Specific Pathogen-Free Organisms
Animals or humans raised in the absence of a particular disease-causing virus or other microorganism. Less frequently plants are cultivated pathogen-free.
Year introduced: 1993
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Tree Number(s): G06.320.676
MeSH Unique ID: D013047
Entry Terms:
- Organism, Specific Pathogen-Free
- Organisms, Specific Pathogen-Free
- Pathogen-Free Organism, Specific
- Pathogen-Free Organisms, Specific
- Specific Pathogen-Free Organism
- Specific Pathogen Free Organisms
- Pathogen-Free Organisms
- Organism, Pathogen-Free
- Organisms, Pathogen-Free
- Pathogen-Free Organism
- Pathogen Free Organisms
- Specific Pathogen Free
- Pathogen Free, Specific
- Pathogen Frees, Specific