rep14.8269180
GSM1034593C.elegans fed with E.coli OP50 3 days rep24.0542274
GSM1034594C.elegans fed with E.coli OP50 3 days rep34.7923879
GSM1034595C.elegans fed with CNCM I-3690 3 days rep14.2576775
GSM1034596C.elegans fed with CNCM I-3690 3 days rep24.4180777
GSM1034597C.elegans fed with CNCM I-3690 3 days rep34.8071579
GSM1034598C.elegans fed with CNCM I-4317 3 days rep14.5427278
GSM1034599C.elegans fed with CNCM I-4317 3 days rep24.9733582
GSM1034600C.elegans fed with CNCM I-4317 3 days rep34.5495477