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Homo sapiens small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14C (SNORD14C), small nucleolar RNA

NCBI Reference Sequence: NR_001453.2

FASTA Graphics 

LOCUS       NR_001453                 88 bp    RNA     linear   PRI 04-SEP-2020
DEFINITION  Homo sapiens small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14C (SNORD14C), small
            nucleolar RNA.
VERSION     NR_001453.2
SOURCE      Homo sapiens (human)
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini;
            Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 88)
  AUTHORS   Rensing SA and Maier UG.
  TITLE     Phylogenetic analysis of the stress-70 protein family
  JOURNAL   J. Mol. Evol. 39 (1), 80-86 (1994)
   PUBMED   7545947
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 88)
  AUTHORS   Liu J and Maxwell ES.
  TITLE     Mouse U14 snRNA is encoded in an intron of the mouse cognate hsc70
            heat shock gene
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 18 (22), 6565-6571 (1990)
   PUBMED   2251119
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 88)
  AUTHORS   Dworniczak,B. and Mirault,M.E.
  TITLE     Structure and expression of a human gene coding for a 71 kd heat
            shock 'cognate' protein
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 15 (13), 5181-5197 (1987)
   PUBMED   3037489
COMMENT     VALIDATED REFSEQ: This record has undergone validation or
            preliminary review. The reference sequence was derived from
            On Aug 5, 2009 this sequence version replaced NR_001453.1.
            1-88                Y00371.1           2943-3030
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..88
                     /organism="Homo sapiens"
                     /mol_type="transcribed RNA"
     gene            1..88
                     /note="small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14C"
     ncRNA           1..88
                     /product="small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14C"
     exon            1..88
        1 tcgctgtgat gagtgattgt taaacattcg tagtttccac caaaagcttg gctaatgatg
       61 gcaacacctt ccttggatgt ctgagcga
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