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MAG: Opitutaceae bacterium isolate ME2018-08-14_3300043803_group8_bin143, whole genome shotgun sequencing project

GenBank: JBILVA000000000.1

  • This entry is the master record for a whole genome shotgun sequencing project and contains no sequence data.

LOCUS       JBILVA010000000         1271 rc    DNA     linear   ENV 04-NOV-2024
DEFINITION  MAG: Opitutaceae bacterium isolate
            ME2018-08-14_3300043803_group8_bin143, whole genome shotgun
            sequencing project.
VERSION     JBILVA000000000.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA1158976
            BioSample: SAMN43900460
            Sequence Read Archive: SRR27428743
KEYWORDS    WGS; ENV; Metagenome Assembled Genome; MAG.
SOURCE      Opitutaceae bacterium (lake water metagenome)
  ORGANISM  Opitutaceae bacterium
            Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Verrucomicrobiota; Opitutia; Opitutales;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1271)
  AUTHORS   Rohwer,R.R., Kirkpatrick,M., Garcia,S.L., Kellom,M., McMahon,K.D.
            and Baker,B.J.
  TITLE     Bacterial ecology and evolution converge on seasonal and decadal
  JOURNAL   bioRxiv (2024)
   PUBMED   38370794
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1271)
  AUTHORS   Rohwer,R., Mcmahon,K.D. and Baker,B.J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (24-SEP-2024) Integrative Biology, The University of
            Texas at Austin, 2415 Speedway, Room 651, Austin, TX 78712, USA
COMMENT     The Opitutaceae bacterium whole genome shotgun (WGS) project has
            the project accession JBILVA000000000.  This version of the project
            (01) has the accession number JBILVA010000000, and consists of
            sequences JBILVA010000001-JBILVA010001271.
            Assembly Method        :: SPAdes v. 3.14.1
            Genome Representation  :: Full
            Expected Final Version :: Yes
            Genome Coverage        :: 8.987642x
            Sequencing Technology  :: Illumina NovaSeq
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1271
                     /organism="Opitutaceae bacterium"
                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
                     /isolation_source="lake water"
                     /geo_loc_name="USA: Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin"
                     /lat_lon="43.100729 N 89.404455 W"
                     /metagenome_source="lake water metagenome"
WGS         JBILVA010000001-JBILVA010001271
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