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GTR Home > Conditions/Phenotypes > Anxiety


Intense feelings of nervousness, tension, or panic often arise in response to interpersonal stresses. There is worry about the negative effects of past unpleasant experiences and future negative possibilities. Individuals may feel fearful, apprehensive, or threatened by uncertainty, and they may also have fears of falling apart or losing control. [from HPO]

Available tests

18 tests are in the database for this condition.

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Genes See tests for all associated and related genes

  • Also known as: 5-HTT, 5-HTTLPR, 5HTT, HTT, OCD1, SERT, SERT1, hSERT, SLC6A4
    Summary: solute carrier family 6 member 4

IMPORTANT NOTE: NIH does not independently verify information submitted to the GTR; it relies on submitters to provide information that is accurate and not misleading. NIH makes no endorsements of tests or laboratories listed in the GTR. GTR is not a substitute for medical advice. Patients and consumers with specific questions about a genetic test should contact a health care provider or a genetics professional.