ProfileGDS5193 / 192639_s_at
Titleisp-1 and nuo-6 mutants and paraquat-treated wildtype young adults
OrganismCaenorhabditis elegans

wild type isp-1(qm150) mutant nuo-6(qm200) mutant control (untreated) paraquat n/a GSM1305989 GSM1305990 GSM1305991 GSM1305992 GSM1305999 GSM1306000 GSM1306001 GSM1305993 GSM1305994 GSM1305995 GSM1305996 GSM1305997 GSM1305998 89% 89% 89% 88% 87% 89% 88% 88% 86% 87% 85% 84% 86% sort by genotype/variation sort by protocol Gene Expression Profile
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GSM1305989Wild type young adults, biological rep 19.7695189
GSM1305990Wild type young adults, biological rep 29.7445189
GSM1305991Wild type young adults, biological rep 39.6551889
GSM1305992Wild type young adults, biological rep 49.5073588
GSM1305999Wild type young adults treated with 0.1mM paraquat, biological rep 19.6009887
GSM1306000Wild type young adults treated with 0.1mM paraquat, biological rep 29.8345589
GSM1306001Wild type young adults treated with 0.1mM paraquat, biological rep 39.6028988
GSM1305993isp-1(qm150) young adults, biological rep 19.4734788
GSM1305994isp-1(qm150) young adults, biological rep 29.3239186
GSM1305995isp-1(qm150) young adults, biological rep 39.4777487
GSM1305996nuo-6(qm200) young adults, biological rep 19.1007485
GSM1305997nuo-6(qm200) young adults, biological rep 29.1140284
GSM1305998nuo-6(qm200) young adults, biological rep 39.4214186