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GTR Home > Conditions/Phenotypes > Andersen Tawil syndrome


Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS) is characterized by a triad of: episodic flaccid muscle weakness (i.e., periodic paralysis); ventricular arrhythmias and prolonged QT interval; and anomalies including low-set ears, widely spaced eyes, small mandible, fifth-digit clinodactyly, syndactyly, short stature, and scoliosis. Affected individuals present in the first or second decade with either cardiac symptoms (palpitations and/or syncope) or weakness that occurs spontaneously following prolonged rest or following rest after exertion. Mild permanent weakness is common. Mild learning difficulties and a distinct neurocognitive phenotype (i.e., deficits in executive function and abstract reasoning) have been described. [from GeneReviews]

Genes See tests for all associated and related genes

  • Also known as: ATFB9, HHBIRK1, HHIRK1, IRK1, KIR2.1, LQT7, SQT3, KCNJ2
    Summary: potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 2

Clinical features


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