ProfileGDS5006 / 193693_s_at
TitleDietary probiotic Lactobacillus effect on N2 wildtype strain: adult developmental stage
OrganismCaenorhabditis elegans

E. coli control L. rhamnosus CNCM I-3690 L. rhamnosus CNCM I-4317 GSM1034601 GSM1034602 GSM1034603 GSM1034604 GSM1034605 GSM1034606 GSM1034607 GSM1034608 GSM1034609 39% 26% 19% 16% 33% 25% 14% 29% 30% sort by protocol Gene Expression Profile
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GSM1034601C.elegans fed with E.coli OP50 10 days rep10.93141139
GSM1034602C.elegans fed with E.coli OP50 10 days rep20.72940626
GSM1034603C.elegans fed with E.coli OP50 10 days rep30.61931919
GSM1034604C.elegans fed with CNCM I-3690 10 days rep10.55594816
GSM1034605C.elegans fed with CNCM I-3690 10 days rep20.80426433
GSM1034606C.elegans fed with CNCM I-3690 10 days rep30.69501325
GSM1034607C.elegans fed with CNCM I-4317 10 days rep10.52796314
GSM1034608C.elegans fed with CNCM I-4317 10 days rep20.76558329
GSM1034609C.elegans fed with CNCM I-4317 10 days rep30.78829730