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Bovine alternative growth hormone mRNA, exon 4, and the boundaries of the normally excised intron D

GenBank: M16253.1

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LOCUS       BOVGHWT                  579 bp    mRNA    linear   MAM 19-APR-1994
DEFINITION  Bovine alternative growth hormone mRNA, exon 4, and the boundaries
            of the normally excised intron D.
VERSION     M16253.1
KEYWORDS    alternative splicing; growth hormone.
SOURCE      Bos taurus (domestic cattle)
  ORGANISM  Bos taurus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Laurasiatheria; Artiodactyla; Ruminantia;
            Pecora; Bovidae; Bovinae; Bos.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 579)
  AUTHORS   Hampson,R.K. and Rottman,F.M.
  TITLE     Alternative processing of bovine growth hormone mRNA: nonsplicing
            of the final intron predicts a high molecular weight variant of
            bovine growth hormone
  JOURNAL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84 (9), 2673-2677 (1987)
   PUBMED   3472230
COMMENT     Original source text: Bovine pituitary, cDNA to mRNA.
            For the sake of clarity, the intron for the wild type growth
            hormone is indicated in the FEATURES table, even though this
            sequence is an mRNA of a growth hormone which contains intron D as
            part of its coding region.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..579
                     /organism="Bos taurus"
     prim_transcript <1..579
                     /note="GH mRNA and intron"
     CDS             join(<1..3,278..478)
                     /note="growth hormone (wt)"
     CDS             <1..330
                     /note="growth hormone (alt.)"
     exon            <1..3
                     /note="growth hormone (wt)"
     exon            <1..3
                     /note="growth hormone (wt), exon 4 (AA at 1); putative"
     intron          4..277
                     /note="GH intron"
     exon            278..>478
                     /note="growth hormone (wt)"
ORIGIN      Unreported.
        1 ccggtgggga tggcgttgtg ggtcccttcc atgctggggg ccatgcccgc cctctcctgg
       61 cttagccagg agaatgcacg tgggcttggg gagacagatc cctgctctct ccctctttct
      121 agcagtccag ccttgaccca ggggaaacct tttccccttt ggaaacctcc ttcctcgccc
      181 ttctccaagc ctgtagggga gggtggaaaa tggagcgggc aggaggcagc tgctcctgag
      241 ggcccttcgg cctctctgtc tctccctccc ttggcaggag ctgcaagatg gcaccccccg
      301 ggctgggcag atcctcaagc agacctatga caaatttgac acaaacatgc gcagtgacga
      361 cgcgctgctc aagaactacg ctctgctctc ctgcttccgg aacgacctgc ataagacgga
      421 gacgtacctg agggtcatga agtgccgccg cttcggggag gccagctgtg ccttctagtt
      481 gccagccatc tgttgtttgc ccctcccccg tgccttcctt gaccctggaa ggtgccactc
      541 ccactgtcct ttcctaataa aatgaggaaa ttgcatcgc
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