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GTR Home > Conditions/Phenotypes > Epilepsy, familial focal, with variable foci 1


Excerpted from the GeneReview: DEPDC5-Related Epilepsy
DEPDC5-related epilepsy encompasses a range of epilepsy syndromes, almost all of which are characterized by focal seizures, with seizure onset in a discrete area of the brain. While most individuals with DEPDC5-related epilepsy have a normal brain MRI, some have epilepsy associated with a cortical malformation, usually focal cortical dysplasia or hemimegalencephaly. Seizure syndromes include familial focal epilepsy with variable foci (FFEVF), autosomal dominant sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (ADSHE), familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsies (FMTLE), autosomal dominant epilepsy with auditory features (ADEAF), infantile spasms, and severe developmental encephalopathy. Although psychomotor development is usually normal, developmental delays, intellectual disability, or autism spectrum disorder have been reported in some individuals.

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  • Also known as: DEE111, DEP.5, FFEVF, FFEVF1, FPEVF, DEPDC5
    Summary: DEP domain containing 5, GATOR1 subcomplex subunit

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