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hypothetical protein

Name:hypothetical protein

RefSeq Selected Product:RYP15639.1, 589 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:ascomycete fungi

Assembly Accessions:3

Protein Accessions:3

CDS Regions:3

Total Rows:3

 Source  CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
INSDC QJNW01000580.1
7698-9619 (-)
RYP15639.1 hypothetical protein Monosporascus sp. MC13-8B MC13-8B GCA_004154975.1
INSDC QJNT01000389.1
7690-9611 (-)
RYO80128.1 hypothetical protein Monosporascus cannonballus CBS 586.93 GCA_004155895.1
INSDC QJNS01000025.1
34404-36325 (+)
RYO92615.1 hypothetical protein Monosporascus cannonballus CBS 609.92 GCA_004154925.1

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