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Clostridioides difficile strain Bel016, whole genome shotgun sequencing project

GenBank: CAAJNY000000000.1

  • This entry is the master record for a whole genome shotgun sequencing project and contains no sequence data.

LOCUS       CAAJNY010000000          160 rc    DNA     linear   BCT 08-MAY-2019
DEFINITION  Clostridioides difficile strain Bel016, whole genome shotgun
            sequencing project.
VERSION     CAAJNY000000000.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJEB2103
            BioSample: SAMEA742868
SOURCE      Clostridioides difficile (Clostridium difficile)
  ORGANISM  Clostridioides difficile
            Bacteria; Bacillati; Bacillota; Clostridia; Peptostreptococcales;
            Peptostreptococcaceae; Clostridioides.
  CONSRTM   Pathogen Informatics
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (11-APR-2019) WTSI, Pathogen Informatics, Wellcome Trust
            Sanger Institute, CB10 1SA, United Kingdom
COMMENT     The Clostridioides difficile whole genome shotgun (WGS) project has
            the project accession CAAJNY000000000.  This version of the project
            (01) has the accession number CAAJNY010000000, and consists of
            sequences CAAJNY010000001-CAAJNY010000160.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..160
                     /organism="Clostridioides difficile"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /serovar="not available"
                     /isolation_source="not available"
WGS         CAAJNY010000001-CAAJNY010000160
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