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ribosomal protein L20, putative

Name:ribosomal protein L20, putative

RefSeq Selected Product:EEC16122.1, 149 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:mites & ticks

Assembly Accessions:1

Protein Accessions:2

CDS Regions:2

Total Rows:2

 Source  CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
INSDC DS899714.1
32242-39442 (-)
EEC16122.1 ribosomal protein L20, putative Ixodes scapularis Wikel colony GCA_000208615.1
INSDC GKHW01002645.1
1-447 (+)
MDC7210268.1 putative 39s ribosomal protein l20 Ixodes scapularis

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