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AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein

Name:AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein

RefSeq Selected Product:NP_188326.1, 302 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:eudicots

Assembly Accessions:8

Protein Accessions:12

CDS Regions:14

Total Rows:17

 CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
RefSeq NC_003074.8
5800460-5802303 (+)
NP_188326.1 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein Arabidopsis thaliana GCF_000001735.4
RefSeq NM_112577.3
189-1097 (+)
NP_188326.1 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein Arabidopsis thaliana
Swiss-Prot N/A Q9LSP6.1 B3 domain-containing protein At3g17010
INSDC CP002686.1
5800460-5802303 (+)
AEE75894.1 AP2/B3-like transcriptional factor family protein Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000001735.2
INSDC AB026636.1
32260-34103 (+)
BAA94979.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000211275.1
INSDC BA000014.8
5777710-5779553 (+)
BAA94979.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_000211275.1
INSDC AB493618.1
1-906 (+)
BAH30456.1 hypothetical protein Arabidopsis thaliana
INSDC CACSHJ010000089.1
5808163-5810006 (+)
CAA0382700.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_902705455.1
INSDC CM032915.1
5883127-5884970 (+)
KAG7625533.1 DNA-binding pseudobarrel domain superfamily Arabidopsis thaliana x Arabidopsis arenosa GCA_019202795.1
INSDC JAEFBK010000003.1
5883127-5884970 (+)
KAG7625533.1 DNA-binding pseudobarrel domain superfamily Arabidopsis thaliana x Arabidopsis arenosa GCA_019202795.1
INSDC CM032902.1
5847150-5848994 (+)
KAG7631544.1 B3 DNA binding domain Arabidopsis suecica GCA_019202805.1
INSDC JAEFBJ010000003.1
5847150-5848994 (+)
KAG7631544.1 B3 DNA binding domain Arabidopsis suecica GCA_019202805.1
INSDC CM004361.1
5849436-5851279 (+)
OAP07039.1 REM22 Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_001651475.1
INSDC LUHQ01000003.1
5849436-5851279 (+)
OAP07039.1 REM22 Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_001651475.1
INSDC CACRSJ010000106.1
5803471-5805312 (+)
VYS57643.1 unnamed protein product Arabidopsis thaliana GCA_902651935.1
PAT N/A QPU61997.1 Sequence 52329 from patent US 10696975
PAT N/A WFK94892.1 Sequence 52329 from patent US 11274312

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