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cytochrome c3 family protein

Name:periplasmic nitrate reductase, cytochrome c-type protein

RefSeq Selected Product:CUX37081.1, 233 amino acids

Taxonomic Group:a-proteobacteria

Assembly Accessions:36

Protein Accessions:36

CDS Regions:37

Total Rows:37

 CDS Region in Nucleotide  Protein  Name  Organism  Strain  Assembly
INSDC FBWF01000012.1
72393-73094 (-)
CUX37081.1 periplasmic nitrate reductase, cytochrome c-type protein Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. CFBP 5621 CFBP 5621 GCA_900012605.1
INSDC LT009728.1
496718-497419 (-)
CUX37081.1 periplasmic nitrate reductase, cytochrome c-type protein Agrobacterium tumefaciens str. CFBP 5621 CFBP 5621 GCA_900012605.1
INSDC ASXY01000035.1
33387-34088 (-)
EPR22477.1 cytochrome C Agrobacterium radiobacter DSM 30147 DSM 30147 GCA_000421945.1
INSDC VTZQ01000002.1
482713-483414 (-)
KAA1233083.1 cytochrome c3 family protein Agrobacterium tumefaciens 1D1526 GCA_008370655.1
INSDC VZPW01000011.1
65205-65906 (-)
KAB0456158.1 cytochrome c3 family protein Agrobacterium radiobacter CCUG 3354 GCA_008801385.1
INSDC JACIGN010000004.1
65049-65750 (-)
MBB4283150.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 410 GCA_014197895.1
INSDC JACIGS010000003.1
236189-236890 (-)
MBB4319842.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 435 GCA_014197995.1
INSDC JACIGU010000004.1
65049-65750 (-)
MBB4325071.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 437 GCA_014198065.1
INSDC JACIGT010000004.1
65775-66476 (-)
MBB4336847.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 436 GCA_014198055.1
INSDC JACIGZ010000003.1
86714-87415 (+)
MBB4407704.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 440 GCA_014198165.1
INSDC JACIHK010000003.1
86714-87415 (+)
MBB4453075.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 434 GCA_014198395.1
INSDC JACIHN010000004.1
66054-66755 (-)
MBB4458371.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 457 GCA_014198455.1
INSDC JACIHQ010000004.1
267388-268089 (+)
MBB4463178.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 462 GCA_014198505.1
INSDC JACIHL010000004.1
267388-268089 (+)
MBB4487272.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 441 GCA_014198435.1
INSDC JACIHP010000003.1
236188-236889 (-)
MBB4491770.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 461 GCA_014198495.1
INSDC JACIHS010000004.1
267388-268089 (+)
MBB4497206.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 464 GCA_014198555.1
INSDC JACIHV010000004.1
267388-268089 (+)
MBB4502484.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 472 GCA_014198595.1
INSDC JACIHX010000004.1
65049-65750 (-)
MBB4557005.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium radiobacter SEMIA 480 GCA_014198635.1
INSDC JAGIPE010000011.1
62993-63694 (+)
MBP2511155.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS1979 GCA_017877085.1
INSDC JAGIPD010000011.1
62993-63694 (+)
MBP2520381.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS1462 GCA_017877075.1
INSDC JAGIPO010000005.1
215163-215864 (+)
MBP2541732.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS2078 GCA_017877285.1
INSDC JAGIPM010000003.1
215136-215837 (+)
MBP2566209.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS1388 GCA_017877235.1
INSDC JAGIPI010000011.1
64860-65561 (-)
MBP2579037.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS1470 GCA_017877155.1
INSDC JAGIPF010000011.1
62993-63694 (+)
MBP2597343.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS1976 GCA_017877095.1
INSDC JALKFK010000002.1
504181-504882 (-)
MCP2136300.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Rhizobium sp. SLBN-94 SLBN-94 GCA_024170835.1
INSDC JAUSQO010000005.1
215137-215838 (+)
MDP9789636.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS1982 GCA_030811155.1
INSDC JAUSQN010000004.1
215138-215839 (+)
MDP9856451.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens DS2061 GCA_030811185.1
INSDC JAUSRC010000006.1
215170-215871 (+)
MDP9874931.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens CC68 GCA_030811615.1
INSDC JAUSSI010000006.1
215170-215871 (+)
MDP9979906.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens CC35 GCA_030812225.1
INSDC JAVDSW010000003.1
518401-519102 (-)
MDR6703963.1 cytochrome c-type protein NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens 1457 GCA_031455515.1
INSDC JBEGHW010000023.1
65205-65906 (-)
MEV5059380.1 cytochrome c3 family protein Agrobacterium radiobacter LRH13-1-1.1 GCA_040676355.1
INSDC JBEGHX010000002.1
1584712-1585413 (+)
MEW9538917.1 cytochrome c3 family protein Agrobacterium radiobacter LRC7O GCA_040801995.1
INSDC RCUP01005860.1
692-1393 (-)
MNU96569.1 Cytochrome c-type protein NapC compost metagenome GCA_003942165.1
INSDC NBZF01000019.1
6801-7502 (+)
OVE87242.1 cytochrome C Agrobacterium tumefaciens LMG 215 GCA_002179795.1
INSDC CP029045.1
1731297-1731998 (+)
QAB00391.1 cytochrome C Agrobacterium tumefaciens 183 GCA_004023565.1
INSDC SMCI01000012.1
66521-67222 (-)
TCV48885.1 periplasmic nitrate reductase subunit NapC Agrobacterium tumefaciens G9TT5 10_2 GCA_004342365.1
INSDC QERG01000006.1
17904-18605 (-)
TGE77377.1 cytochrome C Rhizobium sp. SEMIA 439 SEMIA 439 GCA_004766495.1
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