Psychological Techniques
Methods used in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral, personality, and mental disorders.
Year introduced: 1998
PubMed search builder options
Tree Number(s): E05.796, F04.669
MeSH Unique ID: D011580
Entry Terms:
- Technique, Psychological
- Techniques, Psychological
- Theoretical Techniques
- Techniques, Theoretical
- Technique, Theoretical
- Theoretical Technique
- Psychologic Technics
- Psychologic Technic
- Technic, Psychologic
- Technics, Psychologic
- Psychologic Techniques
- Psychologic Technique
- Technique, Psychologic
- Techniques, Psychologic
- Psychological Technic
- Psychological Technics
- Technic, Psychological
- Technics, Psychological
- Psychological Technique
- Theoretical Technics
- Technics, Theoretical
- Technic, Theoretical
- Theoretical Technic