LOCUS HUMYQ84F05 675 bp mRNA linear PRI 04-AUG-1998
DEFINITION Homo sapiens full length insert cDNA YQ84F05.
VERSION AF075086.1
SOURCE Homo sapiens (human)
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 675)
AUTHORS Woessner,J., Tan,F., Marra,M., Kucaba,T., Yandell,M., Martin,J.,
Marth,G., Bowles,L., Wylie,T., Bowers,Y., Steptoe,M., Theising,B.,
Geisel,S., Allen,M., Underwood,K., Chappell,J., Person,B.,
Gibbons,M., Harvey,N., Pape,D., Chamberlain,A., Morales,R.,
Schurk,R., Ritter,E., Kohn,S., Swaller,T., Behymer,K., Hillier,L.,
Wilson,R. and Waterston,R.
TITLE Full Clone Sequencing of the Longest Available Member from Each
Unigene Cluster
JOURNAL Unpublished
REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 675)
AUTHORS Waterston,R.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (30-JUN-1998) Department of Genetics, Washington
University, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63108, USA
Genome Sequencing Center
Department of Genetics
Washington University
St. Louis MO 63108, USA
NOTICE: This sequence represents the full insert of this cDNA. No
attempt has been made to verify whether this corresponds to the
full-length of the original mRNA from which it was derived. We
have tried to obtain double-stranded, or double chemistry sequence
across the entire clone, but potentially, there are areas in the
sequence where this level of coverage was not achieved.
Nevertheless, we are confident of the accuracy of this sequence as
all regions of low quality, as defined by PHRAP (P. Green, in
preparation), were visually inspected and edited accordingly. The
consensus quality values for this sequence have been submitted
The location of this clone is unknown.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..675
/organism="Homo sapiens"
repeat_region 26..242
repeat_region 252..545
1 ggatttcacc atgttaggca ggatggtctt gatctcctaa cctcgtgatc cacccacctc
61 ggcctcccag agtgctggga ttacaggcgt gagccactgt gcctggccaa tttttttttt
121 tttttaaaga gacagagtct cactttgttg cccaggctgg tcttgaactc ctgggctcaa
181 gtaatcctcc tgccttggcc tcgcaaagta ctgggattac aggtgtgagc caccacaccc
241 gggctctgtg atttgtttgt tttttgagat ggagtctcgc actgtcatcc aggctggagt
301 gcaatggtgc aatctccgct cactgcaaac tccgcctccc tggctcaagt gattctcctg
361 cctcagcctc ccgagtagct gggattacag gcacatgcca atgcgccaag ctaatttttg
421 tatttttagt agaaacgggg tttcaccatg ttgcctgggc tggtcttgaa ttcctgacct
481 caggtgatac ttgcctcgcc ctcccaaagt gcttggatta caggcgtgag ccagtgcgcc
541 cagccgcctc tgtgattttt taaattgtgt cactcacact aaatttaaca gcaatttttt
601 tgataactca ttttttttgt agtctttcca gaacattaaa cttagttttc atagaaattg
661 caattctctt tgtat