LOCUS NM_009322 3977 bp mRNA linear ROD 14-FEB-2023
DEFINITION Mus musculus T-box brain transcription factor 1 (Tbr1), mRNA.
VERSION NM_009322.3
KEYWORDS RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE Mus musculus (house mouse)
ORGANISM Mus musculus
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus.
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TITLE A balance of noncanonical Semaphorin signaling from the
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JOURNAL Neuron 15 (1), 63-78 (1995)
PUBMED 7619531
COMMENT PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from AL845291.5.
[WARNING] On Mar 18, 2023 this sequence was replaced by
On Nov 17, 2006 this sequence version replaced NM_009322.2.
Sequence Note: The RefSeq transcript and protein were derived from
genomic sequence to make the sequence consistent with the reference
genome assembly. The genomic coordinates used for the transcript
record were based on alignments.
Publication Note: This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
record to access additional publications.
Transcript exon combination :: BC052737.1, U49251.1 [ECO:0000332]
RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns
SAMN01164131, SAMN01164132
RefSeq Select criteria :: based on conservation, expression,
longest protein
1-947 AL845291.5 178917-179863
948-1102 AL845291.5 180438-180592
1103-1224 AL845291.5 181096-181217
1225-1383 AL845291.5 181743-181901
1384-1445 AL845291.5 182963-183024
1446-3977 AL845291.5 186047-188578
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..3977
/organism="Mus musculus"
/map="2 35.56 cM"
gene 1..3977
/note="T-box brain transcription factor 1"
exon 1..947
misc_feature 172..174
/note="upstream in-frame stop codon"
CDS 256..2301
/note="TBR-1; TES-56; T-brain-1; T-box brain gene 1"
/product="T-box brain protein 1"
misc_feature 382..504
/note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2);
Region: Disordered. /evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
misc_feature 577..636
/note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2);
Region: Disordered. /evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
misc_feature 1477..1479
/evidence=ECO:0007744|PubMed:21183079; propagated from
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2); phosphorylation site"
misc_feature 1483..1485
/evidence=ECO:0007744|PubMed:21183079; propagated from
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2); phosphorylation site"
misc_feature 1594..1704
/note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2);
Region: Disordered. /evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
misc_feature 2035..2037
/evidence=ECO:0007744|PubMed:21183079; propagated from
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2); phosphorylation site"
misc_feature 2044..2220
/note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2);
Region: Disordered. /evidence=ECO:0000256|SAM:MobiDB-lite"
misc_feature 2173..2175
/evidence=ECO:0007744|PubMed:21183079; propagated from
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q64336.2); phosphorylation site"
exon 948..1102
exon 1103..1224
exon 1225..1383
exon 1384..1445
exon 1446..3977
1 cagctaacca atggcaagag ccgtttcatc ggctgcataa gcagcaagat caaaagtgag
61 ccttttctga ttgctgcata gtgtcaattg gccaatctct tctcccaggg aaaaaaaaaa
121 gtaaatcaaa cctttgagaa gcatttgctg gttgaagtgc tttctgtcta gtgaggggtc
181 tgtggattcc tagtgtatga taaacaggac tttaaaaccc agggacggga gggccagcgt
241 tcaggttcta gagctatgca gctggagcat tgcctctctc cttctatcat gctctccaag
301 aaatttctca atgtgagcag cagctaccca cattcgggcg gatctgagct tgtcttgcat
361 gatcatccca ttatctcgac cactgacaac ctggagagaa gttcaccttt gaaaaaaatt
421 accaggggga tgacgaatca gtcagataca gacaattttc ctgactccaa ggactcacca
481 ggggacgtcc agagaagtaa actctctcct gtcttggacg gggtctctga gcttcgtcac
541 agtttcgatg gctctgctgc agatcgttac ctactctctc agtccagcca gccacagtct
601 gcggccaccg ctcccagtgc catgttcccg taccccagcc agcacggacc ggcgcatccc
661 gccttctcca tcggcagccc cagtcgctac atggcccacc acccggtcat taccaacgga
721 gcttacaaca gcctgctgtc caactcttcg ccgcagggct accccacggc cggctacccc
781 tacccacagc agtacggcca ctcctaccaa ggagcccctt tctaccagtt ctcctccacc
841 cagcccgggt tggtgcccgg caaggcgcaa gtatacctgt gcaacaggcc actttggctg
901 aaatttcatc ggcatcaaac ggagatgatc atcactaaac agggaaggcg catgtttccc
961 tttttgagtt ttaacatttc tggtctcgat cccaccgctc attacaatat ttttgtggat
1021 gtgattttgg cggatcccaa tcactggagg tttcaaggag gcaaatgggt tccttgtggc
1081 aaagcggaca ccaatgtgca aggaaaccgg gtctatatgc atccggattc ccccaacact
1141 ggggctcact ggatgcggca agaaatctct tttggaaaat taaaacttac caacaacaag
1201 ggagcatcaa acaacaatgg gcagatggtg gttttacagt ccctgcacaa gtaccagccc
1261 cgtctgcacg tggtggaagt gaatgaggat ggcacagagg acaccagcca gccaggccga
1321 gtccagacgt tcacttttcc ggagactcag ttcatcgctg tcaccgccta ccagaacacg
1381 gatattacac aactaaaaat agatcataac ccctttgcaa aaggatttcg agataactat
1441 gacacgatct acacgggctg cgacatggac cgcttgaccc cgtcgcccaa cgactctccg
1501 cgctcgcaga tcgtgcccgg cgcccgctac gccatggccg gctctttcct gcaagaccag
1561 ttcgtgagca actacgccaa ggcccgcttc cacccgggcg ccggcgcggg tcccgggccg
1621 ggcacggacc gcagcgtgcc gcacaccaac gggctgctgt ccccgcagca ggccgaggac
1681 ccgggcgcgc cgtcgccgca gcgctggttc gtcacgccgg ccaacaaccg gctggacttc
1741 gcggcctcgg cctacgacac ggccacggac ttcgccggca acgcggccac gctgctgtcg
1801 tatgcggccg cgggcgtgaa ggcgctgccc ttgcaggccg cgggctgcac gggccgcccg
1861 ctcggctact acgccgaccc ttcgggctgg ggcgcgcgca gccccccgca gtactgcggc
1921 gccaagtcgg gctccgtgct cccctgctgg cccaacagcg ccgcggccgc cgcgcgcatg
1981 gccggcgcca acccctatct gggcgaggag gccgagggcc tggcggccga gcgctcgccg
2041 ctggcgcccg ccgccgagga cgccaagccc aaggacctgt ccgactccag ctggatcgag
2101 acgccctcct ccatcaaatc catcgactcc agcgactcgg ggatttacga gcaggccaag
2161 cggaggcgga tctcgccggc tgacacgccg gtgtctgaga gctcgtcccc gctcaagagc
2221 gaggtgctgg cccagcggga ctgcgagaag aactgcgcca aggacatagg cggctactat
2281 ggcttctact cgcacagcta ggccgccagc ccgctcgccc gcccgcccgt gcccccggcc
2341 ccccagctcg gccccacgtc ctccttccca ggcccgttct agcgcactcg ctctttcact
2401 tgaccctcga tgaccgtctg cggggataag tgcaggtctc tcactatgat tttaaaactc
2461 ttcttttttc tttctttctt tctctctaca cagccttctc tgcagttagc gcaccgacct
2521 tgaacctggc tgtaaacctt gtggttttcc aacttttcgt ctgtgaggtt atgatcctcc
2581 ctgtcttttt tccaccccct tctccttgcc ccactcatcc tctcctttct cttggaatga
2641 aactcttcaa ctttaggaga cctgggcaat cctgccaggc agcagcgatt ccgacccgcc
2701 ttgtcttggc ctccctattt aaccatagga tgttgactct agaacctgca cccacccagc
2761 gcgtcctttc ttatacccga gtggatggat ggatggatgg atggatggta gggatgttaa
2821 tacttttagt ggaacaaagc ctgtgaaatg attgtatata gtgttaattt attgtaacga
2881 atggctagtt tttattctca ttgtcaaggc acaaaaccag ttcacgctta actttttatt
2941 cctttccttt cttctccttt tctttttctc ctctcattct ttctcttctc ccacaccctt
3001 tgttttcttg tgagttatta aagatattct aagaggctct ggaaacacga agcacttcat
3061 agtggtggct ttctcacttc tcagttcgtt gcatgatgta accactgtgt gccctggtgc
3121 acacaatgta gctaaggaga atccacctga acacctgtaa aagctagttg tctgttccta
3181 ggcgagtcga gtaagtgaca cgatgcctgc caggcggact taactggagt tctatgtgtt
3241 tctcccttcc ttctaaatgg aatggcccca catcagcaat attattttgc cttatttgtt
3301 tttccccaaa gtgccaaatc cattactggt ctgtgcaggt gccaaatatg ctgataaact
3361 gtttctgact atcttttcag accccactcc acctttatat gctgtaaatc tttgtaatga
3421 gtaatctact aatgatatag atgactgaat tgttggtaac tatagtgtag tctagtgaag
3481 atgaattgtg tgagttgtat attttactgc attttagttt gaaaaacgat tcccccacca
3541 cttagagaca gctgaaattt gactttcttg ggaaaacact agcattattg caagtaagac
3601 tgattccccc caagtcttgt tatatttgat aaggagcatt aatccccctg gaaatagatt
3661 agtaggattt ctaatgttgt gtagcaaact tatacttttt ttgtacttta aaatcaatgt
3721 gaaatatgca tcatacacaa tattcaatct agattccagt ctatgggggg atttgtccta
3781 ataggaattc agggtctaaa cgtgggtata ctttggctct cctgtaaatc aaatgttgtg
3841 attttttata tttgttttgt tttgtctgtg aattgaataa tttatacaag tacacactcc
3901 actgagaatc gttttgtttt ctgctcgttt gtatcgtctg tgtataacaa gtaaaataaa
3961 tctggtaaaa tgctaaa