Immunodeficiency-122 (IMD122) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of immunity characterized by early-infantile onset of recurrent viral and bacterial infections of the respiratory tract and skin. Laboratory studies show severely decreased CD3+ T cells particularly affecting naive T cells, impaired early TCR recombination with a restricted TCR repertoire, normal or low-normal B cells, and decreased or increased NK cells. Affected individuals have poor overall growth, global developmental delay with poor motor skills, impaired intellectual development, and poor or absent speech acquisition. More variable findings may include diffuse skin rash, erythroderma, sensorineural hearing loss, lymphadenopathy, dysmorphic facial features, and tooth abnormalities. Death in early childhood may occur (Mehawej et al., 2023; Riestra et al., 2024). [from OMIM]
Also known as: IMD122, P66, P68, PPP1R128, POLD3
Summary: DNA polymerase delta 3, accessory subunit
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