Autosomal recessive cutis laxa type 2D
- Synonyms
Available tests
Clinical tests (11 available)
Clinical features
Help- Abnormality of head or neck
- Blepharophimosis
- MedGen UID: 2670
- Concept ID: C0005744
- Finding: Anatomical Abnormality
Abnormality of head or neck
- Bulbous nose
Bulbous nose
- MedGen UID: 66013
- Concept ID: C0240543
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of head or neck
- Downslanted palpebral fissures
Downslanted palpebral fissures
- MedGen UID: 98391
- Concept ID: C0423110
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of head or neck
- Entropion
- MedGen UID: 41813
- Concept ID: C0014390
- Finding: Disease or Syndrome
Abnormality of head or neck
- Mask-like facies
Mask-like facies
- MedGen UID: 140860
- Concept ID: C0424448
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of head or neck
- Narrow naris
Narrow naris
- MedGen UID: 604875
- Concept ID: C0426439
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of head or neck
- Triangular face
Triangular face
- MedGen UID: 324383
- Concept ID: C1835884
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of head or neck
- Wide nasal bridge
Wide nasal bridge
- MedGen UID: 341441
- Concept ID: C1849367
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of head or neck
- Blepharophimosis
- Abnormality of limbs
- Clubfoot
- MedGen UID: 3130
- Concept ID: C0009081
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of limbs
- Single transverse palmar crease
Single transverse palmar crease
- MedGen UID: 96108
- Concept ID: C0424731
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of limbs
- Clubfoot
- Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Aortic tortuosity
Aortic tortuosity
- MedGen UID: 870555
- Concept ID: C4025003
- Finding: Anatomical Abnormality
Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Ascending tubular aorta aneurysm
Ascending tubular aorta aneurysm
- MedGen UID: 163631
- Concept ID: C0856747
- Finding: Anatomical Abnormality
Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Atrial septal defect
Atrial septal defect
- MedGen UID: 6753
- Concept ID: C0018817
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure
- MedGen UID: 9169
- Concept ID: C0018802
- Finding: Disease or Syndrome
Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- MedGen UID: 2881
- Concept ID: C0007194
- Finding: Disease or Syndrome
Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Ventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect
- MedGen UID: 42366
- Concept ID: C0018818
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the cardiovascular system
- Aortic tortuosity
- Abnormality of the eye
- Cataract
- MedGen UID: 39462
- Concept ID: C0086543
- Finding: Disease or Syndrome
Abnormality of the eye
- Hypertelorism
- MedGen UID: 9373
- Concept ID: C0020534
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the eye
- Cataract
- Abnormality of the genitourinary system
- Bilateral cryptorchidism
Bilateral cryptorchidism
- MedGen UID: 96568
- Concept ID: C0431663
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the genitourinary system
- Cryptorchidism
- MedGen UID: 8192
- Concept ID: C0010417
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the genitourinary system
- Micropenis
- MedGen UID: 1633603
- Concept ID: C4551492
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the genitourinary system
- Bilateral cryptorchidism
- Abnormality of the integument
- Cutis laxa
Cutis laxa
- MedGen UID: 8206
- Concept ID: C0010495
- Finding: Disease or Syndrome
Abnormality of the integument
- Redundant skin
Redundant skin
- MedGen UID: 154379
- Concept ID: C0581342
- Finding: Pathologic Function
Abnormality of the integument
- Cutis laxa
- Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Camptodactyly
- MedGen UID: 195780
- Concept ID: C0685409
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
- MedGen UID: 1640560
- Concept ID: C4551649
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Hip dislocation
Hip dislocation
- MedGen UID: 42455
- Concept ID: C0019554
- Finding: Injury or Poisoning
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Hypotonia
- MedGen UID: 10133
- Concept ID: C0026827
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia
- MedGen UID: 6817
- Concept ID: C0019294
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Joint contracture
Joint contracture
- MedGen UID: 3228
- Concept ID: C0009918
- Finding: Anatomical Abnormality
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Kyphoscoliosis
- MedGen UID: 154361
- Concept ID: C0575158
- Finding: Anatomical Abnormality
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Reduced subcutaneous adipose tissue
Reduced subcutaneous adipose tissue
- MedGen UID: 387876
- Concept ID: C1857657
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Retrognathia
- MedGen UID: 19766
- Concept ID: C0035353
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Camptodactyly
- Abnormality of the nervous system
- Delayed speech and language development
Delayed speech and language development
- MedGen UID: 105318
- Concept ID: C0454644
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the nervous system
- Gliosis
- MedGen UID: 4899
- Concept ID: C0017639
- Finding: Pathologic Function
Abnormality of the nervous system
- Hypsarrhythmia
- MedGen UID: 195766
- Concept ID: C0684276
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the nervous system
- Motor delay
Motor delay
- MedGen UID: 381392
- Concept ID: C1854301
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the nervous system
- Seizure
- MedGen UID: 20693
- Concept ID: C0036572
- Finding: Sign or Symptom
Abnormality of the nervous system
- Thin corpus callosum
Thin corpus callosum
- MedGen UID: 1785336
- Concept ID: C5441562
- Finding: Anatomical Abnormality
Abnormality of the nervous system
- Ventriculomegaly
- MedGen UID: 480553
- Concept ID: C3278923
- Finding: Finding
Abnormality of the nervous system
- Delayed speech and language development
- Ear malformation
- Low-set ears
Low-set ears
- MedGen UID: 65980
- Concept ID: C0239234
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Ear malformation
- Macrotia
- MedGen UID: 488785
- Concept ID: C0152421
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Ear malformation
- Protruding ear
Protruding ear
- MedGen UID: 343309
- Concept ID: C1855285
- Finding: Finding
Ear malformation
- Simple ear
Simple ear
- MedGen UID: 140913
- Concept ID: C0431483
- Finding: Congenital Abnormality
Ear malformation
- Low-set ears
- Growth abnormality
- Disproportionate tall stature
Disproportionate tall stature
- MedGen UID: 323048
- Concept ID: C1836996
- Finding: Finding
Growth abnormality
- Failure to thrive
Failure to thrive
- MedGen UID: 746019
- Concept ID: C2315100
- Finding: Disease or Syndrome
Growth abnormality
- Disproportionate tall stature
IMPORTANT NOTE: NIH does not independently verify information submitted to the GTR; it relies on submitters to provide information that is accurate and not misleading. NIH makes no endorsements of tests or laboratories listed in the GTR. GTR is not a substitute for medical advice. Patients and consumers with specific questions about a genetic test should contact a health care provider or a genetics professional.