LOCUS NM_001127553 1054 bp mRNA linear ROD 05-APR-2023
DEFINITION Rattus norvegicus ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein
(Uqcrb), mRNA.
ACCESSION NM_001127553 XM_001057294 XM_343225
VERSION NM_001127553.2
KEYWORDS RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
ORGANISM Rattus norvegicus
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus.
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COMMENT VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
CB783276.1, BC166882.1, AW918593.1 and AI556015.1.
On Sep 6, 2008 this sequence version replaced NM_001127553.1.
Transcript exon combination :: CB783276.1, BP482576.1 [ECO:0000332]
RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns
SAMN06621351, SAMN11044071
gene product(s) localized to mito. :: inferred from homology
RefSeq Select criteria :: based on single
protein-coding transcript
1-15 CB783276.1 1-15
16-490 BC166882.1 1-475
491-1031 AW918593.1 103-643
1032-1054 AI556015.1 1-23 c
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1054
/organism="Rattus norvegicus"
gene 1..1054
/note="ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein"
exon 1..42
misc_feature 15..17
/note="upstream in-frame stop codon"
CDS 24..359
/product="cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 7"
exon 43..114
exon 115..281
exon 282..1042
1 cagctctcta ctcttaggtc aaaatggcgg gccgacctgc agttgcagca tcaagcaagt
61 ggctggatgg tttccggaag tggtattata atgcagcggg cttcaataaa ctggggttaa
121 tgcgagatga cacaatgcat gaaactgaag atgtaaaaga agccataaga aggctgcctg
181 agaaccttta taatgacaga atgtttcgaa ttaagagagc cctagacctg tctatgcggc
241 atcagatctt gcctaaggat cagtggacaa aatatgagga ggacaaattc taccttgaac
301 cctatctgaa agaggttatt cgggaaagaa aggagagaga agagtgggcg aagaagtgat
361 cgtgtagtta agatctgtgg gtgcgcctgg tctcacccta ttttatgaca ttgtttcaac
421 ctgaatcaca acttaagaat catttgctct acacatgcct cactttaaat aaatgtctat
481 tataaccgtt gttggactat ttgaatccaa ttcaaacttt tactctcata attactatta
541 tcatttttat gacacaaatt ttttccagat ttctaagata tttttagttg ctgcttaact
601 ggagatgaca ggagctgctt taatcatctc ttcatggcta tataactatc cagcttactg
661 aaagatgcag cactttatac aagctgaata gtaggcttta gattcccttt ctgggctcct
721 gggaagtcat agcaaggcct gtacaggtgt gagatgaggg attaggcaac cagcactgaa
781 cagttgggcc atcagctttc agagtgactg atggaaggaa gggaacattt accccaggtt
841 agttacccag gacccgagac acagcctttc agaacattgc tctctaccta gatttatttt
901 gcatttagga aaagtctgta ttccattatg ggcttatgta acttacctat gtatgtgcag
961 gtgcatgtgc tcctatgcta atcagtaatg aataaataag taataaatct ggcatgagga
1021 aaacaacaga gaaaaacaca aaaaaaaaaa aaaa