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Homo sapiens olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily E member 1 (OR51E1), mRNA

NCBI Reference Sequence: NM_152430.4

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       NM_152430               3050 bp    mRNA    linear   PRI 26-OCT-2024
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily E member 1
            (OR51E1), mRNA.
VERSION     NM_152430.4
KEYWORDS    RefSeq; MANE Select.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Wei,J., Zhang,H., Ma,X., Li,Y., Zhou,W., Guo,J., Jin,T. and Hu,M.
  TITLE     Effect of OR51E1 single nucleotide polymorphisms on glioma
            susceptibility in the Chinese Han population
  JOURNAL   Gene 875, 147489 (2023)
   PUBMED   37207826
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Effect of OR51E1 single nucleotide polymorphisms on glioma
            susceptibility in the Chinese Han population.
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Pronin,A. and Slepak,V.
  TITLE     Ectopically expressed olfactory receptors OR51E1 and OR51E2
            suppress proliferation and promote cell death in a prostate cancer
            cell line
  JOURNAL   J Biol Chem 296, 100475 (2021)
   PUBMED   33640452
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Ectopically expressed olfactory receptors OR51E1 and
            OR51E2 suppress proliferation and promote cell death in a prostate
            cancer cell line.
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Luck,K., Kim,D.K., Lambourne,L., Spirohn,K., Begg,B.E., Bian,W.,
            Brignall,R., Cafarelli,T., Campos-Laborie,F.J., Charloteaux,B.,
            Choi,D., Cote,A.G., Daley,M., Deimling,S., Desbuleux,A., Dricot,A.,
            Gebbia,M., Hardy,M.F., Kishore,N., Knapp,J.J., Kovacs,I.A.,
            Lemmens,I., Mee,M.W., Mellor,J.C., Pollis,C., Pons,C.,
            Richardson,A.D., Schlabach,S., Teeking,B., Yadav,A., Babor,M.,
            Balcha,D., Basha,O., Bowman-Colin,C., Chin,S.F., Choi,S.G.,
            Colabella,C., Coppin,G., D'Amata,C., De Ridder,D., De Rouck,S.,
            Duran-Frigola,M., Ennajdaoui,H., Goebels,F., Goehring,L., Gopal,A.,
            Haddad,G., Hatchi,E., Helmy,M., Jacob,Y., Kassa,Y., Landini,S.,
            Li,R., van Lieshout,N., MacWilliams,A., Markey,D., Paulson,J.N.,
            Rangarajan,S., Rasla,J., Rayhan,A., Rolland,T., San-Miguel,A.,
            Shen,Y., Sheykhkarimli,D., Sheynkman,G.M., Simonovsky,E., Tasan,M.,
            Tejeda,A., Tropepe,V., Twizere,J.C., Wang,Y., Weatheritt,R.J.,
            Weile,J., Xia,Y., Yang,X., Yeger-Lotem,E., Zhong,Q., Aloy,P.,
            Bader,G.D., De Las Rivas,J., Gaudet,S., Hao,T., Rak,J.,
            Tavernier,J., Hill,D.E., Vidal,M., Roth,F.P. and Calderwood,M.A.
  TITLE     A reference map of the human binary protein interactome
  JOURNAL   Nature 580 (7803), 402-408 (2020)
   PUBMED   32296183
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Jovancevic,N., Dendorfer,A., Matzkies,M., Kovarova,M.,
            Heckmann,J.C., Osterloh,M., Boehm,M., Weber,L., Nguemo,F.,
            Semmler,J., Hescheler,J., Milting,H., Schleicher,E., Gelis,L. and
  TITLE     Medium-chain fatty acids modulate myocardial function via a cardiac
            odorant receptor
  JOURNAL   Basic Res Cardiol 112 (2), 13 (2017)
   PUBMED   28116519
  REMARK    GeneRIF: These findings indicate that OR51E1 may play a role as
            metabolic regulator of cardiac function
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Massberg,D., Jovancevic,N., Offermann,A., Simon,A., Baniahmad,A.,
            Perner,S., Pungsrinont,T., Luko,K., Philippou,S., Ubrig,B.,
            Heiland,M., Weber,L., Altmuller,J., Becker,C., Gisselmann,G.,
            Gelis,L. and Hatt,H.
  TITLE     The activation of OR51E1 causes growth suppression of human
            prostate cancer cells
  JOURNAL   Oncotarget 7 (30), 48231-48249 (2016)
   PUBMED   27374083
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Results suggest the involvement of OR51E1 in growth
            processes of PCa cells and its impact on AR-mediated signaling.
            These findings provide novel evidences to support the functional
            importance of ORs in PCa pathogenesis.
REFERENCE   6  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Weng,J., Wang,J., Hu,X., Wang,F., Ittmann,M. and Liu,M.
  TITLE     PSGR2, a novel G-protein coupled receptor, is overexpressed in
            human prostate cancer
  JOURNAL   Int J Cancer 118 (6), 1471-1480 (2006)
   PUBMED   16206286
  REMARK    GeneRIF: Results suggest that PSGR2 may be useful as a tissue
            marker and molecular target for the early detection and treatment
            of human prostate cancers.
REFERENCE   7  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Weigle,B., Fuessel,S., Ebner,R., Temme,A., Schmitz,M., Schwind,S.,
            Kiessling,A., Rieger,M.A., Meye,A., Bachmann,M., Wirth,M.P. and
  TITLE     D-GPCR: a novel putative G protein-coupled receptor overexpressed
            in prostate cancer and prostate
  JOURNAL   Biochem Biophys Res Commun 322 (1), 239-249 (2004)
   PUBMED   15313197
REFERENCE   8  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Malnic,B., Godfrey,P.A. and Buck,L.B.
  TITLE     The human olfactory receptor gene family
  JOURNAL   Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101 (8), 2584-2589 (2004)
   PUBMED   14983052
  REMARK    Erratum:[Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 May 4;101(18):7205]
REFERENCE   9  (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Vanti,W.B., Nguyen,T., Cheng,R., Lynch,K.R., George,S.R. and
  TITLE     Novel human G-protein-coupled receptors
  JOURNAL   Biochem Biophys Res Commun 305 (1), 67-71 (2003)
   PUBMED   12732197
  REMARK    GeneRIF: This publication uses 'GPR136' as a name for this gene.
REFERENCE   10 (bases 1 to 3050)
  AUTHORS   Adams,M.D., Kerlavage,A.R., Fleischmann,R.D., Fuldner,R.A.,
            Bult,C.J., Lee,N.H., Kirkness,E.F., Weinstock,K.G., Gocayne,J.D.,
            White,O. et al.
  TITLE     Initial assessment of human gene diversity and expression patterns
            based upon 83 million nucleotides of cDNA sequence
  JOURNAL   Nature 377 (6547 Suppl), 3-174 (1995)
   PUBMED   7566098
COMMENT     VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
            preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
            BC022401.1, AC090719.8 and AL833127.1.
            On Nov 23, 2018 this sequence version replaced NM_152430.3.
            Summary: Olfactory receptors interact with odorant molecules in the
            nose, to initiate a neuronal response that triggers the perception
            of a smell. The olfactory receptor proteins are members of a large
            family of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) arising from single
            coding-exon genes. Olfactory receptors share a 7-transmembrane
            domain structure with many neurotransmitter and hormone receptors
            and are responsible for the recognition and G protein-mediated
            transduction of odorant signals. The olfactory receptor gene family
            is the largest in the genome. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].
            Sequence Note: This RefSeq record was created from transcript and
            genomic sequence data to make the sequence consistent with the
            reference genome assembly. The genomic coordinates used for the
            transcript record were based on transcript alignments.
            Publication Note:  This RefSeq record includes a subset of the
            publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene
            record to access additional publications.
            Transcript exon combination :: SRR1660807.64857.1, AL833127.1
            RNAseq introns              :: single sample supports all introns
                                           SAMEA1968189, SAMEA1968540
            MANE Ensembl match     :: ENST00000396952.6/ ENSP00000380155.5
            RefSeq Select criteria :: based on single protein-coding transcript
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
            1-1139              BC022401.1         57-1195
            1140-3046           AC090719.8         53352-55258         c
            3047-3050           AL833127.1         3048-3051
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..3050
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
     gene            1..3050
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="olfactory receptor family 51 subfamily E member 1"
     exon            1..49
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
     exon            50..3050
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
     CDS             89..1045
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="olfactory receptor, family 52, subfamily A, member
                     3 pseudogene; olfactory receptor, family 51, subfamily E,
                     member 1 pseudogene; Dresden-G-protein-coupled receptor;
                     prostate overexpressed G protein-coupled receptor;
                     olfactory receptor OR11-15; olfactory receptor 52A3;
                     G-protein coupled receptor 164; prostate-specific G
                     protein-coupled receptor 2"
                     /product="olfactory receptor 51E1"
     misc_feature    110..112
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2); glycosylation site"
     misc_feature    182..244
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2);
                     transmembrane region"
     misc_feature    269..331
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2);
                     transmembrane region"
     misc_feature    359..361
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine.
                     /evidence=ECO:0000255; propagated from
                     UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2); glycosylation site"
     misc_feature    389..457
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2);
                     transmembrane region"
     misc_feature    524..586
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2);
                     transmembrane region"
     misc_feature    683..745
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2);
                     transmembrane region"
     misc_feature    806..868
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2);
                     transmembrane region"
     misc_feature    914..976
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="propagated from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (Q8TCB6.2);
                     transmembrane region"
     regulatory      3019..3024
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="hexamer: AATAAA"
     polyA_site      3050
                     /gene_synonym="D-GPCR; DGPCR; GPR136; GPR164; OR51E1P;
                     OR52A3P; POGR; PSGR2"
                     /note="major polyA site"
        1 ggaggaagac tggacaaagg gggtcacaca ttccttccat acggttgagc ctctacctgc
       61 ctggtgctgg tcacagttca gcttcttcat gatggtggat cccaatggca atgaatccag
      121 tgctacatac ttcatcctaa taggcctccc tggtttagaa gaggctcagt tctggttggc
      181 cttcccattg tgctccctct accttattgc tgtgctaggt aacttgacaa tcatctacat
      241 tgtgcggact gagcacagcc tgcatgagcc catgtatata tttctttgca tgctttcagg
      301 cattgacatc ctcatctcca cctcatccat gcccaaaatg ctggccatct tctggttcaa
      361 ttccactacc atccagtttg atgcttgtct gctacagatg tttgccatcc actccttatc
      421 tggcatggaa tccacagtgc tgctggccat ggcttttgac cgctatgtgg ccatctgtca
      481 cccactgcgc catgccacag tacttacgtt gcctcgtgtc accaaaattg gtgtggctgc
      541 tgtggtgcgg ggggctgcac tgatggcacc ccttcctgtc ttcatcaagc agctgccctt
      601 ctgccgctcc aatatccttt cccattccta ctgcctacac caagatgtca tgaagctggc
      661 ctgtgatgat atccgggtca atgtcgtcta tggccttatc gtcatcatct ccgccattgg
      721 cctggactca cttctcatct ccttctcata tctgcttatt cttaagactg tgttgggctt
      781 gacacgtgaa gcccaggcca aggcatttgg cacttgcgtc tctcatgtgt gtgctgtgtt
      841 catattctat gtacctttca ttggattgtc catggtgcat cgctttagca agcggcgtga
      901 ctctccgctg cccgtcatct tggccaatat ctatctgctg gttcctcctg tgctcaaccc
      961 aattgtctat ggagtgaaga caaaggagat tcgacagcgc atccttcgac ttttccatgt
     1021 ggccacacac gcttcagagc cctaggtgtc agtgatcaaa cttcttttcc attcagagtc
     1081 ctctgattca gattttaatg ttaacatttt ggaagacagt attcagaaaa aaaatttcct
     1141 taataaaaat acaactcaga tccttcaaat atgaaactgg ttggggaatc tccatttttt
     1201 caatattatt ttcttctttg ttttcttgct acatataatt attaataccc tgactaggtt
     1261 gtggttggag ggttattact tttcatttta ccatgcagtc caaatctaaa ctgcttctac
     1321 tgatggttta cagcattctg agataagaat ggtacatcta gagaacattt gccaaaggcc
     1381 taagcacggc aaaggaaaat aaacacagaa tataataaaa tgagataatc tagcttaaaa
     1441 ctataacttc ctcttcagaa ctcccaacca cattggatct cagaaaaatg ctgtcttcaa
     1501 aatgacttct acagagaaga aataattttt cctctggaca ctagcactta aggggaagat
     1561 tggaagtaaa gccttgaaaa gagtacattt acctacgtta atgaaagttg acacactgtt
     1621 ctgagagttt tcacagcata tggaccctgt ttttcctatt taattttctt atcaaccctt
     1681 taattaggca aagatattat tagtaccctc attgtagcca tgggaaaatt gatgttcagt
     1741 ggggatcagt gaattaaatg gggtcataca agtataaaaa ttaaaaaaaa aagacttcat
     1801 gcccaatctc atatgatgtg gaagaactgt tagagagacc aacagggtag tgggttagag
     1861 atttccagag tcttacattt tctagaggag gtatttaatt tcttctcact catccagtgt
     1921 tgtatttagg aatttcctgg caacagaact catggcttta atcccactag ctattgctta
     1981 ttgtcctggt ccaattgcca attacctgtg tcttggaaga agtgatttct aggttcacca
     2041 ttatggaaga ttcttattca gaaagtctgc atagggctta tagcaagtta tttattttta
     2101 aaagttccat aggtgattct gataggcagt gaggttaggg agccaccagt tatgatggga
     2161 agtatggaat ggcaggtctt gaagataaca ttggcctttt gagtgtgact cgtagctgga
     2221 aagtgaggga atcttcagga ccatgcttta tttggggctt tgtgcagtat ggaacaggga
     2281 ctttgagacc aggaaagcaa tctgacttag gcatgggaat caggcatttt tgcttctgag
     2341 gggctattac caagggttaa taggtttcat cttcaacagg atatgacaac agtgttaacc
     2401 aagaaactca aattacaaat actaaaacat gtgatcatat atgtggtaag tttcattttc
     2461 tttttcaatc ctcaggttcc ctgatatgga ttcctataac atgctttcat ccccttttgt
     2521 aatggatatc atatttggaa atgcctattt aatacttgta tttgctgctg gactgtaagc
     2581 ccatgagggc actgtttatt attgaatgtc atctctgttc atcattgact gctctttgct
     2641 catcattgaa tcccccagca aagtgcctag aacataatag tgcttatgct tgacaccggt
     2701 tatttttcat caaacctgat tccttctgtc ctgaacacat agccaggcaa ttttccagcc
     2761 ttctttgagt tgggtattat taaattctgg ccattacttc caatgtgagt ggaagtgaca
     2821 tgtgcaattt ctatacctgg ctcataaaac cctcccatgt gcagcctttc atgttgacat
     2881 taaatgtgac ttgggaagct atgtgttaca cagagtaaat caccagaagc ctggatttct
     2941 gaaaaaactg tgcagagcca aacctctgtc atttgcaact cccacttgta tttgtacgag
     3001 gcagttggat aagtgaaaaa taaagtacta ttgtgtcaag tctctgaaaa
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