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Ras-related small GTP-binding family protein

Name:fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein

RefSeq Selected Product:WP_053462136.1, NaN amino acids

Taxonomic Group:eudicots

Assembly Accessions:

Protein Accessions:

CDS Regions:

Total Rows:NaN

 CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
RefSeq NZ_CAJCKH010000013.1
30302-32866 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii ME55 GCF_903970895.1
RefSeq NZ_CP061011.1
3748991-3751555 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii PI-27 GCF_029910515.1
RefSeq NZ_DALZSM010000243.1
1020-3584 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii GCF_032015225.1
RefSeq NZ_DAMAIX010000016.1
72697-75261 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii GCF_032002645.1
RefSeq NZ_DAMAYH010000092.1
3313-5877 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii GCF_032075605.1
RefSeq NZ_DAMCCM010000076.1
16190-18754 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii GCF_032058905.1
RefSeq NZ_DAMCPI010000030.1
31459-34023 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii GCF_032106545.1
RefSeq NZ_DAMCPP010000090.1
5803-8367 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii GCF_032106245.1
RefSeq NZ_FNFQ01000003.1
288692-291256 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii LMG 25348 GCF_900101175.1
RefSeq NZ_JAAKGL010000005.1
98699-101263 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii MHSD12 GCF_011043715.1
RefSeq NZ_JAJNOF010000011.1
110809-113373 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas sp. PI_27 PI_27 GCF_027854495.1
RefSeq NZ_JAMXIM010000139.1
30247-32811 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia SM1150 GCF_024007755.1
RefSeq NZ_JAMXIN010000003.1
31262-33826 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas sp. SG1 SG1 GCF_026191455.1
RefSeq NZ_JAPTFU010000013.1
41413-43977 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas sp. Sm3212 Sm3212 GCF_030985795.1
RefSeq NZ_JASJSK010000003.1
30336-32900 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas sepilia Smal10 GCF_030236925.1
RefSeq NZ_JAVSKM010000006.1
29237-31801 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii ism1 GCF_032025505.1
RefSeq NZ_JAVSKN010000003.1
189856-192420 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii ism2 GCF_032025445.1
RefSeq NZ_JAWIUL010000005.1
54061-56625 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii SMYL54 GCF_036318805.1
RefSeq NZ_JAWIUM010000016.1
110029-112593 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii SMYL83 GCF_036318785.1
RefSeq NZ_JAXUAD010000010.1
95654-98218 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii CCV130 GCF_034506555.1
RefSeq NZ_JBAWUK010000003.1
118416-120980 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia group sp. Smal12 Smal12 GCF_037079935.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQC010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C1 GCF_039681335.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQD010000007.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C13 GCF_039681395.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQE010000006.1
93541-96105 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C19 GCF_039681345.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQF010000006.1
93541-96105 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C2 GCF_039681315.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQG010000006.1
93541-96105 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C29 GCF_039681295.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQH010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C5 GCF_039681255.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQI010000007.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C6 GCF_039681235.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQJ010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C7 GCF_039681215.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQK010000006.1
93541-96105 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2C9 GCF_039681275.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQL010000006.1
93541-96105 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D1 GCF_039681195.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQM010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D10 GCF_039681155.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQN010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D11 GCF_039681135.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQO010000006.1
93715-96279 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D12 GCF_039681175.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQP010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D13 GCF_039681095.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQQ010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D15 GCF_039681055.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQR010000007.1
49613-52177 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D24 GCF_039681115.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQS010000006.1
199224-201788 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D28 GCF_039681035.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQT010000006.1
93541-96105 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D36 GCF_039681015.1
RefSeq NZ_JBDKQU010000006.1
93603-96167 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii 2D8 GCF_039680995.1
RefSeq NZ_JZIW01000001.1
2619170-2621734 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia ISMMS6 GCF_001275095.1
RefSeq NZ_LDJN01000007.1
30468-33032 (+)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii DSM 25135 GCF_001431565.1
RefSeq NZ_PPHR01000010.1
170266-172830 (-)
WP_053462136.1 fimbria/pilus outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii BWK1 GCF_002901405.1
INSDC LDJN01000007.1
30468-33032 (+)
KRG82277.1 fimbrial protein Stenotrophomonas pavanii DSM 25135 GCA_001431565.1
INSDC JADUMJ010000046.1
27401-29965 (-)
MBH1390256.1 fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia STEN00190 GCA_015996715.1
INSDC JADUKK010000004.1
67661-70225 (+)
MBH1520193.1 fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia STEN00158 GCA_015997345.1
INSDC JADUKQ010000018.1
26819-29383 (-)
MBH1542676.1 fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia STEN00147 GCA_015997455.1
INSDC JAFIWT010000006.1
50938-53502 (+)
MBN4982100.1 fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia STEN00256 GCA_017149875.1
INSDC JAFIXY010000018.1
30195-32759 (+)
MBN5108703.1 fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia STEN00221 GCA_017150535.1
INSDC JAFIYG010000011.1
30248-32812 (+)
MBN5150201.1 fimbrial biogenesis outer membrane usher protein Stenotrophomonas maltophilia STEN00213 GCA_017150685.1

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