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7e31a11.x1 NCI_CGAP_Lu24 Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:3284060 3', mRNA sequence

GenBank: BE670168.1

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       BE670168                 463 bp    mRNA    linear   EST 08-JAN-2011
DEFINITION  7e31a11.x1 NCI_CGAP_Lu24 Homo sapiens cDNA clone IMAGE:3284060 3',
            mRNA sequence.
VERSION     BE670168.1
DBLINK      BioSample: SAMN00156185
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 463)
  CONSRTM   NCI-CGAP http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ncicgap
  TITLE     National Cancer Institute, Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP),
            Tumor Gene Index
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
COMMENT     Contact: Robert Strausberg, Ph.D.
            Email: cgapbs-r@mail.nih.gov
            Tissue Procurement: Christopher Moskaluk, M.D., Ph.D., Michael R.
            Emmert-Buck, M.D., Ph.D.
             cDNA Library Preparation: M. Bento Soares, Ph.D.
             cDNA Library Arrayed by: Greg Lennon, Ph.D.
             DNA Sequencing by: Washington University Genome Sequencing Center
             Clone distribution: NCI-CGAP clone distribution information can be
            found through the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium/LLNL, send email to:
            Seq primer: -40UP from Gibco.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..463
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
                     /clone_lib="SAMN00156185 NCI_CGAP_Lu24"
                     /note="Organ: lung; Vector: pT7T3D-PacI; Plasmid DNA from
                     the normalized library NCI_CGAP_Lu5 was prepared, and ss
                     circles were made in vitro. Following HAP purification,
                     this DNA was used as tracer in a subtractive hybridization
                     reaction. The driver was PCR-amplified cDNAs from a pool
                     of 5,000 clones made from the same library (cloneIDs
                     1414920-1417991 and 1520904-1522439). Subtraction by Bento
                     Soares and M. Fatima Bonaldo."
        1 aatatagccg ctgccatagt tttctaactt gaacagccat gaatgtttca tgtctccctt
       61 tttttttgtc tatagctgtt acctatttta gtggttgaaa tgagagctag tgatgacaga
      121 aggatgtgga atgtcttctt gacatcattg tgtattgctg gtaatcaagt tggtaacgac
      181 tacttctagc agctcttacc actatgactt aagtggtcct ggaaggcagt aagtggaggt
      241 ttgcagcatt cctgccttca tgagggcttc taccactgac cactttgcac gtacctggct
      301 cccagattta cttaggtacc ccacgagttg tccacataag cagcttcatc tttaccttgc
      361 cagagttgac aattatggga tactctagtc tacttatact tgtgttacca tctgtctgcc
      421 atcctctgaa ggccgggacc cagtcataca tccttagaaa cca
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  • RefSeq mRNA
    See reference mRNA sequence for the PTCD3 gene (NM_017952.6).

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