ProfileGDS4899 / 10504609
TitlePancreatic cancer-induced cachexia model: muscle, liver and white adipose tissue
OrganismMus musculus

white adipose liver muscle control pancreatic cancer-induced cachexia control pancreatic cancer-induced cachexia control pancreatic cancer-induced cachexia GSM1255438 GSM1255439 GSM1255441 GSM1255437 GSM1255440 GSM1255442 GSM1255450 GSM1255451 GSM1255453 GSM1255449 GSM1255452 GSM1255454 GSM1255444 GSM1255445 GSM1255447 GSM1255443 GSM1255446 GSM1255448 62% 60% 63% 64% 68% 58% 70% 68% 66% 65% 65% 65% 67% 64% 63% 66% 66% 60% sort by tissue sort by disease state Gene Expression Profile
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GSM1255438adipose tissue of control mice (IJ-2)7.9986262
GSM1255439adipose tissue of control mice (IJ-3)7.7963560
GSM1255441adipose tissue of control mice (IJ-5)8.0259563
GSM1255437adipose tissue of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-1)8.0761764
GSM1255440adipose tissue of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-4)8.2393868
GSM1255442adipose tissue of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-6)7.697258
GSM1255450liver of control mice (IJ-14)8.3350670
GSM1255451liver of control mice (IJ-15)8.2086968
GSM1255453liver of control mice (IJ-17)8.034366
GSM1255449liver of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-13)8.0505165
GSM1255452liver of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-16)8.0099965
GSM1255454liver of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-18)8.0799465
GSM1255444muscle of control mice (IJ-8)8.2174567
GSM1255445muscle of control mice (IJ-9)8.0111964
GSM1255447muscle of control mice (IJ-11)8.0039863
GSM1255443muscle of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-7)8.1420766
GSM1255446muscle of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-10)8.1582266
GSM1255448muscle of pancreatic cancer-induced cachectic mice (IJ-12)7.7652160